Chapter 1: Ya, Junsu!!! Stop Disturbing Everyone!!!!!After a night of partying, everyone was really tired. At around 9 in the morning, everyone was still in bed except for Junsu. Junsu was really excited that it was going to be games day for him. He woke up especially early. First, he went to wake his roommate, Micky.
Junsu: Ya Park Yoochun!!! Wake up!!!! The sun is already high up in the sky! Wake up!!!Micky was reluctant to wake up. He used his pillow to cover his head.
Junsu: Ya, PARK YOOCHUN!!!!!!Still no response from Micky.
Junsu (screaming into Micky's ears): YA, PARK YOOCHUN, THE HOUSE ON FIRE. WAKE UP!!!!!!Micky (shocked): Huh? Fire!!!????Micky jumped up from his bed, and went to the desk to grab his laptop and Ipod. Then, he headed straight for the exit.
Micky: Junsu, ya. Ppalii. We better go and inform the rest.Seeing Micky's hilarious reaction, Junsu started to laugh really loudly until he was rolling on the floor as he was laughing.
Junsu: UE KYANG KYANG!!!!! UE KYANG KYANG!!!!! UE KYANG KYANG!!!!!Just when Micky was about to leave the room, he realised something was not right. He was wondering why was Junsu laughing. He turned around and saw Junsu was laughing so hard that he fell to the ground.
Micky: Ya, KIM JUNSU!!!!!Junsu: Wae? You look so funny. Your expression was really classic. UE KYANG KYANG!!!!! UE KYANG KYANG!!!!! UE KYANG KYANG!!!!!Micky (angry) : Ya, KIM JUNSU!!!!! What are you trying to do? I'm sleeping. Don't you know that?Junsu (looked at Micky innocently): I'm just wanted to wake you up. That's all. Don't you know how hard it is to wake you up?That cute and innocent look that Junsu had on his face made it rather hard for Micky to stay mad at Junsu for long.
Micky: Sigh... But, why must you wake me up first? You can wake the rest and come to be last. I'm really tired from all the work I did yesterday. So, let me sleep longer alright?Micky then placed his stuff back to its original place and went back to bed. But, Junsu was not very happy. He wanted Micky to help him in waking the rest up.
Just as Micky wanted to lie back down on his bed, Junsu immediately sat on the bed. Junsu placed his hands on Micky's back to prevent him from lying down.
Micky: YA, KIM JUNSU!!!! Can't you let me sleep in peace?Junsu (looked at Micky innocently again): Can't we go and call the rest up together? You can go call Uknow-hyung and Max, and Jaejoong-hyung and Kiki, while I can go call Fifi and Theo. Please???? Pretty please???Micky: Nope. I want to sleep.Junsu went to Micky's laptop.
Junsu: Are you sure you want to continue sleeping?Micky: Yeah.Junsu: If you're not going to wake up, I'm going to delete all your songs that you've written.Micky: Whatever, Kim Junsu. Can't you just let me sleep in peace?Junsu: My finger is already on the delete keys. Are you sure, you're not going to wake up?Micky: Yes. Do whatever you like.Junsu hit the "delete" key, making a loud sound. Instantly, Micky jumped up from his bed and went to check if Junsu had really deleted his songs.
Micky (angrily): YA, KIM JUNSU!!! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO????Junsu: I didn't do anything.Micky looked at his laptop, and realised that it was not even turned on.
Micky: Ya, you almost gave me a shock.Junsu: So, are you awake now? Can we go and call the rest?Micky: Alright, alright. You win.Micky was afraid that Junsu would really do what he meant. Thus, Micky got up reluctantly and went to Jaejoong's and Kiki's room first. They were the easiest people to wake. He just had to knock on the door a few times and Kiki had already gotten up and came to the door. So without much effort, Micky had woken Kiki up. And left her to wake Jaejoong up. Then Jaejoong and Kiki woke up and started to prepare the breakfast for the rest. Then, he went into Uknow's and Max's room.
Micky: Hyung!! Max!! Wake up!!!!Uknow (talk with his eyes closed): Why are we waking up so early? I'm tired.Max (talk with his eyes closed): Yeah, hyung. Can't you let us sleep a little longer?Micky: I'm sorry, guys. It's Junsu's idea to wake all of us up. I think he's really excited about his games. I, too, am a victim.Max: Hyung, why don't we continue sleeping and ignore Junsu.Uknow: Yeah. I don't know where did Junsu get all his energy to wake up that early.Micky: We should just ignore him. Hyung, move a little so that I can share the bed with you.Micky climbed into Uknow's bed. And, the 3 of them went off back to dreamland.
*Knock Knock*Junsu: Girls, are you awake yet?No response.
Junsu: Fifi? Theo?Still no response.
Junsu's POV: Are the girls still sleeping? Or they're trying to ignore me? Should I go into the room? Is it too rude for me to barge into a girls' room? There's Theo in the room, I think Uknow-hyung is going to be angry if I entered the room without his permission. But, if it is only Fifi's, I don't think it would be that bad. Maybe, I should go and ask Kiki to see if the girls are awake.Junsu went to the kitchen to look for Kiki. Jaejoong and Kiki were already preparing breakfast.
Junsu: Kiki, could you do me a favour?Kiki: Yes, Junsu?Junsu: Can you help me to go into the girl's room to check if they're awake. It would be rude if I barge in. And, Uknow-hyung will definitely kill me.Jaejoong: Junsu, can't you see that I'm preparing breakfast here for you guys with my jagiya? How can you ask your hyungsoo-nim to leave her jaji to help you?Kiki: I won't take too long, Jaejoong. I'll be back ASAP. And, I'm the only yeoja here who is awake. You can't expect Junsu to go into the girls' room while they are sleeping right.Jaejoong: But, you know it's really difficult to wake Fifi and Theo. And I'll miss you when you're gone.Junsu (started to shiver): Hyung, can't you keep all these mushy stuff to yourselves? It's giving me the goose bumps.Kiki: Jaejoong, this is the LAST warning to you. Better not call me jagiya in front of others anymore. Or, you will get it from me. Kajang, Junsu.Kiki went off with Junsu to the girl's room.
Jaejoong (when Kiki's back was facing him): Araso... Jagiya...Kiki immediately turned around, and started to walk back.
Kiki: What did you say?Junsu: Kiki, can we call the girls first. You can deal with Hyung later. There's plenty of time.Kiki: Jaejoong, you're going to get it from me later.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kiki opened the door of the girl's room and went in, leaving Junsu outside. The girls were still sleeping when Kiki entered the room. They were oblivious to Kiki's presence. Then, Kiki went out of the room.
Kiki: The girls are still sleeping. Do you need me to wake them up?Junsu: You can try. But, I think it's going to be hard. That time I tried to wake Fifi up, but it took me quite a while.Kiki: I think you can get Uknow to wake Theo up. Maybe, it would help. But, as for Fifi, I don't know...Junsu (laughing to himself): Hmmm... I know what I'll do to wake Fifi up.Kiki: Oh, okay. Then I'll leave u and U-Know to wake them up, I need to teach Jaejoong a lesson.Kiki went back to the kitchen.
Junsu went to Uknow's and Max's room first before waking Fifi up. But, all he saw was Micky, Uknow and Max were in bed sleeping.
Junsu (screaming at the top of his voice): YA!!!! WHY ARE YOU GUYS SLEEPING????? YA PARK YOOCHUN!!!!! AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO WAKE THE REST UP????
Micky (awoken from his sleep): Huh?
The rest who were still deep in their sleep were awoken from their sleep.
Max: Hyung.... Can't you let us sleep?
Uknow: Yeah. It's still early.
Junsu: But, Jaejoong-hyung and Kiki are already up. They're preparing breakfast now.
Micky: Ya, Junsu. Can't you just let us sleep in peace?
Junsu: Park Yoochun, you sure you want to continue sleeping? What about your labtop amd the music in there?
Micky: Araso. I'll wake up.
Junsu (proud of himself): Good. Hyung, how about you? Are you going to wake up?
Uknow: Junsu ya, you can't threaten me with anything. I didn't bring my laptop or Ipod along.
Junsu (smiling to himself): Are you sure? What if I ask Theo to come over? Theo, you want to come in and call Uknow-hyung up?
Upon hearing the word "Theo", Uknow immediatley jump out of bed.
Uknow (anxious): Where's Theo? Theo, don't come in yet, I'm.... I'm.....
Junsu and Micky were laughing at Uknow. Uknow was prancing up and down the room, looking for the mirror to make sure he was not in a mess.
Uknow noticed something was amiss.
Uknow: Huh? Why are you guys laughing? Do I look very bad?
Micky: Erm.. Hyung, you can relax now. Theo is still in her room sleeping. It's Junsu who is playing a prank on you.
Uknow: KIM JUNSU!!!!
Junsu: Sorry, Hyung. If I didn't do that, I don't think you're going to wake up any time soon. Oh yeah. Hyung, can you go and call Theo?
Uknow: Is she still sleeping?
Junsu: Yeah. But, don't disturb Fifi. Let her sleep a bit longer alright?
Uknow: Ya, Junsu. You're really biased.
Micky: Don't you know?
Uknow (curious): What???!!!!!
Max, who was still sleeping, vaguely heard that there was going to be some juicy news. He immediately opened his eyes and sat up.
Max: Hyungs, how can you leave me out from the gossip. I wanna know.
Junsu's POV: Don't tell me that this Park Yoochun knows that I like Fifi? This is so embarrassing.
Micky: You guys really didn't notice anything "funny" going on between Junsu and Fifi?
Max and Uknow shook their head in unison. Both the guys were very curious to find out
Micky: Junsu likes Ffff.....Junsu quickly went up to Micky, using his hands to cover Micky's mouth.
Max: Junsu-hyung, what are you doing? Micky-hyung haven't finished his sentence yet.
Junsu (sounded very anxious): Don't you know that Micky loves to joke around and sprout nonsense. So, don't take him seriously.
Uknow (stared intensely at Junsu): But, I don't think Micky is serious. He's not joking. Is there some secret that the both of you know but we don't?
Junsu(nervous): Erm.... Erm........ Nope.
Micky: Ya, Junsu. Can't you just be honest with all of us here?
Max: Yeah, Junsu-hyung. We promised to keep this a secret. Am I right?
Micky and Uknow: Yeah.
Micky: Never mind. I'll tell you guys. Uknow-hyung and Max, please keep Junsu away from me.Uknow and Max each grabbed on to one side Junsu's arm.
Micky: Junsu likes Fifi!
Max and Uknow let go of Junsu.
Max: What! Are you serious?
Micky: Yeah. I'm definite about that. Nobody could be as observant as me when it comes to such things.
Junsu: Aish! This is so embarrassing.....
Uknow: Junsu, ya. You need our help? We can all chip in.
Junsu: Erm..... I don't think so. I think it's better to let me handle this myself. Hyung, we still need to call the girls wake up, or else will not have enough time for my games. Ppalli!!!!
Junsu dragged Uknow out of the room and the both of them headed towards the girls' room.
Max and Micky(looked at each other): Sigh... Games again.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Uknow sat on the edge of Theo's bed.
Uknow (tapped Theo lightly): Theo, wake up!
Theo: Huh? Later. I'm still tired.
Uknow: It's getting late.
Theo(used her blanket to cover her head): Uknow, just let me sleep a little longer please?
Uknow: Nope. Everyone's awake. You're the only one still sleeping.
Theo: I bet Fifi is still in her bed.
Uknow: Erm.... She's awake.
Theo: Really! But.... But... I'm really tired.
Uknow: Come on, Theo. Don't be a lazy bum. If you're not going to wake up, I'll just have to.... Heeeheeeee......
Theo: Whatever, Uknow.
Theo continued to sleep, ignoring Uknow.
Uknow: Are you sure?
No response from Theo.
Uknow got up from the bed, and lifted Theo up and placed her on his shoulders.
Theo (furious): JUNG YUNHO!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? PUT ME DOWN!!!!!
Theo was kicking furiously, hoping that she would be put down.
Uknow: Are you awake yet?
Theo: Yes, yes, yes.
Junsu, who was sitting on the edge of Fifi's bed, witnessed everything.
Junsu: Hyung, you're the namja.
Suddenly, Theo realised that Uknow and her were not the only ones in the room.
Theo (still kicking with all her might): Oh my. This is so embarrassing. Uknow, quick put me down. Or else you're going to get it from me.Uknow: I'm not going to put you down. I'm going to bring you to the toilet for you to wash up. If not, you're going back to bed again. And, can you please stop kicking or else you're going to fall, and I'm not going to be responsible for that. (Wink at Junsu) Junsu, hwaiting.
Theo (stopped kicking): Whatever.Uknow left the room, with Theo still on his shoulders.
Junsu's POV: Hmmm... Uknow-hyung and Theo are both out of the way now. Let me see what I should do to wake Fifi up. It's going to be hard waking her up. Hmmmmm.....Junsu was thinking real hard to come out with a way to wake Fifi up.
Fifi was facing the wall while Junsu sat on the bed so the 2 of them were positioned in a way where their backs were facing each other.
Suddenly, Fifi started to turn around, and she kicked Junsu off the bed. Junsu fell to the ground with his butt touching the floor first, giving off a loud "thud".
Junsu (scream really loud): OUCH!!!! FIFI!!!!!Fifi woke up due to Junsu's screaming and she sat up.
Fifi (puzzled): Huh? What happened? Theo?Fifi looked around the room, but she did not see Theo anywhere.
Fifi: Sigh... I must be dreaming again.
Then, Fifi went back to sleep. Even before Fifi could lie back on her bed, Junsu got up from the floor and stood up.
Junsu: Fifi, it's me! You're not dreaming.
Fifi (confused): Huh????!!! What are doing in my room???
Junsu: Erm.... Erm... I'm supposed... to wake you up.
Fifi: I think it's not really nice to be in a girl's room in the morning.
Junsu: But.... But... Never mind. Since you're up now, why don't we go out for breakfast?
Fifi (sceptical) : You and me? Going out of this room TOGETHER?????? I don't think so.
Junsu (confused): Why? I don't understand.
Fifi: Erm... Never mind then. You can go out first, and then I will go out a little while later.
Junsu: I don't care. We're going out together.
Junsu grabbed Fifi's hand and dragged her out of the room.
Fifi: YA!!!! KIM JUNSU!!!!! LET GO OF ME!!!!Junsu: Do you want the whole world to hear you? If you don't you can stop screaming.
Fifi (gave Junsu a dirty look): Whatever.Fifi stopped screaming and allowed Junsu to lead the way.
Junsu's POV: YAY!!! I won. If Fifi is going to listen to what I'm saying all the time, it would be soooooooo nice. Sigh, but she don't. How nice it would be if I could hold on to her hands for the rest of my life.Fifi's POV: What is Junsu trying to do? I'm getting very confused now. First, he was so nice to that "woman" that he met on the streets. Last night, he wanted to dance with me. And, this morning, the first thing I see is Kim Junsu again. Argh... I think I'm going crazy!!!
Meanwhile, in the kitchen......
Kiki (stared sternly at Jaejoong): KIM JAEJOONG!!! What did I always tell you?
Jaejoong: Erm...... That you liked me a lot...
Kiki was getting really furious now.
Kiki's POV: That babo Joongie. He knew what I meant. But, he's denying it. I'm going to make sure that he's not going to call me jagiya in front of the guys ever again or else I will not be Kiki.
Kiki: I think you've missed out something, Mr Kim.
Jaejoong moved closer towards Kiki and lowered himself to be on the same level as Kiki.
Jaejoong: I don't think so...
Jaejoong's face was so close to Kiki and that made her heart beat very much faster.
Kiki's POV: What is Joongie doing again? Argh... I'm supposed to be angry with him and scolding him. But, now my heart is beating so fast. And, he looks so handsome. That pair of mesmerising eyes of his......... Wait.... I'm supposed to be angry.. Yeah... Angry.
Kiki: I think your memory isn't that good. Didn't I tell you that you can't call me "jagiya" in public?
Jaejoong: Yeah. But....
Kiki: No buts. A promise is a promise.
Jaejoong: But, you're my fiancée now. So......
Kiki: This isn't a.......Before Kiki could finish her sentence, Jaejoong planted a kiss on her cheeks.
Jaejoong: Now, you're mine. With my kiss as a seal, you can't run away.Kiki was a little shocked by Jaejoong's action.
Jaejoong: So, I can call you "jagiya" when the rest are around right? But not in public. Am I right?Kiki was still in the state of shock. Her mind could not function properly at that moment.
Kiki: Erm.... Yes....
Jaejoong: Thank you, jagiya. I think we better finish up with the preparations.
Kiki finally realised that she had agreed to let Jaejoong call her "jagiya".
Kiki: Wait... I think I agreed to something that I shouldn't.
Jaejoong: There's no more turning back now, jagiya.
Jaejoong (repeated Kiki's words, smiling): A promise is a promise.
Before Kiki could do anything, Max and Micky had come out from the room.
Max: Hyung, is the food ready yet?? I'm starving.
Jaejoong: We're almost done. Why don't you guys help to set up the table while your Hyungsoo and I finished up with the last dish.
Micky and Max: Okay.
Kiki (turned and faced Jaejoong): WHAT are you calling me now?
Jaejoong (smiling to himself): Nothing. I think you heard wrongly.
Max and Micky went to set up the table. After a while, the rest are all out to enjoy the breakfast prepared by the newly engaged couple.

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Other fan fics I've written with 专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m so far...
Destined 遐想 [Completed]
Serendipity 奇缘 [Completed]
My Little Princess 나의작은공주 (Sequel to Serendipity 奇缘)
Rainbow 彩虹 [Completed]
Last thing... Comments will be greatly appreciated!!!