Chapter 12: A Summer Vacation I
It was really hot this summer.
And we have all decided to go on a short vacation to an inn in the mountains to get away from the heat.
We decided on this small inn in the mountains with natural hot and cold springs where we could escape from the heat.
The entire group was going – Roy and me, Show and Ting, Toro, Wilbur, Milk, Edy, Tianqi, Zax, and of course, Jun and Ning.
I knew that Ning was interested in someone in the group, but I wasn’t sure who it was exactly, and from Ting and my observations, we have narrowed down to Milk and Jun. This vacation was partly our ploy to help identify that person, so that we can try to make them a couple sooner. Now of course, the guys weren’t informed of anything, they just think that it’s a normal vacation with the fellas and galfriends, and that’s exactly what we want them to think it is.
Due to our clever plotting, we managed to fix the seating arrangements in the minibus so that Milk and Jun both had an equal chance of sitting for a long period of time with Ning. They were the drivers on a rotary duty roster, and Ning was supposed to help out with the map whenever they needed help, as well as to keep them awake when driving.
“So how are you feeling today babe?” Milk teased.
“Not too good, it’s so hot now, I hate the heat. Makes me feel angry and more hot-tempered. And what’s more… Breakouts!!!” Ning complained.
Milk grinned and his Bugs Bunny teeth were exposed. His toothy smile always radiated a sense of warmth for Ning. And being around him made her feel safe and secured. He was after all, a streetdancer with a fab bod to complement it. Being the eldest in the group didn’t make him seem out of place, in fact his toothy babyface sometimes made others mistake him as one of the younger ones in the group. And that includes being stopped at clubs and asked for ID.
As for me, Milk, Wilbur and Zax were always a great bunch of mates to hang out with, even though their constant bickering and nonsensical antics meant that most of the work had to be done by me. They kind of stuck around whether I needed help in school. So I’m grateful for that and if anyone of them were to be with my cousins, I’d be the first to applaud and cheer. Well except for the sometimes flirtatious Wilbur… And the wacky Zax… Erm I think Milk’s the best choice in my viewpoint.
I mean if I’m not with Roy I would… no could… no might…might consider Milk…
Or even… never mind…
“I’m sleepy…” Ning complained, and leaned closer to Milk, placing her head on his broad and muscular shoulder for support.
Milk turned and gazed at Ning when the traffic light turned red, and patted her head lightly before turning back to the steering wheel.
“Sleep well my dear lil’ sis…” Milk murmured.
Apparently, Milk and Ning were very close. But there was never a spark of chemistry between them which could turn into something more beautiful. For both of them treated the other as a sibling. For Ning, who never had an elder brother to look up, Milk was the perfect elder brother in flesh. They clicked immediately upon meeting and being the eldest in the group, he was always looking out for Ting and Ning, who happened to be the youngest in the group. It was his paternal instincts being played out.
And naturally, Ning started looking up to him as an elder brother, as well as someone whom she can share her secrets with, especially those that involve the male species. Since it is innate character to go to someone from the opposite sex, when you have questions about them, instead of turning to someone from the same sex (that’s me, or her sis). So Milk knows of Ning’s interest in someone in the group too, but not enough to know who it is yet.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Jun - The SLOW King
“AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!” Ning screamed hysterically.
Jun who had been walking up the stairway to my hostel room was startled by the screams, thinking that something had happened, he immediately picked up his pace and dashed up the stairs.
“KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK…” He hammered on the door.
“What’s going on in there? Ning? Let me in! Open the door now! NING!”
The next thing he knew was the door opening and Ning dashing out of the room and hiding behind him.
“There’s…. there’s…. there’s… a roach flying around in the room…”
“*Sign* Why do girls always scream and shout at the slightest…”
Before he could complete his sentence, Ning had already shoved him into the room while she hid behind the door and peeked. That was Jun’s cue to get rid of the pest for her.
Only after the roach was finally squashed and its gooey remains disposed of in the trash, did Ning enter the room again. Jun plunked himself down onto the sofa and observed amusingly as Ning scattered around the room flipped covers and cupboard doors cautiously as if afraid that another roach might coming flying out and attack her in revenge of its dead counterpart.
“You know, you really should get someone with a strong heart to stick around here 24/7 to help you girls get rid of all these pests around here… With all that sudden high pitch shrieks, I don’t think anyone with faint hearted would be able to take it.”
Ning stopped in her tracks and gazed at Jun.
“That’s why my sis has Show rushing over whenever she sees a creepy crawly… As for my cous, she just basically runs out of the room, after fumigating the entire room with tons of insecticide, so that whatever it is will be devoid of any air of any kind and choke to death from those fumes.”
“Well... doesn’t Roy come over to save her from them? And what about you then?” Jun probed.
“You see my cous ain’t axactly the kinda gal that goes crying for help like a damsel in distress… She prefers to depend on herself most of the time. That is unless she can’t handle it on her own, then she calls in help. In my sis’ case and I, we have no qualms about going running for help. It’s just that....” Ning stopped in her sentence and looked meaningfully at Jun.
“What? It’s just that what?” Jun asked.
Jun scratched his head quizzically, puzzled by Ning’s hanging words.
You see he was always slow in response to anything, and I do mean anything. Jokes, questions, etc. He just never seemed to be in tuned with what was happening around him.
And regardless to say, he was also slow in detecting any form of attention or attraction from the female species.
“AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!” Ning screamed hysterically.
Jun who had been walking up the stairway to my hostel room was startled by the screams, thinking that something had happened, he immediately picked up his pace and dashed up the stairs.
“KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK…” He hammered on the door.
“What’s going on in there? Ning? Let me in! Open the door now! NING!”
The next thing he knew was the door opening and Ning dashing out of the room and hiding behind him.
“There’s…. there’s…. there’s… a roach flying around in the room…”
“*Sign* Why do girls always scream and shout at the slightest…”
Before he could complete his sentence, Ning had already shoved him into the room while she hid behind the door and peeked. That was Jun’s cue to get rid of the pest for her.
Only after the roach was finally squashed and its gooey remains disposed of in the trash, did Ning enter the room again. Jun plunked himself down onto the sofa and observed amusingly as Ning scattered around the room flipped covers and cupboard doors cautiously as if afraid that another roach might coming flying out and attack her in revenge of its dead counterpart.
“You know, you really should get someone with a strong heart to stick around here 24/7 to help you girls get rid of all these pests around here… With all that sudden high pitch shrieks, I don’t think anyone with faint hearted would be able to take it.”
Ning stopped in her tracks and gazed at Jun.
“That’s why my sis has Show rushing over whenever she sees a creepy crawly… As for my cous, she just basically runs out of the room, after fumigating the entire room with tons of insecticide, so that whatever it is will be devoid of any air of any kind and choke to death from those fumes.”
“Well... doesn’t Roy come over to save her from them? And what about you then?” Jun probed.
“You see my cous ain’t axactly the kinda gal that goes crying for help like a damsel in distress… She prefers to depend on herself most of the time. That is unless she can’t handle it on her own, then she calls in help. In my sis’ case and I, we have no qualms about going running for help. It’s just that....” Ning stopped in her sentence and looked meaningfully at Jun.
“What? It’s just that what?” Jun asked.
Jun scratched his head quizzically, puzzled by Ning’s hanging words.
You see he was always slow in response to anything, and I do mean anything. Jokes, questions, etc. He just never seemed to be in tuned with what was happening around him.
And regardless to say, he was also slow in detecting any form of attention or attraction from the female species.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Toro vs Show
“Hey guys… wait up!” Ting shouted across the basketball court, and started running towards our group.
“Hey guys, I forgot that I’ve a paper due this week, I’ve gotta go do research on it now… Enjoy yourselves.” Toro saw Ting.
His face turned painfully sad when he saw her holding hands with Show. He abruptly made an excuse for himself and left.
I attempted to make him stay upon seeing his expression, but he left before I could finish my sentence. There was nothing I could do…
Poor guy, I thought, he must be devastated…
I must try to talk to Ting about this sometime soon…
“Sorry I’m late… Show’s shift ended late, I had to wait for him…” Ting explained panting at the same time.
“Yeah… it’s my fault, if you wanna blame anyone blame me… don’t blame Ting…” Show protectively added.
The whole group was stunned by the couple’s speedy progress in their relationship. They had scarcely known each other, only less than a week, and they were already like a steady couple that had been dating for months or even years, judging by the looks of it.
“How come Toro’s leaving already? We just got here!” Ting asked, puzzled.
“He has to do research for his paper…” I murmured, “how can anyone bear staying here and see the two of you like this…”.
“OK I’m starved let’s get going!!!” Ah Di complained.
Things went on like this for several more gatherings, and soon Ting began to notice Toro’s constant absence from our gatherings and asked me about it.
“Cous… how come Toro’s never around when we meet nowadays? He seems to ALWAYS be busy with something…”
“He’s just busy with school… You know how things are… Sometimes I’m so busy that I can’t even make time for Roy…”
“… You sure it’s JUST schoolwork??… And he’s not avoiding me and Show purposely??”
“…Erm…what do you think the answer is?”
“…The latter…”
“Well then why do you still have to ask me then? YOU, yourself, already know the answer!”
“…I just wanted to confirm if my intuition’s correct… Is it because…”
“You KNOW why things are like this… so don’t ask me… I really don’t wanna be involved in this messy business of love… especially when it’s YOUR mess… You’ve to clean it up yourself… Don’t even think of dragging me into it… Toro’s been my friend longer than Show, and I think that things are going too fast between you and Show… I know Toro might seem happy-go-lucky and really easy-going… but I think that he’s a REALLY caring boyfriend whom would go to great lengths to make his girlfriend happy… It’s just that you’re not destined to be that girl I guess…*sign*”
“I know that he’s a great guy… but… I just don’t have that kind of feeling for him… that kind of chemistry… that kind of excitement that’ll make me blush at the sight and thought of him… It’s different with Show… I feel the chemistry and instant attraction…”
“Well if you feel this way… there’s nothing that I can say or do anymore… Furthermore this is YOUR own relationship… No one can tell you what to do or whom to choose… it’s all your own call…Whatever your decision is… as your cous… I’ll always support you…”
Toro was walking towards the canteen to meet the guys when he saw Ting walking from another side to the canteen.
Almost immediately he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Oh no…Ting’s going to the canteen too… I’ll have to cancel on the guys then… I can’t see her…with Show….”
He turned and started walking away from the canteen, whilst dialing Milk’s handphone number…
“Toro…Toro… Toro wait up!!!”
It was Ting . She had noticed Toro scurrying off and had decided to give chase and to get things sorted out so that they could be friends again…
“Where are you going? Aren’t you coming for our gathering? I saw you walking towards the canteen, how come you’re rushing off??”
“…I forgot that I’ve to hand up an assignment due today… I’ve gotta go hand it up now…Erm… tell the others I’m sorry for not coming for the gathering… I gotta go now…”
“You’re avoiding me, aren’t you?”
“I know you are… You don’t have to deny it… Can’t we be friends like before? Before ALL the silly competition started… back to the first time we met at the airport… remember how well we got on together… It was as if we had known each other for ages… even before we met…”
Ting turned to steal a glimpse at Toro’s reaction.
No visible reaction on his face…
But his eyes revealed a glimmer of agreement with Ting…
So she pressed further…
“Don’t you want me as a friend anymore?? You just wanna give up a friend so easily?? Or you’ve never considered me as your friend at all, that’s why you’re giving up so easily…”
“…It’s not that… I agree with you…”
“I guess… It’s time I got over it and face it like an adult…” Toro murmured under his breath.
“Hey guys… wait up!” Ting shouted across the basketball court, and started running towards our group.
“Hey guys, I forgot that I’ve a paper due this week, I’ve gotta go do research on it now… Enjoy yourselves.” Toro saw Ting.
His face turned painfully sad when he saw her holding hands with Show. He abruptly made an excuse for himself and left.
I attempted to make him stay upon seeing his expression, but he left before I could finish my sentence. There was nothing I could do…
Poor guy, I thought, he must be devastated…
I must try to talk to Ting about this sometime soon…
“Sorry I’m late… Show’s shift ended late, I had to wait for him…” Ting explained panting at the same time.
“Yeah… it’s my fault, if you wanna blame anyone blame me… don’t blame Ting…” Show protectively added.
The whole group was stunned by the couple’s speedy progress in their relationship. They had scarcely known each other, only less than a week, and they were already like a steady couple that had been dating for months or even years, judging by the looks of it.
“How come Toro’s leaving already? We just got here!” Ting asked, puzzled.
“He has to do research for his paper…” I murmured, “how can anyone bear staying here and see the two of you like this…”.
“OK I’m starved let’s get going!!!” Ah Di complained.
Things went on like this for several more gatherings, and soon Ting began to notice Toro’s constant absence from our gatherings and asked me about it.
“Cous… how come Toro’s never around when we meet nowadays? He seems to ALWAYS be busy with something…”
“He’s just busy with school… You know how things are… Sometimes I’m so busy that I can’t even make time for Roy…”
“… You sure it’s JUST schoolwork??… And he’s not avoiding me and Show purposely??”
“…Erm…what do you think the answer is?”
“…The latter…”
“Well then why do you still have to ask me then? YOU, yourself, already know the answer!”
“…I just wanted to confirm if my intuition’s correct… Is it because…”
“You KNOW why things are like this… so don’t ask me… I really don’t wanna be involved in this messy business of love… especially when it’s YOUR mess… You’ve to clean it up yourself… Don’t even think of dragging me into it… Toro’s been my friend longer than Show, and I think that things are going too fast between you and Show… I know Toro might seem happy-go-lucky and really easy-going… but I think that he’s a REALLY caring boyfriend whom would go to great lengths to make his girlfriend happy… It’s just that you’re not destined to be that girl I guess…*sign*”
“I know that he’s a great guy… but… I just don’t have that kind of feeling for him… that kind of chemistry… that kind of excitement that’ll make me blush at the sight and thought of him… It’s different with Show… I feel the chemistry and instant attraction…”
“Well if you feel this way… there’s nothing that I can say or do anymore… Furthermore this is YOUR own relationship… No one can tell you what to do or whom to choose… it’s all your own call…Whatever your decision is… as your cous… I’ll always support you…”
Toro was walking towards the canteen to meet the guys when he saw Ting walking from another side to the canteen.
Almost immediately he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Oh no…Ting’s going to the canteen too… I’ll have to cancel on the guys then… I can’t see her…with Show….”
He turned and started walking away from the canteen, whilst dialing Milk’s handphone number…
“Toro…Toro… Toro wait up!!!”
It was Ting . She had noticed Toro scurrying off and had decided to give chase and to get things sorted out so that they could be friends again…
“Where are you going? Aren’t you coming for our gathering? I saw you walking towards the canteen, how come you’re rushing off??”
“…I forgot that I’ve to hand up an assignment due today… I’ve gotta go hand it up now…Erm… tell the others I’m sorry for not coming for the gathering… I gotta go now…”
“You’re avoiding me, aren’t you?”
“I know you are… You don’t have to deny it… Can’t we be friends like before? Before ALL the silly competition started… back to the first time we met at the airport… remember how well we got on together… It was as if we had known each other for ages… even before we met…”
Ting turned to steal a glimpse at Toro’s reaction.
No visible reaction on his face…
But his eyes revealed a glimmer of agreement with Ting…
So she pressed further…
“Don’t you want me as a friend anymore?? You just wanna give up a friend so easily?? Or you’ve never considered me as your friend at all, that’s why you’re giving up so easily…”
“…It’s not that… I agree with you…”
“I guess… It’s time I got over it and face it like an adult…” Toro murmured under his breath.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 9
Chapter 9: At First Sight
She takes a look at the owner of the voice.
It was Show. Zax’s neighbour whom was working at the restaurant after his lessons to pay for his fees.
“Oh… it’s you again… Zax’s neighbour right?” Ting enquired.
Show looks up from his bowing stance. His big eyes blinked blurly at Ting. Obviously not being able to register Ting’s face at all, and was trying hard to scan his memory for any trace of the mentioned meeting.
“We were here just a couple of days ago. A whole big bunch… You were just arriving on duty when Zax saw you.”
Ting attempted to offer him some hints to aid his memory.
“Oh… now I remember… there were so many guys… and only three girls in your group right… yeah… I remember now…” Show exclaimed when he finally managed to recall the incident, and he scratched his head in a silly manner, as if embarrassed that he had forgotten everything.
“It’s okay. I can’t expect you to remember much anyway… since Zax didn’t really introduce us.” Ting smiled.
The duo looked at each other for some time. For some time there was a complete silence. They just looked at each other. No words were exchanged…
“Welcome… Show! Why are you making the nice girl stand at the door! Invite her into the restaurant to take a seat!” Show’s supervisor’s voice echoed from the kitchen.
The silence was broken.
“…Huh…Oh yeah… please come in and take a seat…” Show got out of the daze and showed Ting to a window seat.
“Erm… I still don’t know our name… I’m Show Luo Zhi Qiang. You can call me Show or Xiaozhu. Nice to meet you.” Show formally introduced himself embarrassingly once Ting was seated, and extended his hand out.
“Oh yeah… I’m Ting. Nice to meet you. “ Ting replied and shoke his hand.
“So… how come you know Zax? You’re still quite young, compared to him…” Show probed earnestly.
“ Erm actually Zax’s my …”
“Ern hum…. *cough cough*…” Show’s superior was now waltzing around the restaurant, hinting for Show to take Ting’s order.
The two looked at Show’s superior for a while.
“ Erm…I think I’d better order something first before we continue? Your superior looks unhappy… I dun wanna get you in trouble… Erm I’ll take a Tempura ice cream. Thanx.” Ting responded tactfully.
“…Thanx for reminding me… I can’t afford to lose this job now… I…” Show replied earnestly.
“ Erm hmm… *cough cough cough*…”
“I think you better go first…” Ting urged.
As Show finally went off to place Ting’s order, she had a chance to take a good look at how he looked overall – his mannerisms, etc.
Show was a tall and lanky young man, with really big and expressive eyes. He had short layered hair and he looked pretty slick in his uniform and apron, and very boyishly cheeky. Down-to-earth and hardworking, Show is the typical type that many girls would die to have as a boyfriend.
And the truth is…
Ting too felt a strong attraction to Show.
“Here’s your order… Enjoy it!” Show returned with Ting’s order.
“Thanx.” Ting thanked Show, and was about to start on her dessert, when she realized that Show was still standing at her table. She looked up from her seat.
“…erm… you were saying just now?? Zax’s your…??” Show questioned shyly, avoiding eye contact with Ting’s eyes.
“ Oh… Zax’s my cousin’s classmate. She came over here on an exchange programme, my sis and I are visiting her.” Ting replied generously.
“…So you’re not… erm… what about the two guys seating next to you that day?… You looked rather close…”
Once again, he had a shy and embarrassed look on his face.
“Oh… those two… *sign*… I dun wanna talk about them… so sickening… ALWAYS bickering amongst themselves…dun even know why they’re so ego-centric…” Ting complained, unaware that she was giving more information than needed.
“…So … they’re not your…okay… great…” Show mumbled.
“Huh?? Sorry, you were saying something?? Did I blabber too much… I got carried away didn’t I… so sorry…” Ting apologized, realizing her mistake.
Show was now looking at her straight in the eye.
It made Ting slightly uncomfortable.
“…erm… erm…Ting…are you… erm… with…erm… like… anyone…???” Show asked seriously, looking straight into Ting’s eyes.
Ting was shocked by his mumbled question, but she did hear him loud and clear.
She couldn’t believe her ears.
It was like a fairy-tale…
Love at first sight…
Was it possible in real life?
“…well?? Are you attached???” Show looked even harder into her eyes, searching for an answer.
“…er… no actually…” Ting mumbled her answer.
A cheeky grin started planting itself on Show’s face, and his big eyes shimmered with joy.
“Then can I hang out with you sometime?? Soon… I’d like to get to know you better…” Show replied.
Ting felt her heart skip a beat when she heard his words.
It was all happening so fast…
And the adrenalin was driving her crazy!
She didn’t know what to say… but she wanted to do the same thing too!
“…so…???” Show probed, desperately for an answer.
By now Ting has already buried herself in her dessert.
“…I take it that silence means consent…” Show exclaimed.
“Great! So I’ll take this…” Upon saying this, Show took Ting’s handphone, which was on the table.
“…Hey Show wait! What are you gonna do to my handphone!” Ting's face finally emerged from her dessert, when she realized that her handphone was taken away by Show.
Show grinned cheekily, waving her handphone and his own in the air.
“I’m just gonna save your number in mine, and mine in that we can keep in contact…You’ll know it’s me when I call, and I’ll know it’s you when you call” Show replied.
“Such a attentive guy… not like those two…Definitely he’s the one for me…” Ting thought to herself.
She takes a look at the owner of the voice.
It was Show. Zax’s neighbour whom was working at the restaurant after his lessons to pay for his fees.
“Oh… it’s you again… Zax’s neighbour right?” Ting enquired.
Show looks up from his bowing stance. His big eyes blinked blurly at Ting. Obviously not being able to register Ting’s face at all, and was trying hard to scan his memory for any trace of the mentioned meeting.
“We were here just a couple of days ago. A whole big bunch… You were just arriving on duty when Zax saw you.”
Ting attempted to offer him some hints to aid his memory.
“Oh… now I remember… there were so many guys… and only three girls in your group right… yeah… I remember now…” Show exclaimed when he finally managed to recall the incident, and he scratched his head in a silly manner, as if embarrassed that he had forgotten everything.
“It’s okay. I can’t expect you to remember much anyway… since Zax didn’t really introduce us.” Ting smiled.
The duo looked at each other for some time. For some time there was a complete silence. They just looked at each other. No words were exchanged…
“Welcome… Show! Why are you making the nice girl stand at the door! Invite her into the restaurant to take a seat!” Show’s supervisor’s voice echoed from the kitchen.
The silence was broken.
“…Huh…Oh yeah… please come in and take a seat…” Show got out of the daze and showed Ting to a window seat.
“Erm… I still don’t know our name… I’m Show Luo Zhi Qiang. You can call me Show or Xiaozhu. Nice to meet you.” Show formally introduced himself embarrassingly once Ting was seated, and extended his hand out.
“Oh yeah… I’m Ting. Nice to meet you. “ Ting replied and shoke his hand.
“So… how come you know Zax? You’re still quite young, compared to him…” Show probed earnestly.
“ Erm actually Zax’s my …”
“Ern hum…. *cough cough*…” Show’s superior was now waltzing around the restaurant, hinting for Show to take Ting’s order.
The two looked at Show’s superior for a while.
“ Erm…I think I’d better order something first before we continue? Your superior looks unhappy… I dun wanna get you in trouble… Erm I’ll take a Tempura ice cream. Thanx.” Ting responded tactfully.
“…Thanx for reminding me… I can’t afford to lose this job now… I…” Show replied earnestly.
“ Erm hmm… *cough cough cough*…”
“I think you better go first…” Ting urged.
As Show finally went off to place Ting’s order, she had a chance to take a good look at how he looked overall – his mannerisms, etc.
Show was a tall and lanky young man, with really big and expressive eyes. He had short layered hair and he looked pretty slick in his uniform and apron, and very boyishly cheeky. Down-to-earth and hardworking, Show is the typical type that many girls would die to have as a boyfriend.
And the truth is…
Ting too felt a strong attraction to Show.
“Here’s your order… Enjoy it!” Show returned with Ting’s order.
“Thanx.” Ting thanked Show, and was about to start on her dessert, when she realized that Show was still standing at her table. She looked up from her seat.
“…erm… you were saying just now?? Zax’s your…??” Show questioned shyly, avoiding eye contact with Ting’s eyes.
“ Oh… Zax’s my cousin’s classmate. She came over here on an exchange programme, my sis and I are visiting her.” Ting replied generously.
“…So you’re not… erm… what about the two guys seating next to you that day?… You looked rather close…”
Once again, he had a shy and embarrassed look on his face.
“Oh… those two… *sign*… I dun wanna talk about them… so sickening… ALWAYS bickering amongst themselves…dun even know why they’re so ego-centric…” Ting complained, unaware that she was giving more information than needed.
“…So … they’re not your…okay… great…” Show mumbled.
“Huh?? Sorry, you were saying something?? Did I blabber too much… I got carried away didn’t I… so sorry…” Ting apologized, realizing her mistake.
Show was now looking at her straight in the eye.
It made Ting slightly uncomfortable.
“…erm… erm…Ting…are you… erm… with…erm… like… anyone…???” Show asked seriously, looking straight into Ting’s eyes.
Ting was shocked by his mumbled question, but she did hear him loud and clear.
She couldn’t believe her ears.
It was like a fairy-tale…
Love at first sight…
Was it possible in real life?
“…well?? Are you attached???” Show looked even harder into her eyes, searching for an answer.
“…er… no actually…” Ting mumbled her answer.
A cheeky grin started planting itself on Show’s face, and his big eyes shimmered with joy.
“Then can I hang out with you sometime?? Soon… I’d like to get to know you better…” Show replied.
Ting felt her heart skip a beat when she heard his words.
It was all happening so fast…
And the adrenalin was driving her crazy!
She didn’t know what to say… but she wanted to do the same thing too!
“…so…???” Show probed, desperately for an answer.
By now Ting has already buried herself in her dessert.
“…I take it that silence means consent…” Show exclaimed.
“Great! So I’ll take this…” Upon saying this, Show took Ting’s handphone, which was on the table.
“…Hey Show wait! What are you gonna do to my handphone!” Ting's face finally emerged from her dessert, when she realized that her handphone was taken away by Show.
Show grinned cheekily, waving her handphone and his own in the air.
“I’m just gonna save your number in mine, and mine in that we can keep in contact…You’ll know it’s me when I call, and I’ll know it’s you when you call” Show replied.
“Such a attentive guy… not like those two…Definitely he’s the one for me…” Ting thought to herself.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Making Things Clear
“Ting… you wanna go out with ME right?? I know you prefer ME over that guy Toro!!” Weibo shouted confidently.
“Hey you! Who says that she prefers YOU over ME??!!! She prefers ME ok?!! And I met her first, I’ve priority rights over…” Toro rebutted.
The two continues to bicker over Ting.
“Stop with you two! I’m not some merchandise that you can fight over okay! Have you ever thought about my feelings at all? It’s not just about the TWO of YOU you know! When did I EVER mention that I’m interested!”
Fed up with the duo’s constant bickering, Ting finally decides to make her stand clear to the two that she’s not going to be pushed around anymore.
She storms off after saying her piece, leaving Toro and Weibo too stunned for words.
Ting walks around aimlessly in the streets.
And after a long walk, she finds herself at the same alley where everyone gathered for dinner a couple of days go…
A familiar voice that she can’t put a name to, greets Ting at the doorstep.
“Ting… you wanna go out with ME right?? I know you prefer ME over that guy Toro!!” Weibo shouted confidently.
“Hey you! Who says that she prefers YOU over ME??!!! She prefers ME ok?!! And I met her first, I’ve priority rights over…” Toro rebutted.
The two continues to bicker over Ting.
“Stop with you two! I’m not some merchandise that you can fight over okay! Have you ever thought about my feelings at all? It’s not just about the TWO of YOU you know! When did I EVER mention that I’m interested!”
Fed up with the duo’s constant bickering, Ting finally decides to make her stand clear to the two that she’s not going to be pushed around anymore.
She storms off after saying her piece, leaving Toro and Weibo too stunned for words.
Ting walks around aimlessly in the streets.
And after a long walk, she finds herself at the same alley where everyone gathered for dinner a couple of days go…
A familiar voice that she can’t put a name to, greets Ting at the doorstep.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Ting's Problems
“Toro, can I change seats with you? I wanna talk to Ting.” Weibo shouted across the table.
“You can do that LATER. I’m sitting with her NOW. And you’re fine with that Ting, aren’t you?” Toro retorted defensively.
Ting looked at both of them undecidedly.
“..Erm why don’t Weibo change seats with Zax, then you two can both sit with me?!!” Ting replied in an attempt to make things better.
Both Weibo and Toro’s faces changed. There seemed to be some obvious differences between the two that needed to be resolved before it gets worst.
“Well ok, Weibo, I’ll let you sit next to my ‘lil sis for once.” Zax jokingly replied.
Everyone broke out in laughter. That helped break the awkward tension between Weibo and Toro slightly, as Weibo decided to take the seat peacefully.
“I need to talk to you. Can you spare me some time after dinner? I’ve something for you.” Weibo whispered into Ting’s ear just when Toro wasn’t looking.
Toro, sitting beside the two, noticed the whispering despite my attempts to distract him by chatting with him about his hair.
“Toro, you REALLY need to wash your hair… think it’s starting to smell… how often do you clean it anyway….” I blabbered.
“Yup…yup…yup…” Toro replied, obviously distracted by Ting and Weibo’s small talk.
Ting was happily chatting with Weibo, and the sight of that totally irked Toro to the core. He had to put a stop to it all. He met Ting first anyway. What right does that smooth-talker Weibo has to fight with him over Ting?
“Ting. My miso ramen’s REALLY good. You wanna try some?” Toro tried to interrupt the two’s conversation.
“Oh… Toro that’s very nice of you… Ok I’ll try some!! You try some of my Tempura too. It’s very crispy and the sauce’s REALLY nice…” Ting replied.
Now Weibo’s face was turning black. He NEVER lost before. Not in the game of dating. He was an experienced hand at it. He NEVER lost before. And he wasn’t planning on losing this time either.
“Ting… I think you should eat more of my chawan mushi. It’s VERY good for your skin. And nutritious too!! Come, let me feed you…” Weibo butted in.
Everyone at the table now started looking at Toro and Weibo trying to gain the attention of Ting, and using every method that they can think of...
“Eh… Show, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be at school?” Zax exclaimed out loud suddenly.
A tall guy with Jpop rocker-style layered hair and big eyes just entered the restaurant hurriedly, as if rushing for work.
“…Erm hi Zax… I…I…I’m part-timing here after my school… Mum doesn’t know about this, please don’t tell her anything… She’ll…” Show begged.
Zax went up to Show (his neighbour) and gave him a reassuring pat on his back.
“Don’t worry. I won’t. But are you sure you can handle all these work on top of your schoolwork? You must maintain your standard okay?” Zax said.
“I know…I can do it…” Show replied.
Meanwhile, Toro and Weibo were still trying to win Ting’s attention.
But their didn’t realize that Ting was already starting to get bored of all their bickering and competitions for her attention…
“Toro, can I change seats with you? I wanna talk to Ting.” Weibo shouted across the table.
“You can do that LATER. I’m sitting with her NOW. And you’re fine with that Ting, aren’t you?” Toro retorted defensively.
Ting looked at both of them undecidedly.
“..Erm why don’t Weibo change seats with Zax, then you two can both sit with me?!!” Ting replied in an attempt to make things better.
Both Weibo and Toro’s faces changed. There seemed to be some obvious differences between the two that needed to be resolved before it gets worst.
“Well ok, Weibo, I’ll let you sit next to my ‘lil sis for once.” Zax jokingly replied.
Everyone broke out in laughter. That helped break the awkward tension between Weibo and Toro slightly, as Weibo decided to take the seat peacefully.
“I need to talk to you. Can you spare me some time after dinner? I’ve something for you.” Weibo whispered into Ting’s ear just when Toro wasn’t looking.
Toro, sitting beside the two, noticed the whispering despite my attempts to distract him by chatting with him about his hair.
“Toro, you REALLY need to wash your hair… think it’s starting to smell… how often do you clean it anyway….” I blabbered.
“Yup…yup…yup…” Toro replied, obviously distracted by Ting and Weibo’s small talk.
Ting was happily chatting with Weibo, and the sight of that totally irked Toro to the core. He had to put a stop to it all. He met Ting first anyway. What right does that smooth-talker Weibo has to fight with him over Ting?
“Ting. My miso ramen’s REALLY good. You wanna try some?” Toro tried to interrupt the two’s conversation.
“Oh… Toro that’s very nice of you… Ok I’ll try some!! You try some of my Tempura too. It’s very crispy and the sauce’s REALLY nice…” Ting replied.
Now Weibo’s face was turning black. He NEVER lost before. Not in the game of dating. He was an experienced hand at it. He NEVER lost before. And he wasn’t planning on losing this time either.
“Ting… I think you should eat more of my chawan mushi. It’s VERY good for your skin. And nutritious too!! Come, let me feed you…” Weibo butted in.
Everyone at the table now started looking at Toro and Weibo trying to gain the attention of Ting, and using every method that they can think of...
“Eh… Show, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be at school?” Zax exclaimed out loud suddenly.
A tall guy with Jpop rocker-style layered hair and big eyes just entered the restaurant hurriedly, as if rushing for work.
“…Erm hi Zax… I…I…I’m part-timing here after my school… Mum doesn’t know about this, please don’t tell her anything… She’ll…” Show begged.
Zax went up to Show (his neighbour) and gave him a reassuring pat on his back.
“Don’t worry. I won’t. But are you sure you can handle all these work on top of your schoolwork? You must maintain your standard okay?” Zax said.
“I know…I can do it…” Show replied.
Meanwhile, Toro and Weibo were still trying to win Ting’s attention.
But their didn’t realize that Ting was already starting to get bored of all their bickering and competitions for her attention…
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Revelation
“Roy??!!! How come it’s you? I thought I asked Ting…” I looked around the room and there was no one except the two of us.
AND the door was CLOSED.
AND I was trapped at the closet door, unable to move an inch.
The closet door was shut.
“… …”
“Erm… I think we’d better get moving now that we’re done… Don’t want everyone to be waiting for us…hee hee…” I made a very bad attempt to divert attention away from the awkward silence in the room.
“… …”
I tried to move away from the closet door.
He placed his other hand on my free side.
Now I was REALLY trapped…
I couldn’t get away at all.
“I need to talk to you.”
“Ok can we sit down first? It’s more comfortable that way… hee…”
“… …”
“…Oh well… this… this… is … fine…fine… too…”
“Why are you so afraid of me? Of being closer to me? You seem to be distancing yourself from me ever since your cousins came… Why is that? Why?”
I didn’t reply. I couldn’t reply.
His piercing stare seemed to have penetrated every single pore in my skin. Goose pimples were appearing on my body.
I was REALLY tensed! I didn’t dare to look at him at all! My eyes were kept down.
The awkward silence went on for some time.
“You REALLY don’t like me, do you? Ever since that day at the cathedral… If so… why did you even invite me to your hostel to spend Christmas with you?!! ME!! A COMPLETE STRANGER!! You should have just left me there alone… I’d probably be much better off than NOW!!”
I could feel the anger, frustration, and despair in his voice again…
The bitterness from the first day…
But this time, it was different…
He was even more bitter than before…
But I didn't know what to say...
My heart was beating like it was going to explode inside of me...
And my mind was a complete blank...
“… …”
“Fine… I’ll leave… See you... No, I mean... bye… forever...”
My heart dropped.
Shattered to pieces.
I didn’t want him to leave. To leave my room. To leave my life…
I ran towards him. Encircled him in a hug from the back. Tears started pouring…
“No… no…NO!!! Don’t EVER say that again…… ”
He grabbed hold of my hands and turned around to face me.
I looked into his eyes pleadingly. He wiped away my tears with a straight face.
“… …”
He pinched me nose playfully.
“Gosh I should have done this a LONG time ago… then I’d know what’s going on your mind… You’re so different you know… Most girls would have succumbed to my advances way way before already… Unlike you… See, now your eyes are red and puffy… How are we gonna go out later? Everyone’s gonna think I made you cry… …”
I smiled.
Everything’s fine now.
He knows how I feel, and I don't have to try to hide my emotions anymore...
He pulled me closer, gave me a peck on the forehead.
“What’s taking your cousin so long?? Did she get lost getting down here?? That blur queen…*sign*” Tianqi complained.
“Hey look…there she is! With … who’ s that?? Why are they holding hands??” Ah Di exclaimed.
“Hi guys, sorry to keep you waiting… This is Roy…My…boyfriend... …Roy, this is Tianqi, Ah Di, Jun, Toro, Weibo, Niu Nai, and Zax.” I said, embarrassed by the amount of attention everyone’s giving to us.
Ning and Ting were grinning away, as if it was their “evil plot” since day one to set the two of us up together. The Nai-Bo-Fu trio were of course shocked, to see me actually with someone that they’d just been teasing me about some time ago.
“Ok Ying-chan, if you can kindly let me butt into your sharing of happiness to inform you that we ARE STILL going for dinner right? I’m ABSOLUTELY famished!!!” Ah Di complained.
I blushed with embarrassment.
“Yes of course… let’s get a move on!!”
“Roy??!!! How come it’s you? I thought I asked Ting…” I looked around the room and there was no one except the two of us.
AND the door was CLOSED.
AND I was trapped at the closet door, unable to move an inch.
The closet door was shut.
“… …”
“Erm… I think we’d better get moving now that we’re done… Don’t want everyone to be waiting for us…hee hee…” I made a very bad attempt to divert attention away from the awkward silence in the room.
“… …”
I tried to move away from the closet door.
He placed his other hand on my free side.
Now I was REALLY trapped…
I couldn’t get away at all.
“I need to talk to you.”
“Ok can we sit down first? It’s more comfortable that way… hee…”
“… …”
“…Oh well… this… this… is … fine…fine… too…”
“Why are you so afraid of me? Of being closer to me? You seem to be distancing yourself from me ever since your cousins came… Why is that? Why?”
I didn’t reply. I couldn’t reply.
His piercing stare seemed to have penetrated every single pore in my skin. Goose pimples were appearing on my body.
I was REALLY tensed! I didn’t dare to look at him at all! My eyes were kept down.
The awkward silence went on for some time.
“You REALLY don’t like me, do you? Ever since that day at the cathedral… If so… why did you even invite me to your hostel to spend Christmas with you?!! ME!! A COMPLETE STRANGER!! You should have just left me there alone… I’d probably be much better off than NOW!!”
I could feel the anger, frustration, and despair in his voice again…
The bitterness from the first day…
But this time, it was different…
He was even more bitter than before…
But I didn't know what to say...
My heart was beating like it was going to explode inside of me...
And my mind was a complete blank...
“… …”
“Fine… I’ll leave… See you... No, I mean... bye… forever...”
My heart dropped.
Shattered to pieces.
I didn’t want him to leave. To leave my room. To leave my life…
I ran towards him. Encircled him in a hug from the back. Tears started pouring…
“No… no…NO!!! Don’t EVER say that again…… ”
He grabbed hold of my hands and turned around to face me.
I looked into his eyes pleadingly. He wiped away my tears with a straight face.
“… …”
He pinched me nose playfully.
“Gosh I should have done this a LONG time ago… then I’d know what’s going on your mind… You’re so different you know… Most girls would have succumbed to my advances way way before already… Unlike you… See, now your eyes are red and puffy… How are we gonna go out later? Everyone’s gonna think I made you cry… …”
I smiled.
Everything’s fine now.
He knows how I feel, and I don't have to try to hide my emotions anymore...
He pulled me closer, gave me a peck on the forehead.
“What’s taking your cousin so long?? Did she get lost getting down here?? That blur queen…*sign*” Tianqi complained.
“Hey look…there she is! With … who’ s that?? Why are they holding hands??” Ah Di exclaimed.
“Hi guys, sorry to keep you waiting… This is Roy…My…boyfriend... …Roy, this is Tianqi, Ah Di, Jun, Toro, Weibo, Niu Nai, and Zax.” I said, embarrassed by the amount of attention everyone’s giving to us.
Ning and Ting were grinning away, as if it was their “evil plot” since day one to set the two of us up together. The Nai-Bo-Fu trio were of course shocked, to see me actually with someone that they’d just been teasing me about some time ago.
“Ok Ying-chan, if you can kindly let me butt into your sharing of happiness to inform you that we ARE STILL going for dinner right? I’m ABSOLUTELY famished!!!” Ah Di complained.
I blushed with embarrassment.
“Yes of course… let’s get a move on!!”
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 5
Chapter 5: The Surprise
I felt that there was something behind me at the door.
Feeling uneasy, I was doubtful of what I would see when I turned around.
But I had to turn around.
“SURPRISE! I’m here again!”
A familiar yet foreign voice came from behind me.
Who is it?
Flashes of memories of people that I’ve met before went past my mind.
I turned around.
He looked so much more cheerful now. So much more alive. So much more charming. So much more difficult to resist.
“Roy! My gosh! What were you thinking? You gave me a shock man! You KNOW how I HATE being alone in the room… And having to deal with such weird encounters aren’t helping!” I complained helplessly whilst slightly shaking from shock.
“Well… I thought I’ll give you a surprise… didn’t think that you’ll be so frightened by it…” Roy replied disappointedly.
Seeing his disappointment, I felt a pang of guilt.
But I was indeed frightened by the surprise and was still shaking from shock.
Suddenly, Roy noticed the shaking, and he moved closer to me, and closed the door.
Barely inches separated the two of us.
I couldn’t look at him this close!
I looked down. Away from direct eye contact with his eyes.
My breathing started to get more rapid.
My heart was pounding like crazy.
And needless to say, the shaking hasn’t ceased, but became more prevalent.
He placed his arms on my shoulder.
“Are you okay? You seem to be shaking quite a bit… … from the shock??…” He asked concernedly.
The next thing I know, he was already pulling me closer to him…
*Knock Knock*
“…Erm… I ….I…I gotta get …the …the…door… There’s … there’s…someone…” I stammered out an excuse as I tried to pull myself away from him, and to open the door.
And since he was standing near the door, I had to stand next to him to open the door.
When I felt him walk towards the interior of the room as I opened the door, I breathed a sign of relief.
“Cous, what took you so long? We almost thought you weren’t in. Toro and Penny brought us to so many places to shop today! And the amusement park rides were sooo COOL!!! You should have gone with us…. Oh Roy! How come you’re here?” Ning rattled on the very second she stepped into my room.
I busied myself with helping Ning and Ting get their shopping bags into the room, when I sensed that Roy was looking at me.
“…I dropped by to give a surprise visit…” Roy replied, “…but I don’t think it went very well…” he then muttered.
“Huh?? What was that again? …Cous hurry up! The guys are waiting for us to meet downstairs to go for dinner!!” Ning exclaimed.
“Yup yup I know I know… I won’t be a minute… You guys wait for me a while ok?” I replied, as if I hadn’t heard Roy’s comment at all.
But I did.
I heard it.
Even though it was a murmur.
But I didn’t want to deal it now.
Not now.
I wasn’t ready.
It wasn’t time.
I continued to busy myself with the bags, and I was trying to get them organized at a corner of the room, so I didn’t hear Ning and Ting comment that they were going to meet the rest downstairs first while I finished up.
“Ting can you bring over the last one of the bags? I can’t move over right now, I’ve to steady the rest of the stuff with my hands, otherwise everything’s gonna fall out! Hurry up will you…” I shouted.
Then a bag was passed to me.
“Thanks. Now …if I can only manage to close this door…” I turned around to use my back to push the door close…
A hand came reaching towards the door from behind me. Thinking it was Ting, I continued turning. It was not until my back was fully facing the door when I realize that it wasn’t Ting whom was helping me all this while…
I felt that there was something behind me at the door.
Feeling uneasy, I was doubtful of what I would see when I turned around.
But I had to turn around.
“SURPRISE! I’m here again!”
A familiar yet foreign voice came from behind me.
Who is it?
Flashes of memories of people that I’ve met before went past my mind.
I turned around.
He looked so much more cheerful now. So much more alive. So much more charming. So much more difficult to resist.
“Roy! My gosh! What were you thinking? You gave me a shock man! You KNOW how I HATE being alone in the room… And having to deal with such weird encounters aren’t helping!” I complained helplessly whilst slightly shaking from shock.
“Well… I thought I’ll give you a surprise… didn’t think that you’ll be so frightened by it…” Roy replied disappointedly.
Seeing his disappointment, I felt a pang of guilt.
But I was indeed frightened by the surprise and was still shaking from shock.
Suddenly, Roy noticed the shaking, and he moved closer to me, and closed the door.
Barely inches separated the two of us.
I couldn’t look at him this close!
I looked down. Away from direct eye contact with his eyes.
My breathing started to get more rapid.
My heart was pounding like crazy.
And needless to say, the shaking hasn’t ceased, but became more prevalent.
He placed his arms on my shoulder.
“Are you okay? You seem to be shaking quite a bit… … from the shock??…” He asked concernedly.
The next thing I know, he was already pulling me closer to him…
*Knock Knock*
“…Erm… I ….I…I gotta get …the …the…door… There’s … there’s…someone…” I stammered out an excuse as I tried to pull myself away from him, and to open the door.
And since he was standing near the door, I had to stand next to him to open the door.
When I felt him walk towards the interior of the room as I opened the door, I breathed a sign of relief.
“Cous, what took you so long? We almost thought you weren’t in. Toro and Penny brought us to so many places to shop today! And the amusement park rides were sooo COOL!!! You should have gone with us…. Oh Roy! How come you’re here?” Ning rattled on the very second she stepped into my room.
I busied myself with helping Ning and Ting get their shopping bags into the room, when I sensed that Roy was looking at me.
“…I dropped by to give a surprise visit…” Roy replied, “…but I don’t think it went very well…” he then muttered.
“Huh?? What was that again? …Cous hurry up! The guys are waiting for us to meet downstairs to go for dinner!!” Ning exclaimed.
“Yup yup I know I know… I won’t be a minute… You guys wait for me a while ok?” I replied, as if I hadn’t heard Roy’s comment at all.
But I did.
I heard it.
Even though it was a murmur.
But I didn’t want to deal it now.
Not now.
I wasn’t ready.
It wasn’t time.
I continued to busy myself with the bags, and I was trying to get them organized at a corner of the room, so I didn’t hear Ning and Ting comment that they were going to meet the rest downstairs first while I finished up.
“Ting can you bring over the last one of the bags? I can’t move over right now, I’ve to steady the rest of the stuff with my hands, otherwise everything’s gonna fall out! Hurry up will you…” I shouted.
Then a bag was passed to me.
“Thanks. Now …if I can only manage to close this door…” I turned around to use my back to push the door close…
A hand came reaching towards the door from behind me. Thinking it was Ting, I continued turning. It was not until my back was fully facing the door when I realize that it wasn’t Ting whom was helping me all this while…
Monday, April 10, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Enter My Classmates
The trio. My classmates in my Media and Culture Analysis class.
Weibo, a smooth-talker, and self-proclaimed ladies-man, well-built and ALWAYS in expensive tailored threads.
Niu Nai, a Bugs Bunny teeth cutsy with short spiky hair dyed blonde, ALWAYS in hip-hop streetwear.
Zax Wang Renfu, a very strong conversationalist, and discussion-deterrent, with slightly effeminate features, light brown dyed hair, smaller build than the other two.
“… … …”
“NAI… … BO… … FU… …!!!!” I screamed at the top of my voice.
“Ok, ok ok…. Don’t call us that ok!!”
Immediately the trio coherently stretched to cover my mouth from shouting the phrase again.
Ha ha…
The trio hated it when I combined their names and made the phrase sound like they were like middle-aged men!! And it was my secret weapon against them whenever things got too out of hand.
“… you’re REALLY terrible… so not demure and sweet like other girls… ALWAYS screaming and screaming… …” Niu Nai commented.
“Yeah… you’re NEVER gonna get a boyfriend if you continue like this… okay… guys don’t like rowdy screaming girls… that are independent and strong-willed…so not sweet… guys like SWEET girls okay?? Like your cousin Ting…such a sweet and nice girl…” Weibo added.
“Yup…SWEET … S.W.E.E.T… …” Zax echoed.
“OK OK I get it OK? So what? I’m like this since the first day I was born. If the guy can’t take me as I am, then I might as well don’t have a boyfriend. It’s not as if girls can’t do without a guy nowadays. We’re independent women! We don’t need guys to survive!” I butted angrily and matter-of-factly.
But emotionally, I was feeling the totality of their words.
I was upset.
But I forced myself to hide it all away…
“Ok… now that your attention’s back. We can continue our discussion…” I continued.
Back at the hostel…
*Knock Knock*
“Who is it?” I asked.
“… …”
“Who is it?” I asked again.
“… …”
Curious, I went to the door and peeped through the eye-hole.
There was nobody at the door.
Thinking that it was probably some prankster playing a joke on me, I got back to my work.
But the knocking came again. This time there was still nothing at the door when I looked through the eye-hole.
Frustrated, I opened the door…
There was seriously no one there.
I got out and looked around. But there was not a single soul in sight.
This time it felt a bit creepy. And I had an uneasy feeling.
I hurried back into my room.
But as I was turning around to pull the door close…
The trio. My classmates in my Media and Culture Analysis class.
Weibo, a smooth-talker, and self-proclaimed ladies-man, well-built and ALWAYS in expensive tailored threads.
Niu Nai, a Bugs Bunny teeth cutsy with short spiky hair dyed blonde, ALWAYS in hip-hop streetwear.
Zax Wang Renfu, a very strong conversationalist, and discussion-deterrent, with slightly effeminate features, light brown dyed hair, smaller build than the other two.
“… … …”
“NAI… … BO… … FU… …!!!!” I screamed at the top of my voice.
“Ok, ok ok…. Don’t call us that ok!!”
Immediately the trio coherently stretched to cover my mouth from shouting the phrase again.
Ha ha…
The trio hated it when I combined their names and made the phrase sound like they were like middle-aged men!! And it was my secret weapon against them whenever things got too out of hand.
“… you’re REALLY terrible… so not demure and sweet like other girls… ALWAYS screaming and screaming… …” Niu Nai commented.
“Yeah… you’re NEVER gonna get a boyfriend if you continue like this… okay… guys don’t like rowdy screaming girls… that are independent and strong-willed…so not sweet… guys like SWEET girls okay?? Like your cousin Ting…such a sweet and nice girl…” Weibo added.
“Yup…SWEET … S.W.E.E.T… …” Zax echoed.
“OK OK I get it OK? So what? I’m like this since the first day I was born. If the guy can’t take me as I am, then I might as well don’t have a boyfriend. It’s not as if girls can’t do without a guy nowadays. We’re independent women! We don’t need guys to survive!” I butted angrily and matter-of-factly.
But emotionally, I was feeling the totality of their words.
I was upset.
But I forced myself to hide it all away…
“Ok… now that your attention’s back. We can continue our discussion…” I continued.
Back at the hostel…
*Knock Knock*
“Who is it?” I asked.
“… …”
“Who is it?” I asked again.
“… …”
Curious, I went to the door and peeped through the eye-hole.
There was nobody at the door.
Thinking that it was probably some prankster playing a joke on me, I got back to my work.
But the knocking came again. This time there was still nothing at the door when I looked through the eye-hole.
Frustrated, I opened the door…
There was seriously no one there.
I got out and looked around. But there was not a single soul in sight.
This time it felt a bit creepy. And I had an uneasy feeling.
I hurried back into my room.
But as I was turning around to pull the door close…
Sunday, April 9, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 3
Chapter 3: New Found Friends
I waved frantically to my cousins Ning and Ting as they walked towards me with their luggages. They had come all the way from Singapore to Taiwan to visit me during my study exchange. And I had to go and get them.
In my frantic attempt to catch my cousins’ attention, I bumped straight into someone waiting at the gate too! I turned embarrassedly towards the person whom I had clumsily knocked myself into, and started to bow and apologize repeatedly.
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry! I…”
“No problem, you don’t have to be so apologetic. If a guy can’t even take the impact of a girl bumping into him, he ought to be out of this universe! Cos he won’t be able to survive! Ha ha…”
Hearing the comedic reply, I felt more relieved, and started giggling as I looked up to catch a glimpse of the face of the speaker.
He was a tall, rather well-built guy wearing a loose beige checked short-sleeved shirt with jeans, and short spunky hair. And the guy beside him was also tall like him, well-tanned, with shoulder-length hair, and was dressed in hip-hop street wear.
“Hi. I’m Tianqi. And this is my buddy Ady Jing Hong, you can also call him by his nickname Ah Di.”
“Hi, nice to meet you guys. I’m Ying….Hang on…”
Seeing my cousins walk out of the gate and searching aimlessly for me, I started shouting and waving at them from where I was standing again. Oblivious to the duo whom I had just met. But after some time my cousins finally noticed my desperate antics and started walking towards us. So I turned my attention back to the duo.
“Ha ha ha…”
The duo started laughing.
“What’s wrong? What are you guys laughing at?” I asked curiously.
“Ha ha ha… Are you ALWAYS so mindless of your own image in front of others?” Ah Di asked, in midst bursts of laughter.
“Erm… I don’t understand? Well, I am ME. And I don’t like to be wishy-washy, and act cute and sweet in front of others! Especially in front of guys! So disgusting! Still don’t know why guys LURVEEE that??!! …Erm …Why do you ask?” I blabbered.
“Ha ha ha … You’re REALLY different… Ha ha ha…” Ah Di managed to blurb out his answer amidst his growing laughter.
I made a skeptical face.
Next they’re gonna say that I’m tomboyish, not-lady-like, etc, etc, etc… Typical.
“Ha ha… Ah Di…you’re such a failure…ha ha…see you’ve made our new-found friend angry already…ha ha… Don’t worry Ying, I find you very cute indeed! Ha ha…” Tianqi interrupted the awkward break. And when he said the last sentence, he placed his arm around my shoulders and gave me a firm hug.
“…No…ha ha…not in a bad way… in a refreshing way…” Ah Di started becoming more serious as he tamed himself down, seemingly in an attempt to prevent me from misunderstanding his intentions.
“Hi cous!” choraled Ting and Ning. They had finally reached us, and we started giving each other hugs as I haven’t seen them for a pretty long time already. Being all along in Taiwan on exchange for almost half a year already.
“Er… Ying, you aren’t gonna ignore us already cos of what Ah Di said are you?” Tianqi asked, interrupting our short display of affections. I turned around.
“Oops… sorry… I’m so blur. Okay cous, this is Tianqi and this is Ah Di. Don’t ask me anything cos we’ve just met each other, and I don’t know anything about them at all…” I blabbered the intro out, while they exchanged handshakes.
“Ha ha… you make intros sound so funny…ha ha…Anyway we’re here to fetch our buddies whom are returning from their school vacation trip… And look they’re out too! OVER HERE!! TORO! JUN!!” replied Tianqi, as he gestured for his two friends to join us.
“Ok guys, this is Ying, Ning, and Ting. And girls, this is Toro and Jun.” Tianqi introduced all of us, and we all exchanged handshakes.
Then there was an awkward silence, cos no one knew what to do next. Until…
Ah Di’s stomach had started growling with hunger!
Everyone started laughing.
“Erm… Well thanks for the subtle hint Ah Di! What do y’all think of getting a bite at the airport restaurant before we set off?” Tianqi suggested.
“Come, let us get your luggages for you. We can share two trolleys.” Toro suggested.
“Well that’s a good idea. Then you girls won’t have to carry, push or pull anything! Ha ha… Toro, Jun, you two can handle it ALONE hor?” Tianqi joked.
So Toro and Jun were left to push the trolleys with the luggages. And feeling embarrassed, Ting and Ning offered to help them out, i.e. by walking beside them with a hand on the trolley handles!
After a sumptuous and enjoyable feast, Ah Di ate a large pizza, a plate of spaghetti, and a bowl of soup! All the others just ate half of his quantity!
Gosh… and to think Ning and Ting only had a sundae each, and I only had a cup of mocha frappuccinos…
We had a good time chatting, and when it was time for us to part, we all exchanged contacts and arranged for another gathering at my hostel during the weekend.
I waved frantically to my cousins Ning and Ting as they walked towards me with their luggages. They had come all the way from Singapore to Taiwan to visit me during my study exchange. And I had to go and get them.
In my frantic attempt to catch my cousins’ attention, I bumped straight into someone waiting at the gate too! I turned embarrassedly towards the person whom I had clumsily knocked myself into, and started to bow and apologize repeatedly.
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry! I…”
“No problem, you don’t have to be so apologetic. If a guy can’t even take the impact of a girl bumping into him, he ought to be out of this universe! Cos he won’t be able to survive! Ha ha…”
Hearing the comedic reply, I felt more relieved, and started giggling as I looked up to catch a glimpse of the face of the speaker.
He was a tall, rather well-built guy wearing a loose beige checked short-sleeved shirt with jeans, and short spunky hair. And the guy beside him was also tall like him, well-tanned, with shoulder-length hair, and was dressed in hip-hop street wear.
“Hi. I’m Tianqi. And this is my buddy Ady Jing Hong, you can also call him by his nickname Ah Di.”
“Hi, nice to meet you guys. I’m Ying….Hang on…”
Seeing my cousins walk out of the gate and searching aimlessly for me, I started shouting and waving at them from where I was standing again. Oblivious to the duo whom I had just met. But after some time my cousins finally noticed my desperate antics and started walking towards us. So I turned my attention back to the duo.
“Ha ha ha…”
The duo started laughing.
“What’s wrong? What are you guys laughing at?” I asked curiously.
“Ha ha ha… Are you ALWAYS so mindless of your own image in front of others?” Ah Di asked, in midst bursts of laughter.
“Erm… I don’t understand? Well, I am ME. And I don’t like to be wishy-washy, and act cute and sweet in front of others! Especially in front of guys! So disgusting! Still don’t know why guys LURVEEE that??!! …Erm …Why do you ask?” I blabbered.
“Ha ha ha … You’re REALLY different… Ha ha ha…” Ah Di managed to blurb out his answer amidst his growing laughter.
I made a skeptical face.
Next they’re gonna say that I’m tomboyish, not-lady-like, etc, etc, etc… Typical.
“Ha ha… Ah Di…you’re such a failure…ha ha…see you’ve made our new-found friend angry already…ha ha… Don’t worry Ying, I find you very cute indeed! Ha ha…” Tianqi interrupted the awkward break. And when he said the last sentence, he placed his arm around my shoulders and gave me a firm hug.
“…No…ha ha…not in a bad way… in a refreshing way…” Ah Di started becoming more serious as he tamed himself down, seemingly in an attempt to prevent me from misunderstanding his intentions.
“Hi cous!” choraled Ting and Ning. They had finally reached us, and we started giving each other hugs as I haven’t seen them for a pretty long time already. Being all along in Taiwan on exchange for almost half a year already.
“Er… Ying, you aren’t gonna ignore us already cos of what Ah Di said are you?” Tianqi asked, interrupting our short display of affections. I turned around.
“Oops… sorry… I’m so blur. Okay cous, this is Tianqi and this is Ah Di. Don’t ask me anything cos we’ve just met each other, and I don’t know anything about them at all…” I blabbered the intro out, while they exchanged handshakes.
“Ha ha… you make intros sound so funny…ha ha…Anyway we’re here to fetch our buddies whom are returning from their school vacation trip… And look they’re out too! OVER HERE!! TORO! JUN!!” replied Tianqi, as he gestured for his two friends to join us.
“Ok guys, this is Ying, Ning, and Ting. And girls, this is Toro and Jun.” Tianqi introduced all of us, and we all exchanged handshakes.
Then there was an awkward silence, cos no one knew what to do next. Until…
Ah Di’s stomach had started growling with hunger!
Everyone started laughing.
“Erm… Well thanks for the subtle hint Ah Di! What do y’all think of getting a bite at the airport restaurant before we set off?” Tianqi suggested.
“Come, let us get your luggages for you. We can share two trolleys.” Toro suggested.
“Well that’s a good idea. Then you girls won’t have to carry, push or pull anything! Ha ha… Toro, Jun, you two can handle it ALONE hor?” Tianqi joked.
So Toro and Jun were left to push the trolleys with the luggages. And feeling embarrassed, Ting and Ning offered to help them out, i.e. by walking beside them with a hand on the trolley handles!
After a sumptuous and enjoyable feast, Ah Di ate a large pizza, a plate of spaghetti, and a bowl of soup! All the others just ate half of his quantity!
Gosh… and to think Ning and Ting only had a sundae each, and I only had a cup of mocha frappuccinos…
We had a good time chatting, and when it was time for us to part, we all exchanged contacts and arranged for another gathering at my hostel during the weekend.
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 2
Chapter 2: The Invitation
I looked at the spot where I thought was caught onto something.
His hand.
“Wait… Don’t leave… You aren’t angry with me are you? …”
His towering frame stood in front of me. I found myself tilting my head up to look at him. To look into his brooding eyes…
“… What’s wrong with me leaving? The service’s over anyway… And yes, I AM VERY ANGRY with you.”
I forced myself to stare straight into his eyes. ANGRILY.
He looked away. As if saddened by what I had said. But why? And what?
“…Look. I’ve to go so that I can get back to my hostel in time for Christmas. If you wanna stay here, be my guest. So can you please KINDLY let go of my bag?”
No response. He seemed lost in his thoughts.
I made one last tug at my bag. This time it came loose. Relieved, I turned to go off.
“… Bye… Nice meeting you… … Merry Christmas… …”
There was this bitterness in his voice that made my heart ached for him. I couldn’t move an inch. He needed company. And by the looks of the empty cathedral, I was the only one around who could provide him with that.
“…Erm… Don’t you need to go home for Christmas? I mean you’re not like me, a foreigner abroad and all alone…”
“I AM... alone…”
I took a long moment to take in his reply. That sad and bitter feeling made my heart ache again.
“…Well… If you really have nowhere to go like me… Then do you … do you…”
No response.
“… Okay. Come join me then! Not that it’s gonna be any much fun cos…”
His reply was soft and gentle like a child’s. His expression – a portrait of eternal gratitude and salvation.
“By the way. I’m Roy Chiu Ze.”
I had to bring him back.
I had the strong premonition that if I had left him there alone. Something bad would have happened…
And in reality, something really good came out of my invite…
I looked at the spot where I thought was caught onto something.
His hand.
“Wait… Don’t leave… You aren’t angry with me are you? …”
His towering frame stood in front of me. I found myself tilting my head up to look at him. To look into his brooding eyes…
“… What’s wrong with me leaving? The service’s over anyway… And yes, I AM VERY ANGRY with you.”
I forced myself to stare straight into his eyes. ANGRILY.
He looked away. As if saddened by what I had said. But why? And what?
“…Look. I’ve to go so that I can get back to my hostel in time for Christmas. If you wanna stay here, be my guest. So can you please KINDLY let go of my bag?”
No response. He seemed lost in his thoughts.
I made one last tug at my bag. This time it came loose. Relieved, I turned to go off.
“… Bye… Nice meeting you… … Merry Christmas… …”
There was this bitterness in his voice that made my heart ached for him. I couldn’t move an inch. He needed company. And by the looks of the empty cathedral, I was the only one around who could provide him with that.
“…Erm… Don’t you need to go home for Christmas? I mean you’re not like me, a foreigner abroad and all alone…”
“I AM... alone…”
I took a long moment to take in his reply. That sad and bitter feeling made my heart ache again.
“…Well… If you really have nowhere to go like me… Then do you … do you…”
No response.
“… Okay. Come join me then! Not that it’s gonna be any much fun cos…”
His reply was soft and gentle like a child’s. His expression – a portrait of eternal gratitude and salvation.
“By the way. I’m Roy Chiu Ze.”
I had to bring him back.
I had the strong premonition that if I had left him there alone. Something bad would have happened…
And in reality, something really good came out of my invite…
Saturday, April 8, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Chanced Meeting
It’s a cold and chilly night.
I’m at the street walking around in the cold. Suddenly I chance on a small and antique looking cathedral. The building seemed to be beckoning me to enter into its warm and cozy caress. As another chilling swipe of icy wind hit my bare face, I decide to venture further into the inviting building.
As I huddle my freezing body into the building’s warmth, I didn’t notice that there was an evening worship service going on at the moment! Everyone looked at me when I stumbled noisily and clumsily into the tranquil surroundings! Thank goodness that I didn’t even notice that anything was wrong as I was fully concentrating on getting my heavy coat and belongings into the tight squeeze of a bench…
I looked up. I felt a tinge of uneasiness going through me, as if I was being watched… And yes, boy oh boy was I being watched… The entire church was glaring at me! Totally embarrassed, I made a “So sorry…” face, and looked down hoping to hide my embarrassment. My face had already gone beetroot from blushing!
Thankfully, the assembly decided to continue their service despite of my slight disturbance.
“Hee hee hee…”
I’m very sure I heard it this time.
There’s someone giggling about my current embarrassing state!
But I don’t know who…
But I’m determined to find that meanie!
My eyes scanned the interior, darting here and there in an exhausting attempt to catch the culprit in the act.
“Hee hee hee hee hee…”
The sound was becoming more muffled, but longer than before. The person’s probably was attempting to cover the growing giggles. My eyes searched even more frantically, as anger fuelled my seemingly hopeless search.
Finally. I found the culprit.
I found him.
Seated at the extreme opposite end of the cathedral from me, was a guy in his early twenties, clean-cut with nice natural curls in his shoulder-length brown hair. From where we were seated, I could hardly see his face, and I yearned so much to get a full glimpse of the meanie’s face! So I shifted to and fro as I stood at my seat as the crowd between us had begun moving around! Once again in my deep concentration, I didn’t realize that the service had already ended, and the people moving around blocking my view were actually moving out of their seats, and out of the cathedral! And extremist as I was, I started dragging my stuff and stormed towards the cause of my frustration!
As I closed in, I realized that he hadn’t moved an inch from his seat, but instead was still giggling when I stood in front of him!
“Hey you! You’re REALLY MEAN aren’t you?! Having your own laugh over here and all…”
He stood up suddenly in front of me.
A tall and lanky frame towered over me. And there was something that I couldn’t take my eyes off…
That pair of piercing dark brown eyes, encircled by thick, long and curly eyelashes that many girls would die to have. Yet there seemed to be this brooding deep and dark secret behind it all…
Huh?!! What an answer?!!
“…I said what did you think you were doing, building your our happiness over another’s pain!”
He gave a “Huh? What do you mean? I didn’t.” look.
“ You were laughing over here about my… my…”
A curve started spreading from the corner of his mouth.
“Hee hee…. Ha ha ha…”
He broke out into laughter.
m( _ _ )m
Totally felt like knocking my head on the praying bench!
Couldn’t take it anymore. I started gathering my stuff to go. As I turned to walk out of the bench area, I felt a firm tug at my bag. Thinking that it had probably got caught on something, I tried tugging at it, but to no avail. In fact my tugging seemed to make the tension even tighter from the other end. Frustrated, thinking that I must be really down on my luck tonight, I turned around…
It’s a cold and chilly night.
I’m at the street walking around in the cold. Suddenly I chance on a small and antique looking cathedral. The building seemed to be beckoning me to enter into its warm and cozy caress. As another chilling swipe of icy wind hit my bare face, I decide to venture further into the inviting building.
As I huddle my freezing body into the building’s warmth, I didn’t notice that there was an evening worship service going on at the moment! Everyone looked at me when I stumbled noisily and clumsily into the tranquil surroundings! Thank goodness that I didn’t even notice that anything was wrong as I was fully concentrating on getting my heavy coat and belongings into the tight squeeze of a bench…
I looked up. I felt a tinge of uneasiness going through me, as if I was being watched… And yes, boy oh boy was I being watched… The entire church was glaring at me! Totally embarrassed, I made a “So sorry…” face, and looked down hoping to hide my embarrassment. My face had already gone beetroot from blushing!
Thankfully, the assembly decided to continue their service despite of my slight disturbance.
“Hee hee hee…”
I’m very sure I heard it this time.
There’s someone giggling about my current embarrassing state!
But I don’t know who…
But I’m determined to find that meanie!
My eyes scanned the interior, darting here and there in an exhausting attempt to catch the culprit in the act.
“Hee hee hee hee hee…”
The sound was becoming more muffled, but longer than before. The person’s probably was attempting to cover the growing giggles. My eyes searched even more frantically, as anger fuelled my seemingly hopeless search.
Finally. I found the culprit.
I found him.
Seated at the extreme opposite end of the cathedral from me, was a guy in his early twenties, clean-cut with nice natural curls in his shoulder-length brown hair. From where we were seated, I could hardly see his face, and I yearned so much to get a full glimpse of the meanie’s face! So I shifted to and fro as I stood at my seat as the crowd between us had begun moving around! Once again in my deep concentration, I didn’t realize that the service had already ended, and the people moving around blocking my view were actually moving out of their seats, and out of the cathedral! And extremist as I was, I started dragging my stuff and stormed towards the cause of my frustration!
As I closed in, I realized that he hadn’t moved an inch from his seat, but instead was still giggling when I stood in front of him!
“Hey you! You’re REALLY MEAN aren’t you?! Having your own laugh over here and all…”
He stood up suddenly in front of me.
A tall and lanky frame towered over me. And there was something that I couldn’t take my eyes off…
That pair of piercing dark brown eyes, encircled by thick, long and curly eyelashes that many girls would die to have. Yet there seemed to be this brooding deep and dark secret behind it all…
Huh?!! What an answer?!!
“…I said what did you think you were doing, building your our happiness over another’s pain!”
He gave a “Huh? What do you mean? I didn’t.” look.
“ You were laughing over here about my… my…”
A curve started spreading from the corner of his mouth.
“Hee hee…. Ha ha ha…”
He broke out into laughter.
m( _ _ )m
Totally felt like knocking my head on the praying bench!
Couldn’t take it anymore. I started gathering my stuff to go. As I turned to walk out of the bench area, I felt a firm tug at my bag. Thinking that it had probably got caught on something, I tried tugging at it, but to no avail. In fact my tugging seemed to make the tension even tighter from the other end. Frustrated, thinking that I must be really down on my luck tonight, I turned around…
Friday, April 7, 2006
Destined 遐想 - Foreword
This story revolves around quite a number of artistes:
Roy Chiu Ze 邱泽

Toro Guo Wei Yun 郭苇昀(ENERGY)

Wilbur Pan Weibo 潘伟柏

Show Luo Zhixiang Xiaozhu 小猪 罗志祥

Jun Matsumoto 松本 潤 (嵐)

Niu Nai Milk Ye Yihua 牛奶 (ENERGY)

Gao Tianqi 高天骐

Ah Di Edy Hsiao Jing Hong 阿弟 萧景鸿(ENERGY)

Zax Wang Renfu 王仁甫 (5566)

Also including: Ying, Ning & Ting
Arron Yan Ya Lun 炎亞綸 ( 飞轮海 , Fahrenheit)

It different from the style most of the fan-fics done. It’s more like a story in a way. Less like a script to be read out. I feel that emotions are better portrayed this way, though I don’t know if you’ll all agree so.
Roy Chiu Ze 邱泽

Toro Guo Wei Yun 郭苇昀(ENERGY)

Wilbur Pan Weibo 潘伟柏

Show Luo Zhixiang Xiaozhu 小猪 罗志祥

Jun Matsumoto 松本 潤 (嵐)

Niu Nai Milk Ye Yihua 牛奶 (ENERGY)

Gao Tianqi 高天骐

Ah Di Edy Hsiao Jing Hong 阿弟 萧景鸿(ENERGY)

Zax Wang Renfu 王仁甫 (5566)

Also including: Ying, Ning & Ting
Arron Yan Ya Lun 炎亞綸 ( 飞轮海 , Fahrenheit)

It different from the style most of the fan-fics done. It’s more like a story in a way. Less like a script to be read out. I feel that emotions are better portrayed this way, though I don’t know if you’ll all agree so.
Destined 遐想 Intro Trailer
Introducing the cast of Destined 遐想...
A video proudly brought to you by Tedheads.
A video proudly brought to you by Tedheads.
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