Chapter 45: Dinner plansKiki: So... I can get back to my work now?I looked at Jaejoong with pleading eyes. He smiled and relented, giving a slight nod and stood up and went behind me, and pushed me towards my work room. Once he pushed me next to my work table, he bent down so that he was at my eye level.
Jaejoong: Is there anything else you need before I leave you to your work?
Kiki: Erm... There is something... I hope you can do for me...Jaejoong: What's that? I'm all ears...
Kiki: Joongie ah... He took my hands in his.
Jaejoong: Ye... yeobo...
Kiki: Can you be lenient with Micky and Max? Let them off today?He made a face.
Jaejoong: Don't tell me you agreed to everything I asked... Just to help get the two of them off the hook?I placed my hand on his face.
Kiki: Of course not... I just thought it would be nice to invite everyone out for a nice dinner tonight...Jaejoong: Go OUT for dinner?
Kiki: Ne... So... So you can...Jaejoong: I can???Jaejoong scratched his head blurly. I looked at him and smiled.
Kiki's thoughts: I think he doesn't know what I am hinting at all...
Kiki: Ah nevermind... I'll just go back to my work...
Jaejoong: But....Kiki: It's okay Joongie... I'll just go back to my work... You go and have some rest... You've been awake the whole day already...Jaejoong: You sure you don't need anything?Kiki: Ne... Joongie... I'll be fine... Go on and get some rest...He turned and walked out of the room and sat at the sofa.
Jaejoong's thoughts: What is she trying to say... She doesn't tell me what she wants to say and suddenly changes the subject... How am I supposed to know what she wants?!!! Let me think... Dinner... Invitation... Everyone... Tonight... Hmmm....Jaejoong scratched his head and thought hard. He tousled his hair frustratedly and flung them down. He looked down at his hands and suddenly his eyes sparkled. He had realised what I was trying to ask him to do!!!
Immediately he gave Micky a call.
Micky: Yobosayo...Jaejoong: Yobosayo. It's me Jaejoong hyung. You guys don't have to make dinner tonight. We're going out for dinner at Samwon Garden. Micky: Omo... Kamsahamnida hyung... Thanks for letting us off... But what's the special occasion? Samwon Garden isn't cheap... Jaejoong: Just make sure you guys are dressed properly. I expect to see ALL of you there. Annyeongi kyeseyo.Micky: Hyung... yobosayo... yobosayo... Next he made a call to Samwon Garden and made a reservation for 8 for dinner in a private room. Satisfied with what he had planned. He strolled in to check on me. I was busy flipping through the documents and making notes on my notebook when he came in and hugged me from the back.
Jaejoong: How's the work going? Tired?I placed my hand on his around me.
Kiki: I've only been working for a while... You're not stopping me already are you? Go get some rest... You should be tired from taking care of me the entire day.Jaejoong: No... I'm not tired... I just wanna hug you for a while now... Kiki: Joongie... If you hug me like this I can't do my work...I pulled his arms away and turned around to face him.
Jaejoong: You sure you don't want me to stay to keep you company?Kiki: I'll be fine... Don't worry...He gave a disappointed face.
Kiki: Okay okay... I know you're bored... Let me give you something to work on now... Since you don't want to rest... Can you compose a song for me while I work? He smiled and pinched my nose.
Jaejoong: No problem!!! I should be done when you're finished... I am so inspired to compose now... I'll just do it over there at that side... So I can look at "my inspiration" while I compose...I smiled upon hearing his saccharine-sweet sweet-nothings. He got up and walked over to another nearby work desk, where he had placed his keyboard and labtop at when he came over earlier. He sat down and put on his headphones, and started playing randomly while fumbling at the labtop.
I smiled and turned back to my work.
3 hours later... 6pm...I stretched my arms into the air and twisted my back to stretch the tired muscles. Then I spotted Jaejoong still hard at work at the labtop, listening to the song through the headphones. I rolled my swivel chair over and propped my head at the table.
He looked over at me and smiled, clicked on the labtop and took off his headphones.
Jaejoong: You're done?Kiki: Yeah... For now... Until they have more information... I'm done for this pile... You?Jaejoong: The music's done. But I've not written the lyrics yet...He scratched his head like a child, tousling his hair at the same time.
Kiki: It's alright... You can continue this another day... Take your time... Just show it to me when it's done...Jaejoong: What time is it now?Kiki: I think it's already 6pm. Why? You wanna cook dinner now?Jaejoong: No... We're going out for dinner, remember? I've made reservations already... It's a nice traditional Korean restaurant...I looked at him in surprise.
Kiki: I thought you...Jaejoong: I'll leave you alone to doll up... He reached over and kissed me gently on my lips.
Jaejoong: I'll be back at 7pm to pick you...He started walking out of the room.
Kiki: Joongie... What's the dress code? Smart casual? I don't want to look out of place in the restaurant... He made a 360 degrees turn and shouted.
Jaejoong: It's smart casual... I'll be back... Yeobo... De wa matta...Kiki: Wait... I don't need so much time... Don't you...He had already danced his way out of the work room. I rolled myself towards the door. He had already opened the door and was waiting there looking in.
I looked at him quizzically and rolled my chair towards the door.
Kiki: Forgot something?Jaejoong: Anio... I just wanted to let you know that I still have your keys, so you don't have to worry about coming to open the door for me later... Just take your time... I'll see you later...And he closed the door, leaving me clueless on what is happening.
Half an hour later...I was out from the bath standing in my room on one foot, wrapped in a towel, trying to decide what to wear. Unsure of what the restaurant was like, but only know that the dress code is smart casual. I pondered and pondered undecidedly, as I looked at the limited choice I had in my poorly stocked cupboard. I didn't bring a lot of clothes here, as I thought I'll mostly be in production work, so I won't be needing many formal clothes. I had brought mostly jeans, capris, and t-shirts. I had some sweaters and jackets for the colder weather. But that was it. Nothing that could really fit the occasion.
Just as I was scratching my head in frustration, I saw a head pop out from behind my bedroom door.
Kiki: AHHHHHHH!!!!!I jumped and tried to cover myself with the white shirt that I was holding.
Kiki: JOONGIE!!! What are you doing here so early??!!!!! I thought you said an hour!!!!I didn't realise that my back was still reflected in the full length mirrors on the cupboard's exterior sliding doors.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Ah.... I caught her in a bad time again... Only in a towel...Jaejoong smiled and started walking into my room.
Jaejoong: Because I was ready, and I felt bored waiting in our apartment, so I thought I'll just drop by earlier to wait for you... At least you can keep me company here...He stopped right in front of me and gave me a peck on my forehead. Then he took the white shirt from my hand and took a look at it.
Jaejoong: You're not wearing this are you?I smiled embarassedly. He took a look at my opened cupboard. There was really nothing that I could wear... That would fit the occasion...
Kiki: I don't know what to wear... I don't think I have anything smart casual... Maybe just a shirt and capri pants with heels... That's all I brought... Cos I didn't think I'll be needing smart casual wear for filming... Is it too casual?I glanced at his clothes. He was wearing a smart black suit jacket with a grey hoodie underneath. I felt vastly under-dressed. But I had nothing to wear.
Jaejoong: Hmmm.... Nevermind... Just wear this first and get yourself ready...Kiki: But...He started walking out of the room to let me change. Once the door was closed. I looked at the shirt and sighed reluctantly. I changed into it and my black striped capri pants, put on some simple makeup and blew my hair dry. Then I pushed myself out of the room on my swivel chair.
Jaejoong got up when I got out and walked towards the door.
Jaejoong: We'll leave now then...Kiki: But it's only 6.30pm... Isn't it too early?Jaejoong: No... We're fine... We'll need time to get you to the car park anyway... Come on honey... Let's go...I nodded and grabbed my black patent heels from the shoe rack. Then I realised that I can't wear them cos my ankle is swollen. I put them back.
Kiki: Joongie... I can't wear those... I need to wear my flat Birkenstocks instead... Is it okay?Jaejoong: No worries... It's fine...I slipped them on and got out of the swivel chair and stood on one leg. I reached for my clutches and before I could reach them. Jaejoong had already swept me off my feet, and into his arms.
Kiki: Joongie!!! I thought I said...Jaejoong: What? You don't expect me to let you struggle to the carpark in this state, when I am right here right?He looked at me seriously.
Kiki: Okay... Just here then... But you must let me walk once we reach the restaurant.He nodded.
10 minutes later...He stopped the car in front of a mall, and got off. He came over to my side. And I rolled down the window.
Jaejoong: I need to go get something first. Can you wait here for me for a while?I nodded.
He rushed in. He came out another 10 minutes later without anything in his hands. He came over to my side and opened the door.
Jaejoong: Come...He took me into his arms and slammed the door behind him.
Kiki: Where are we going? We're there already? The restaurant is inside this mall?Jaejoong: No... I have a surprise for you...I looked around as he walked, and then I realised where he was approaching. It was a boutique with beautiful dresses. And two sales assistants were standing at the door waiting for us. He carried me into the private dressing room and put me down.
He spoke to them in Korean and they rushed off, as if to get something.
Kiki: Joongie... Erm... Why are we here?Jaejoong: You said you have nothing to wear right? I'm getting you something to wear before we go to the restaurant... I'll leave you here in their hands for now... I'll go wait for you outside...Kiki: Joongie...I held on to his hand firmly, reluctant to let him leave me alone in the foreign place.
Jaejoong: It's okay... I'll be just outside... Unless you want me to stay here while you change... I don't mind...I made a face.
Kiki: Of cos I mind... Aish~ you are so... Go on outside...He smiled and gave me a peck on my forehead and went out.
The two sales assistants brought in a baby blue-greyish layered chiffon tube tea dress which was knee length... The dress was beautiful... And it matched Jaejoong's grey hoodie perfectly. They helped me into the dress and helped me put on a pair of patent heels of the same color. Well one of the two shoes, cos my swollen foot couldn't wear it. Then they went out to get Jaejoong.
When he walked in, I was standing by the mirror, holding on to the mirror for support and balance, as I was standing on heels on one leg.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Wow... Perfect... All she needs now is...He came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist. I looked up when I felt his arms go round me. I smiled.
Kiki: I can't really walk in this heel... At least not now...Jaejoong: You don't have to... I'll carry you...I smiled.
Kiki: So how do I look now? Alright for the restaurant?Jaejoong: Perfect... Except...Kiki: Huh?He fished out a necklace from his jacket and placed it around my neck. It was a heart-shaped silver locket. I touched the locket and leaned nearer to the mirror to take a look.
Jaejoong: Now you look perfect...I opened the locket and took a look inside. There was a pic of him inside. I closed it and flipped it over, as I felt something behind. His initials were engraved behind.
Kiki: Joongie.... You shouldn't have...Jaejoong: Of cos I have to... So you can't "run away" from me... And all the other "flies" on set will know that you are spoken for... Anywayz I got one too...He fished a necklace around his neck from under his hoodie and took it out to show it to me. His was similar to mine, but a male version, and his had my pic inside and my initials behind.
Jaejoong: You know I can't display it publicly, but I'll be wearing it close to my heart, that's where you are at...And he wore it back onto his neck, and tapped his heart twice.
Kiki: You smooth-talker... *giggle* We'd better hurry... Or we'll be late...Jaejoong: I know... Let's go...He took me into his arms and walked out of the store back to his car.