Saturday, June 30, 2007
TVXQ's love messages... sent with a bouquet of flowers in return to chocolates sent to them...
U-Know Yunho: This flower is beautiful, but to me, you are more beautiful...
Max Choikang Changmin: Like the flower's sweet scent, let's make a love story together...
Hero YoungWoong Jaejoong:
1 - This flower is my favourite flower in the world... But... I like you more than this flower in the world...
2 - That's it...
Micky Yoochun: Thank you for opening your heart to me...
Xiah Junsu: All my feelings won't be expressed with just flowers, but I am sending these hoping that you will recognise my feelings a little...
Serendipity 奇缘 - Chapter 39
Chapter 39: Jaejoong's Dong Bang Angel
Jaejoong crept into my room and onto my bed. I was still blissfully sleeping away and didn't move at all when he got onto the bed. He laid himself next to me and snuggled nearer to me to look at me.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Ah~ She looks so deep in sleep, must be exhausted... can't bear to wake her up... Look... her hair's all covering her face...
Jaejoong brushed my fallen hair away from my face. I stirred in my sleep and flipped over. Jaejoong propped himself up to try to get a better view, but to no avail.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Aish~ Why does she always turn over when I'm trying to look at her... I guess I'd better wake her up... It's almost time for her medication already...
Jaejoong leaned nearer to me and tapped on my shoulder.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah... Yeo~bo... It's me, me! I stayed up all night just to wake you up. Hurry and get up!
I turned myself over and rubbed my eyes sleepily at Jaejoong.
Kiki: Is it morning already?
Jaejoong smiled and pretended to yawn sleepily.
Jaejoong: Now that I woke you up, I can go to sleep now~
He laid back onto the bed and pulled the quilt up to cover his head.
Kiki: Huh~~ If you sleep now, I'll go back to sleep too then...
I pulled the quilt back up too and turned over, closing my eyes. I could feel tugging of the quilt from Jaejoong's side, I pulled it more over to my side, exposing Jaejoong out in the cold.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah~~~ Come on...
Kiki: No.... You go back and sleep on your own bed...
Jaejoong's thoughts: Drastic time calls for drastic measures...
Jaejoong pulled the quilt off with one strong tug. I turned back over to face him.
Kiki: Hey!!!! I was trying to sleep here...
Jaejoong: No you're not!!!
There was a very naughty expression on Jaejoong's face that made me want to get off the bed as soon as possible. I pushed myself up.
Too late...
He started tickling me and I was laughing and screaming at the same time, trying to push his hands away from me, while inching away from him.
Kiki: AAHHHHH~~~~
I fell off the side of the bed, and was sitting on the floor. Fortunately for me, I landed on my butt, and so my ankle was safe.
Jaejoong popped his head from the bed and looked at me.
Jaejoong: Gwenchanayo?
I took one look at him and started laughing. His hair was messed up and his clothes looked like he just got back from a fight, all tugged and pulled at.
Jaejoong's thoughts: How come she's suddenly laughing...
Kiki's thoughts: He looks so kawaii with the messed up hair and clothes... I could just...
Kiki: Joongie-ah...
Jaejoong: Eh?
I flicked my index finger to ask him to lean nearer. He popped his head further out from the bed. I reached my hands to tousle his hair.
Kiki: Your hair's all messed up...
Jaejoong looked up at his hair.
Jaejoong: You're right...
He reached his hands up to tidy his hair. When his hands reached for his hair, I slipped mine behind his neck.
Kiki: But you look so... cute... and... kissable... now...
I leaned in planted a kiss on his lips. He got a shock as he was still tidying his hair when I did that.
Then I pulled myself away from him and reached for my clutches to get myself up. I had already got up and was limping my way out of the room, when Jaejoong got out from his dazed state, and rushed over to me.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah, I thought I said when I'm around you are not supposed to be walking...
Kiki: But you were still... hee hee... dreaming...
Jaejoong scratched his head embarrassedly. Then he remembered about the documents that my leader had passed to him. He blocked my way abruptly by jumping in front of me, with his hands out wide to block me.
Jaejoong: WAIT~~~
Kiki: What?
Jaejoong: You know erm... we did this programme recently... And we were supposed to dress up Barbie dolls?
Kiki: Uh-huh...
I started walking again. He jumped in front of me again.
Jaejoong: Did you watch it?
Kiki: Anio...
Jaejoong grabbed my shoulders to stop me from trying to walk away from him.
Jaejoong: Come on, I gotta show it to you...
He scooped me into his arms and dashed into my work room, he sat himself down on my swivel chair and placed me on his lap as there were no other chairs around. And he reached to switch on the computer and broadband modem.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, can't this wait? I wanna grab some food before taking my medicine...
Jaejoong: Anio... I need to show it to you first...
Kiki: But it's not very comfortable sitting like this right? Why don't you go and grab a chair from the dining table? I...
Jaejoong looked at me and realised that I was sitting on his lap, with my arms around his neck to prevent myself from falling off.
Jaejoong: Anio... gwenchanayo... I'm... very... comfortable...
Kiki: Really?
Jaejoong nodded repeatedly.
Kiki: Oh.. okay... I just thought you'll be more comfortable with me off you...
Jaejoong stared seriously at the computer and had finally found the clip on youtube.
Jaejoong: Yeogi!!! Yeogiyo!!! Look!!!
I turned my head from looking at him to the screen.
While watching the clip, I laughed when I saw how engrossed and serious they all were at dressing up their dolls. Xiah's doll kept falling off the stand, and the way he was so amazed by how Micky rotated the doll on its stand.
Finally it was Jaejoong's turn to show his doll, and Jaejoong was observing my reaction while I watched the clip.
Jaejoong's thoughts: I wonder what will she say when she sees mine...
Finally the clip was finished.
Jaejoong: Eotteoke? What do you think?
Kiki: You guys were really serious when you dressed the dolls, and Micky stripped the doll naked... ha ha... Max and his love for Anne Hathaway... U-Know and his long speech on girls in pants and hats... And Xiah was so funny the way he raved at how everyone managed to make their dolls stand, but he couldn't... And he called the doll Julieang so lovingly... Ha ha ha...
Jaejoong: What about me?
Jaejoong looked at me in anticipation. I looked back at the screen and used my right hand to move the mouse around... Trying to click on some other random video...
Jaejoong slipped his arms around my waist.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah... What about me?
Kiki: Well... Your doll... The colors are nice... I like the socks and the hat...
Jaejoong: And...
Kiki: And... nothing...
Jaejoong: The name?
Kiki: Well... I can't remember the names...
Jaejoong: My angel's name is...
Kiki: Wait let me see.... Max's is Maya... U-Know's is Jung Jiyul... Xiah's is Julieang... Micky's is Yulim... Yours is Lee... I can't pronounce it...
Jaejoong: Bbunee...
Kiki's thoughts: Aish~ His doll's name is sooo... Mushy....
Kiki: Uh-huh...
Kiki's thoughts: Now I know what your ideal girls dresses like... So I am no way near....
I clicked on a random clip and watched it. It was a Gospeller MTV.
Jaejoong looked at me.
Jaejoong: It's just a show... We were made to dress up the dolls with whatever is available... So...
Kiki: I know... I like your color combination... Now I know what kind of girls you guys like...
Jaejoong: I...
Kiki: Frankly speaking... I think Max's doll is closest to what I'd normally wear... Though I don't have one fixed style... I dress according to my mood... Micky's is what Theo would wear... And... Fifi's style's not even inside at all... So...
Jaejoong: So...
Kiki: Well... I guess we are not your ideal girls... In terms of style of dressing...
Jaejoong: But... But... you are my ideal girl in terms of.... well... everything else!!!
Jaejoong tightened his hug around my waist. I turned to face him.
Kiki: It's okay Joongie... You don't have to say such things... I know it's just a show...
Jaejoong: Anio... you don't understand... you always have been my Lee Bbunee... I dressed the doll according to your personality... Daring, young-at-heart, warm, kind, and helpful... That's why I chose those colors pink, red, black and white... You know black and white are my favourite colors... And you love pink... Red is like... Red is like... My love... For you...
Kiki: Sweetie... I didn't analyze it so deeply... But well... I didn't know I looked like THAT to you... Hee hee...
Jaejoong: Well... I only had limited resources... *grin*
I shook my head and laughed.
Kiki: By the way, what does Bbunee mean anyway?
Jaejoong: Pretty... Breathtakingly beautiful...
Kiki: So is that why you looked so breath taken when you looked at the doll and spoke to her?
We broke into laughter together. Seeing me laugh, Jaejoong leaned closer to me and whispered into my ear.
Jaejoong: Bbunee-ah... Oh wow.... You're so beautiful you take my breath away...

Jaejoong looked at me lovingly, and poked my cheek with his finger. It was like what he did to his Dong Bang Angel in the programme.
I covered my face with my hand in embarrassment, as what he had just said and did was so mushy that I couldn't look at him and listen to him at the same time. It was like he was saying 美女 when he said Bbunee... And all these... were too mushy... even for me to take...
Jaejoong: Yeobo~ Why are you covering your beautiful face?
Jaejoong pulled my hand away from my face with his. I pretended to look back at the screen at the playing music video.
Jaejoong's thoughts: She's shy... Gwiyeowoyo (cute)....
Suddenly Jaejoong rolled my swivel chair away from the computer. I tried to grab onto the table to pull us back, but I almost fell off his lap, so I grabbed back onto him instead to prevent myself from falling.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, what are you doing!!??? I'm still watching the mtv...
Jaejoong: Anio anio anio anio anio... you can't look at other guys when I'm around... you can only look at... ME...
His face was dead serious when he said that. I pouted.
Kiki: Aish~ I didn't know you were so...
Jaejoong: In love with you? Ne... Dangsinege banhaetsseumnida... I'm crazy about you...
Jaejoong looked lovingly at me when he said that. I turned my head away and tried to hide my smile.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Okay... Now that I've made her happy... I hope she won't scream when she sees the documents...
Jaejoong: Yeobo~
I turned back and looked at him. I didn't know what that word meant.
Kiki: Yeo~bo~???
Jaejoong looked at me in bliss when he heard me mouth the word. Even when I said it so uncertainly.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah, you... you are calling me... YEOBO???!!!!
I scratched my head blurly as he started spinning rounds on my swivel chair happily.
Kiki: Actually... I don't know what that means...
As sudden as he had started spinning, he stopped, letting the chair slow down to a stop by itself.
Jaejoong: Oh....
Kiki: So it means???
Jaejoong: Honey...
Kiki: Huh?
Jaejoong: Yeobo means honey...
Kiki: OH..... So you were calling me honey, when you said yeobo just now...
Jaejoong nodded disappointedly.
Kiki: I see....
I smiled. I knew just what to do to make him smile again.
Kiki: Yeo~bo~, can I have my dinner now? I'm hungry.... And I have to take my medication soon...
Jaejoong's eyes lit up when he heard my words, and he lifted me up in his arms, and carried me towards the dining table.
Jaejoong: Mianeyo... But before you eat, there's something I need to show you... But please promise me that you won't be angry no matter what it is...
Kiki: Ne...
He put me down on one of the chairs in front of the dining table. I followed his eyes to the centre of the table. There beside the dishes he had prepared, was a pile of documents. I reached over and pulled them towards me. When I flipped through them, I realised that they were information from the locations that my team was going to recee today.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, where did you get these?
Jaejoong: From your leader...
Kiki: WHO!!!!!????
I looked up at him in shock.
Kiki: You mean he was here earlier?!!! Why didn't you wake me? You opened the door?!!! And he saw you?!!! Oh my gosh!!!! Why is this happening?!!!!
Jaejoong squatted down in front of me and grabbed my hands to calm me down.
Jaejoong: It's okay... He doesn't know anything. I told him I saw you downstairs when you came back from the doctor's and I helped you up since you were alone and injured.
Kiki: And he believed you? He didn't suspect anything?
Jaejoong: I think so... Cos he didn't ask anything further, and he asked me to come over to check on you if possible, since they weren't able to cos they would be out on location recee while you are recuperating....
Kiki: He really said that?
Jaejoong: Yeah... Don't worry... I think we're safe...
I breathed a sigh of relief. My leader was a very sharp person. He would have seen through us immediately when he saw Jaejoong. But from what Jaejoong said, I think we were safe... For the moment... I hope....
Jaejoong crept into my room and onto my bed. I was still blissfully sleeping away and didn't move at all when he got onto the bed. He laid himself next to me and snuggled nearer to me to look at me.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Ah~ She looks so deep in sleep, must be exhausted... can't bear to wake her up... Look... her hair's all covering her face...
Jaejoong brushed my fallen hair away from my face. I stirred in my sleep and flipped over. Jaejoong propped himself up to try to get a better view, but to no avail.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Aish~ Why does she always turn over when I'm trying to look at her... I guess I'd better wake her up... It's almost time for her medication already...
Jaejoong leaned nearer to me and tapped on my shoulder.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah... Yeo~bo... It's me, me! I stayed up all night just to wake you up. Hurry and get up!
I turned myself over and rubbed my eyes sleepily at Jaejoong.
Kiki: Is it morning already?
Jaejoong smiled and pretended to yawn sleepily.
Jaejoong: Now that I woke you up, I can go to sleep now~
He laid back onto the bed and pulled the quilt up to cover his head.
Kiki: Huh~~ If you sleep now, I'll go back to sleep too then...
I pulled the quilt back up too and turned over, closing my eyes. I could feel tugging of the quilt from Jaejoong's side, I pulled it more over to my side, exposing Jaejoong out in the cold.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah~~~ Come on...
Kiki: No.... You go back and sleep on your own bed...
Jaejoong's thoughts: Drastic time calls for drastic measures...
Jaejoong pulled the quilt off with one strong tug. I turned back over to face him.
Kiki: Hey!!!! I was trying to sleep here...
Jaejoong: No you're not!!!
There was a very naughty expression on Jaejoong's face that made me want to get off the bed as soon as possible. I pushed myself up.
Too late...
He started tickling me and I was laughing and screaming at the same time, trying to push his hands away from me, while inching away from him.
Kiki: AAHHHHH~~~~
I fell off the side of the bed, and was sitting on the floor. Fortunately for me, I landed on my butt, and so my ankle was safe.
Jaejoong popped his head from the bed and looked at me.
Jaejoong: Gwenchanayo?
I took one look at him and started laughing. His hair was messed up and his clothes looked like he just got back from a fight, all tugged and pulled at.
Jaejoong's thoughts: How come she's suddenly laughing...
Kiki's thoughts: He looks so kawaii with the messed up hair and clothes... I could just...
Kiki: Joongie-ah...
Jaejoong: Eh?
I flicked my index finger to ask him to lean nearer. He popped his head further out from the bed. I reached my hands to tousle his hair.
Kiki: Your hair's all messed up...
Jaejoong looked up at his hair.
Jaejoong: You're right...
He reached his hands up to tidy his hair. When his hands reached for his hair, I slipped mine behind his neck.
Kiki: But you look so... cute... and... kissable... now...
I leaned in planted a kiss on his lips. He got a shock as he was still tidying his hair when I did that.
Then I pulled myself away from him and reached for my clutches to get myself up. I had already got up and was limping my way out of the room, when Jaejoong got out from his dazed state, and rushed over to me.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah, I thought I said when I'm around you are not supposed to be walking...
Kiki: But you were still... hee hee... dreaming...
Jaejoong scratched his head embarrassedly. Then he remembered about the documents that my leader had passed to him. He blocked my way abruptly by jumping in front of me, with his hands out wide to block me.
Jaejoong: WAIT~~~
Kiki: What?
Jaejoong: You know erm... we did this programme recently... And we were supposed to dress up Barbie dolls?
Kiki: Uh-huh...
I started walking again. He jumped in front of me again.
Jaejoong: Did you watch it?
Kiki: Anio...
Jaejoong grabbed my shoulders to stop me from trying to walk away from him.
Jaejoong: Come on, I gotta show it to you...
He scooped me into his arms and dashed into my work room, he sat himself down on my swivel chair and placed me on his lap as there were no other chairs around. And he reached to switch on the computer and broadband modem.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, can't this wait? I wanna grab some food before taking my medicine...
Jaejoong: Anio... I need to show it to you first...
Kiki: But it's not very comfortable sitting like this right? Why don't you go and grab a chair from the dining table? I...
Jaejoong looked at me and realised that I was sitting on his lap, with my arms around his neck to prevent myself from falling off.
Jaejoong: Anio... gwenchanayo... I'm... very... comfortable...
Kiki: Really?
Jaejoong nodded repeatedly.
Kiki: Oh.. okay... I just thought you'll be more comfortable with me off you...
Jaejoong stared seriously at the computer and had finally found the clip on youtube.
Jaejoong: Yeogi!!! Yeogiyo!!! Look!!!
I turned my head from looking at him to the screen.
While watching the clip, I laughed when I saw how engrossed and serious they all were at dressing up their dolls. Xiah's doll kept falling off the stand, and the way he was so amazed by how Micky rotated the doll on its stand.
Finally it was Jaejoong's turn to show his doll, and Jaejoong was observing my reaction while I watched the clip.
Jaejoong's thoughts: I wonder what will she say when she sees mine...
Finally the clip was finished.
Jaejoong: Eotteoke? What do you think?
Kiki: You guys were really serious when you dressed the dolls, and Micky stripped the doll naked... ha ha... Max and his love for Anne Hathaway... U-Know and his long speech on girls in pants and hats... And Xiah was so funny the way he raved at how everyone managed to make their dolls stand, but he couldn't... And he called the doll Julieang so lovingly... Ha ha ha...
Jaejoong: What about me?
Jaejoong looked at me in anticipation. I looked back at the screen and used my right hand to move the mouse around... Trying to click on some other random video...
Jaejoong slipped his arms around my waist.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah... What about me?
Kiki: Well... Your doll... The colors are nice... I like the socks and the hat...
Jaejoong: And...
Kiki: And... nothing...
Jaejoong: The name?
Kiki: Well... I can't remember the names...
Jaejoong: My angel's name is...
Kiki: Wait let me see.... Max's is Maya... U-Know's is Jung Jiyul... Xiah's is Julieang... Micky's is Yulim... Yours is Lee... I can't pronounce it...
Jaejoong: Bbunee...
Kiki's thoughts: Aish~ His doll's name is sooo... Mushy....
Kiki: Uh-huh...
Kiki's thoughts: Now I know what your ideal girls dresses like... So I am no way near....
I clicked on a random clip and watched it. It was a Gospeller MTV.
Jaejoong looked at me.
Jaejoong: It's just a show... We were made to dress up the dolls with whatever is available... So...
Kiki: I know... I like your color combination... Now I know what kind of girls you guys like...
Jaejoong: I...
Kiki: Frankly speaking... I think Max's doll is closest to what I'd normally wear... Though I don't have one fixed style... I dress according to my mood... Micky's is what Theo would wear... And... Fifi's style's not even inside at all... So...
Jaejoong: So...
Kiki: Well... I guess we are not your ideal girls... In terms of style of dressing...
Jaejoong: But... But... you are my ideal girl in terms of.... well... everything else!!!
Jaejoong tightened his hug around my waist. I turned to face him.
Kiki: It's okay Joongie... You don't have to say such things... I know it's just a show...
Jaejoong: Anio... you don't understand... you always have been my Lee Bbunee... I dressed the doll according to your personality... Daring, young-at-heart, warm, kind, and helpful... That's why I chose those colors pink, red, black and white... You know black and white are my favourite colors... And you love pink... Red is like... Red is like... My love... For you...
Kiki: Sweetie... I didn't analyze it so deeply... But well... I didn't know I looked like THAT to you... Hee hee...
Jaejoong: Well... I only had limited resources... *grin*
I shook my head and laughed.
Kiki: By the way, what does Bbunee mean anyway?
Jaejoong: Pretty... Breathtakingly beautiful...
Kiki: So is that why you looked so breath taken when you looked at the doll and spoke to her?
We broke into laughter together. Seeing me laugh, Jaejoong leaned closer to me and whispered into my ear.
Jaejoong: Bbunee-ah... Oh wow.... You're so beautiful you take my breath away...
Jaejoong looked at me lovingly, and poked my cheek with his finger. It was like what he did to his Dong Bang Angel in the programme.
I covered my face with my hand in embarrassment, as what he had just said and did was so mushy that I couldn't look at him and listen to him at the same time. It was like he was saying 美女 when he said Bbunee... And all these... were too mushy... even for me to take...
Jaejoong: Yeobo~ Why are you covering your beautiful face?
Jaejoong pulled my hand away from my face with his. I pretended to look back at the screen at the playing music video.
Jaejoong's thoughts: She's shy... Gwiyeowoyo (cute)....
Suddenly Jaejoong rolled my swivel chair away from the computer. I tried to grab onto the table to pull us back, but I almost fell off his lap, so I grabbed back onto him instead to prevent myself from falling.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, what are you doing!!??? I'm still watching the mtv...
Jaejoong: Anio anio anio anio anio... you can't look at other guys when I'm around... you can only look at... ME...
His face was dead serious when he said that. I pouted.
Kiki: Aish~ I didn't know you were so...
Jaejoong: In love with you? Ne... Dangsinege banhaetsseumnida... I'm crazy about you...
Jaejoong looked lovingly at me when he said that. I turned my head away and tried to hide my smile.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Okay... Now that I've made her happy... I hope she won't scream when she sees the documents...
Jaejoong: Yeobo~
I turned back and looked at him. I didn't know what that word meant.
Kiki: Yeo~bo~???
Jaejoong looked at me in bliss when he heard me mouth the word. Even when I said it so uncertainly.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah, you... you are calling me... YEOBO???!!!!
I scratched my head blurly as he started spinning rounds on my swivel chair happily.
Kiki: Actually... I don't know what that means...
As sudden as he had started spinning, he stopped, letting the chair slow down to a stop by itself.
Jaejoong: Oh....
Kiki: So it means???
Jaejoong: Honey...
Kiki: Huh?
Jaejoong: Yeobo means honey...
Kiki: OH..... So you were calling me honey, when you said yeobo just now...
Jaejoong nodded disappointedly.
Kiki: I see....
I smiled. I knew just what to do to make him smile again.
Kiki: Yeo~bo~, can I have my dinner now? I'm hungry.... And I have to take my medication soon...
Jaejoong's eyes lit up when he heard my words, and he lifted me up in his arms, and carried me towards the dining table.
Jaejoong: Mianeyo... But before you eat, there's something I need to show you... But please promise me that you won't be angry no matter what it is...
Kiki: Ne...
He put me down on one of the chairs in front of the dining table. I followed his eyes to the centre of the table. There beside the dishes he had prepared, was a pile of documents. I reached over and pulled them towards me. When I flipped through them, I realised that they were information from the locations that my team was going to recee today.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, where did you get these?
Jaejoong: From your leader...
Kiki: WHO!!!!!????
I looked up at him in shock.
Kiki: You mean he was here earlier?!!! Why didn't you wake me? You opened the door?!!! And he saw you?!!! Oh my gosh!!!! Why is this happening?!!!!
Jaejoong squatted down in front of me and grabbed my hands to calm me down.
Jaejoong: It's okay... He doesn't know anything. I told him I saw you downstairs when you came back from the doctor's and I helped you up since you were alone and injured.
Kiki: And he believed you? He didn't suspect anything?
Jaejoong: I think so... Cos he didn't ask anything further, and he asked me to come over to check on you if possible, since they weren't able to cos they would be out on location recee while you are recuperating....
Kiki: He really said that?
Jaejoong: Yeah... Don't worry... I think we're safe...
I breathed a sigh of relief. My leader was a very sharp person. He would have seen through us immediately when he saw Jaejoong. But from what Jaejoong said, I think we were safe... For the moment... I hope....
Serendipity 奇缘 - Chapter 38
Chapter 38: A Day at the Park
Fifi: Xiah, do you know where to go now?
Xiah: Not too sure.
Both Xiah and Fifi were in the car. Xiah seemed to be driving aimlessly, not knowing where to go.
Fifi: Why don't I give them a call while you continue driving?
Xiah: Anio. Why don't we go somewhere else ourselves? I bet U-know Hyung brought them to some traditional Korean restaurant for lunch.
*RING~~~~~~ RING~~~~~~~*
Fifi: Yobosayo.
Theo: Fifi! Are you still sleeping?????
Fifi: Anio.
Theo: Then, come quickly. By the way, are you with Xiah?
Fifi: Erm... Erm...
Theo: Don't erm me. I know you're with him. All of us saw him going back to the apartment when we were leaving.
Fifi: Oh yeah. Where are you guys?
Theo: We are at the restaurant that we were at for dinner last night. We're there already.
Fifi: Okay. We'll be there in a while.
Fifi put down the phone.
Xiah: Who was that?
Xiah: Ne. But, I want to bring you somewhere else special for lunch.
Xiah: Alright.
Xiah was a little disappointed. Initially, he wanted to bring Fifi somewhere else so that he could have some private time with her. He knew that Fifi was going back to Singapore soon, and he wanted to spend more time with her.
Xiah was in control of where they were going, and Fifi was not.
At the restaurant.....
U-know called the waitress and ordered their food.
When the food came, Fifi and Xiah were not there yet.
Max: Where's Fifi and Hyung? I think we should give them a call.
*Beep~~~ Beep~~~*
There was one incoming message for U-know.
Hyung, Fifi and I won't be joining you guys for lunch and I think for the rest of the day too. You guys can go ahead without us.
U-know: Hey guys, I think we can start eating without Xiah and Fifi. They won't be joining us for the rest of the day. I don't know what is Xiah thinking, always playing the missing game with Fifi.
Micky: Hyung, it's like so obvious. Can't you see it? Xiah wants to spend more time alone with Fifi, and he doesn't want us there to bother him.
Max: Anyway, isn't it better that they are not coming anymore. I can start eating now. I don't have to wait anymore.
Everyone: MAX!!!!!
Max: ??!!! I'm hungry. And you know how much I have to eat.
Max started to dig in without waiting for the others. Everyone started laughing when they saw his hungry expression as he eat.
Fifi: Xiah, do you know where are you going? It seemed like you're going the wrong way. I don't remember taking this route yesterday.
Xiah: Trust me. I know Seoul better than you. I'm just taking the short cut.
Fifi: Alright. I'm feeling so sleepy. It's all because of you that I have to get up.
Xiah: What do you mean it's all because of me? You should thank me cos I wake you up in time to join them for lunch.
Fifi was feeling very sleepy, she could hardly keep her eyes open.
Fifi: Yeah. Yeah.......
Fifi started to doze off.
Xiah: Fifi?
Xiah was wondering why Fifi was so quiet all of a sudden. He expected Fifi to talk back at him. His vision left the road for a while to find out what Fifi was doing.
Xiah's thought: This girl can really sleep anywhere. I wonder why is she so tired. It's just one late night movie marathon and she's so worn out by it. I think it's better that she dozed off too. At least when she's asleep, she doesn't know that we're not going to meet the rest.
After a long drive, they finally reached Yongsan Family Park. Right in the centre of the park was a pond, surrounded by lush greenery. Picnic tables were ideally situated around the park, with distances not too close to each other. The wind was blowing the willow buds gently, making them dance in rhythm.
Xiah: Fifi? Are you still sleeping?
Fifi did not move at all. She continued sleeping.
Xiah's thought: Never mind. I'll let her sleep a little longer.
Xiah reached out for Fifi's bag, and took out her phone. He recorded a new ring tone and message tone, without Fifi knowing it. After he finished with his mission, he tried to wake Fifi up agian. This time, he made sure that he succeed.
Xiah: FIFI!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! WE'VE REACHED!!!!
Xiah screamed with all your might. Fifi was startled by his screaming.
Fifi: Huh???!!! What's happening?? Are we there yet??
Xiah started laughing when he saw Fifi's reaction. The blur look on Fifi's face was classic. Xiah never saw this blur and startled look of Fifi before. Fifi was still very confused by Xiah's reaction.
Fifi:Huh??? Why are you laughing??
Xiah: Never mind. Come on, let's go or else....
Xiah got out of the car, and went to the passenger side to open the door for Fifi.
Fifi: Kamsa hamnida.
Fifi got out of the car. What was presented in front of her was lush greenery. Now, she is really confused. She wondered why the restaurant looked so different during the day and night. From her memory, there wasn't such a scenery near the restaurant,
Fifi: Xiah, do you think we are at the right place? It looked so different from last night. I think we better give them a call again to double check with them.
Xiah: We are at the right place. The only thing is that I decided that we should not join the rest for lunch. So, we are here at the Yongsan Family Park. The air here is so fresh, and the view here is just so lovely. Don't you think so?
Fifi: Huh?? Am I dreaming or what? I thought we were supposed to be at the restaurant. I think I must be dreaming.
Xiah: Fifi, you're not dreaming. You are really here at the park.
Fifi (mumbled to herself): Wake up!! Wake up!!!
Xiah: What are you saying?
Fifi: Nothing. I'll wake up soon enough.
Xiah: Fifi, you are really not dreaming. If you don't believe, try pinching me. If I scream, that means you are not dreaming.
Fifi went closer to Xiah, and pinched him with all her might.
Xiah: OUCH!!!! THAT HURTS!!!! You're really not dreaming.
Fifi: I'm sorry. I really thought I was dreaming. By the way, why are we here in the park? Did the rest decided to come here to picnic?
Xiah: Hmmm...... The part about the picnic is right. But, the part about the rest is not that correct. The rest are at the restaurant. It's going to be only the two of us for the whole day.
Fifi: Huh?? Are you kidding or what? I thought I told you that we were joining the rest for lunch. Does the rest know that we are not joining them?
Xiah: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They know. Don't worry. Leave everything to me, and just enjoy yourself today.
Fifi's thought: What does he mean by only the two of us for the whole day? Does it mean that the rest are not going to be here? Oh no!!! What am I supposed to do? How am I going to pass the whole day? This is terrible.
Fifi: Xiah, do you think that it's better that we join the rest instead of coming out ourselves just like that?
Xiah: Anio. Gwenchanayo.
Xiah went to the boot, and took out a picnic basket.
Xiah: Fifi, why don't you find a good sport that we can place our things while I get the stuff out.
Fifi: Okay.
Fifi found a perfect shady sport under a tall and big tree.
Fifi: How about this spot here? This is shady, and we won't get too much of the sun.
Xiah: That's nice. I like the spot you pick.
Xiah placed the mat on the ground. Then, he placed the picnic basket on the ground and situated himself comfortably on the mat.
Xiah: Fifi, come and sit here as we enjoy the food.
Xiah patted the empty space beside him, gesturing Fifi to seat beside him.
Fifi: I don't think there will be enough food in the basket. I'll go and buy some.
Fifi turned around and started to leave. But, Xiah was not going to let Fifi leave so easily. He got up and grabbed hold of Fifi's arm.
Xiah: You don't have to buy anything. I've prepared everything. All you have to do is to sit here beside me and enjoy the food.
Xiah sat on the mat first and tried to pull Fifi to sit. Fifi did not have any choice but to sit down on the mat and enjoy the rest of the time with Xiah.
Fifi: Are you sure that you have enough food? I didn't even see you preparing anything. Where did you get all the food from?
Fifi was curious why didn't Xiah allowed her to buy some food.
Xiah: Don't worry. I came prepared.
Xiah began to take food stuff out from the basket. First, it was sandwiches, then fruits. This was not all. There were even rice roll, cake, and a pie.
Fifi stared at Xiah in amazement as he laid the food on the mat. He wondered how Xiah could churn out so much food in a short amount of time.
Fifi: How did you do that? The picnic basket seemed to have some magic. And when did you prepared all these?
Xiah: I've got my ways. And, I'm not telling you.
The suspense was killing Fifi. She needed to know the answer.
Fifi: Please?? Can you tell me how did you do that? I want to know.
Xiah: I'll tell you on one condition.
Fifi: Okay. What's the condition?
Xiah: If you win me in a game of soccer.
Fifi: Huh? Soccer. This is impossible. You know how bad I was at soccer that time we were at the stadium. Now, I'm never going to know where all these food come from.
Xiah: I'll make it easier. If you play soccer with me, I'll tell you.
Fifi: Must I really play soccer? I'm really bad at it.
Xiah: If you want to know, you will have to play. So?
Xiah looked at Fifi mischievously, waiting for her reply.
Fifi: Alright. Alright. But, you must tell me first.
Fifi was planning to trick Xiah into telling her, without playing soccer with him. To Fifi's delight, Xiah did fall for her trick.
Xiah: Okay. I bought all these food when you were sleeping at home.
Fifi: You mean I've slept that long for you to buy so much food?
Xiah: Yeah. I was really bored, so I went to the supermarket to buy all these food. So, can we play soccer now, since the weather is so nice and we are at the park.
Fifi: Soccer. Sure. But, after eating all these food. I don't want to waste your effort in preparing all these.
Xiah: Okay.
Once again, Xiah fell right in to Fifi's trap.
After finishing almost all the food, Xiah wanted to play soccer with Fifi again.
Xiah: Since we are all done with the food, I think it's time for you to play soccer with me.
Fifi: I don't think I want to. I'm really full.
Xiah: But, you promised. I don't care. You must play with me.
Fifi: When did I ever say that I was going to play with you?
Xiah: You sure you're not going to play with me?
Fifi: Yeah. I rather sit here and enjoy the cool breeze.
Xiah went closer to Fifi and started to tickle her.
Fifi: KIM JUNSU!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!
Fifi was giggling as she scolded Xiah. Xiah ignored Fifi, he continued to tickle her.
Xiah: Not unless you agree to play with me.
Fifi tried to struggle free from Xiah's clutches. At last, she managed to. She got up from the mat and tried to escape.
Xiah: You're not going anywhere. I'm going to get you.
Fifi turned around, and stuck out her tongue.
Fifi: I'm not going to let you get me. If you can catch me, I'll play with you.
Fifi started to run away from Xiah.
Xiah: Don't forget that I can run faster than you.
Xiah chase Fifi round the park as he screamed Fifi's name.
With his quick reflexes and speed, Xiah managed to catch up with Fifi. He decieded that he was not going to catch her from behind. He ran a little ahead from Fifi and hid himself behind a tree.
Fifi turned her head to the back to see if Xiah was still behind her as she was running. But, she did not see Xiah. She thought she had finally escaped from Xiah. She turned her head to the front, and continued running.
Fifi's head knock onto Xiah's chin and she lost her balance. She started to fall backwards, and pulled Xiah's shirt.
Fifi fell to the ground, with Xiah on top of her, and their lips met.
Fifi: Xiah, do you know where to go now?
Xiah: Not too sure.
Both Xiah and Fifi were in the car. Xiah seemed to be driving aimlessly, not knowing where to go.
Fifi: Why don't I give them a call while you continue driving?
Xiah: Anio. Why don't we go somewhere else ourselves? I bet U-know Hyung brought them to some traditional Korean restaurant for lunch.
*RING~~~~~~ RING~~~~~~~*
Fifi: Yobosayo.
Theo: Fifi! Are you still sleeping?????
Fifi: Anio.
Theo: Then, come quickly. By the way, are you with Xiah?
Fifi: Erm... Erm...
Theo: Don't erm me. I know you're with him. All of us saw him going back to the apartment when we were leaving.
Fifi: Oh yeah. Where are you guys?
Theo: We are at the restaurant that we were at for dinner last night. We're there already.
Fifi: Okay. We'll be there in a while.
Fifi put down the phone.
Xiah: Who was that?
Fifi: Theo called. The rest of the guys are at the restaurant that we had dinner last night. You know the place right?
Xiah: Ne. But, I want to bring you somewhere else special for lunch.
Fifi: We can go another time. The rest are waiting for us.
Xiah: Alright.
Xiah was a little disappointed. Initially, he wanted to bring Fifi somewhere else so that he could have some private time with her. He knew that Fifi was going back to Singapore soon, and he wanted to spend more time with her.
Xiah was in control of where they were going, and Fifi was not.
At the restaurant.....
Max: Where's Fifi and Hyung? What is taking them so long? I'm hungry.
Theo: They will be here soon. I think they are on their way. It won't take that long, I guess.
U-know: I think we can order the food while waiting for them. By the time they are here, the food will be served.
U-know called the waitress and ordered their food.
When the food came, Fifi and Xiah were not there yet.
Max: Where's Fifi and Hyung? I think we should give them a call.
*Beep~~~ Beep~~~*
There was one incoming message for U-know.
Hyung, Fifi and I won't be joining you guys for lunch and I think for the rest of the day too. You guys can go ahead without us.
U-know: Hey guys, I think we can start eating without Xiah and Fifi. They won't be joining us for the rest of the day. I don't know what is Xiah thinking, always playing the missing game with Fifi.
Micky: Hyung, it's like so obvious. Can't you see it? Xiah wants to spend more time alone with Fifi, and he doesn't want us there to bother him.
Max: Anyway, isn't it better that they are not coming anymore. I can start eating now. I don't have to wait anymore.
Everyone: MAX!!!!!
Max: ??!!! I'm hungry. And you know how much I have to eat.
Max started to dig in without waiting for the others. Everyone started laughing when they saw his hungry expression as he eat.
Fifi: Xiah, do you know where are you going? It seemed like you're going the wrong way. I don't remember taking this route yesterday.
Xiah: Trust me. I know Seoul better than you. I'm just taking the short cut.
Fifi: Alright. I'm feeling so sleepy. It's all because of you that I have to get up.
Xiah: What do you mean it's all because of me? You should thank me cos I wake you up in time to join them for lunch.
Fifi was feeling very sleepy, she could hardly keep her eyes open.
Fifi: Yeah. Yeah.......
Fifi started to doze off.
Xiah: Fifi?
Xiah was wondering why Fifi was so quiet all of a sudden. He expected Fifi to talk back at him. His vision left the road for a while to find out what Fifi was doing.
Xiah's thought: This girl can really sleep anywhere. I wonder why is she so tired. It's just one late night movie marathon and she's so worn out by it. I think it's better that she dozed off too. At least when she's asleep, she doesn't know that we're not going to meet the rest.
After a long drive, they finally reached Yongsan Family Park. Right in the centre of the park was a pond, surrounded by lush greenery. Picnic tables were ideally situated around the park, with distances not too close to each other. The wind was blowing the willow buds gently, making them dance in rhythm.
Xiah: Fifi? Are you still sleeping?
Fifi did not move at all. She continued sleeping.
Xiah's thought: Never mind. I'll let her sleep a little longer.
Xiah reached out for Fifi's bag, and took out her phone. He recorded a new ring tone and message tone, without Fifi knowing it. After he finished with his mission, he tried to wake Fifi up agian. This time, he made sure that he succeed.
Xiah: FIFI!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! WE'VE REACHED!!!!
Xiah screamed with all your might. Fifi was startled by his screaming.
Fifi: Huh???!!! What's happening?? Are we there yet??
Xiah started laughing when he saw Fifi's reaction. The blur look on Fifi's face was classic. Xiah never saw this blur and startled look of Fifi before. Fifi was still very confused by Xiah's reaction.
Fifi:Huh??? Why are you laughing??
Xiah: Never mind. Come on, let's go or else....
Xiah got out of the car, and went to the passenger side to open the door for Fifi.
Fifi: Kamsa hamnida.
Fifi got out of the car. What was presented in front of her was lush greenery. Now, she is really confused. She wondered why the restaurant looked so different during the day and night. From her memory, there wasn't such a scenery near the restaurant,
Fifi: Xiah, do you think we are at the right place? It looked so different from last night. I think we better give them a call again to double check with them.
Xiah: We are at the right place. The only thing is that I decided that we should not join the rest for lunch. So, we are here at the Yongsan Family Park. The air here is so fresh, and the view here is just so lovely. Don't you think so?
Fifi: Huh?? Am I dreaming or what? I thought we were supposed to be at the restaurant. I think I must be dreaming.
Xiah: Fifi, you're not dreaming. You are really here at the park.
Fifi (mumbled to herself): Wake up!! Wake up!!!
Xiah: What are you saying?
Fifi: Nothing. I'll wake up soon enough.
Xiah: Fifi, you are really not dreaming. If you don't believe, try pinching me. If I scream, that means you are not dreaming.
Fifi went closer to Xiah, and pinched him with all her might.
Xiah: OUCH!!!! THAT HURTS!!!! You're really not dreaming.
Fifi: I'm sorry. I really thought I was dreaming. By the way, why are we here in the park? Did the rest decided to come here to picnic?
Xiah: Hmmm...... The part about the picnic is right. But, the part about the rest is not that correct. The rest are at the restaurant. It's going to be only the two of us for the whole day.
Fifi: Huh?? Are you kidding or what? I thought I told you that we were joining the rest for lunch. Does the rest know that we are not joining them?
Xiah: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They know. Don't worry. Leave everything to me, and just enjoy yourself today.
Fifi's thought: What does he mean by only the two of us for the whole day? Does it mean that the rest are not going to be here? Oh no!!! What am I supposed to do? How am I going to pass the whole day? This is terrible.
Fifi: Xiah, do you think that it's better that we join the rest instead of coming out ourselves just like that?
Xiah: Anio. Gwenchanayo.
Xiah went to the boot, and took out a picnic basket.
Xiah: Fifi, why don't you find a good sport that we can place our things while I get the stuff out.
Fifi: Okay.
Fifi found a perfect shady sport under a tall and big tree.
Fifi: How about this spot here? This is shady, and we won't get too much of the sun.
Xiah: That's nice. I like the spot you pick.
Xiah placed the mat on the ground. Then, he placed the picnic basket on the ground and situated himself comfortably on the mat.
Xiah: Fifi, come and sit here as we enjoy the food.
Xiah patted the empty space beside him, gesturing Fifi to seat beside him.
Fifi: I don't think there will be enough food in the basket. I'll go and buy some.
Fifi turned around and started to leave. But, Xiah was not going to let Fifi leave so easily. He got up and grabbed hold of Fifi's arm.
Xiah: You don't have to buy anything. I've prepared everything. All you have to do is to sit here beside me and enjoy the food.
Xiah sat on the mat first and tried to pull Fifi to sit. Fifi did not have any choice but to sit down on the mat and enjoy the rest of the time with Xiah.
Fifi: Are you sure that you have enough food? I didn't even see you preparing anything. Where did you get all the food from?
Fifi was curious why didn't Xiah allowed her to buy some food.
Xiah: Don't worry. I came prepared.
Xiah began to take food stuff out from the basket. First, it was sandwiches, then fruits. This was not all. There were even rice roll, cake, and a pie.
Fifi stared at Xiah in amazement as he laid the food on the mat. He wondered how Xiah could churn out so much food in a short amount of time.
Fifi: How did you do that? The picnic basket seemed to have some magic. And when did you prepared all these?
Xiah: I've got my ways. And, I'm not telling you.
The suspense was killing Fifi. She needed to know the answer.
Fifi: Please?? Can you tell me how did you do that? I want to know.
Xiah: I'll tell you on one condition.
Fifi: Okay. What's the condition?
Xiah: If you win me in a game of soccer.
Fifi: Huh? Soccer. This is impossible. You know how bad I was at soccer that time we were at the stadium. Now, I'm never going to know where all these food come from.
Xiah: I'll make it easier. If you play soccer with me, I'll tell you.
Fifi: Must I really play soccer? I'm really bad at it.
Xiah: If you want to know, you will have to play. So?
Xiah looked at Fifi mischievously, waiting for her reply.
Fifi: Alright. Alright. But, you must tell me first.
Fifi was planning to trick Xiah into telling her, without playing soccer with him. To Fifi's delight, Xiah did fall for her trick.
Xiah: Okay. I bought all these food when you were sleeping at home.
Fifi: You mean I've slept that long for you to buy so much food?
Xiah: Yeah. I was really bored, so I went to the supermarket to buy all these food. So, can we play soccer now, since the weather is so nice and we are at the park.
Fifi: Soccer. Sure. But, after eating all these food. I don't want to waste your effort in preparing all these.
Xiah: Okay.
Once again, Xiah fell right in to Fifi's trap.
After finishing almost all the food, Xiah wanted to play soccer with Fifi again.
Xiah: Since we are all done with the food, I think it's time for you to play soccer with me.
Fifi: I don't think I want to. I'm really full.
Xiah: But, you promised. I don't care. You must play with me.
Fifi: When did I ever say that I was going to play with you?
Xiah: You sure you're not going to play with me?
Fifi: Yeah. I rather sit here and enjoy the cool breeze.
Xiah went closer to Fifi and started to tickle her.
Fifi: KIM JUNSU!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!
Fifi was giggling as she scolded Xiah. Xiah ignored Fifi, he continued to tickle her.
Xiah: Not unless you agree to play with me.
Fifi tried to struggle free from Xiah's clutches. At last, she managed to. She got up from the mat and tried to escape.
Xiah: You're not going anywhere. I'm going to get you.
Fifi turned around, and stuck out her tongue.
Fifi: I'm not going to let you get me. If you can catch me, I'll play with you.
Fifi started to run away from Xiah.
Xiah: Don't forget that I can run faster than you.
Xiah chase Fifi round the park as he screamed Fifi's name.
With his quick reflexes and speed, Xiah managed to catch up with Fifi. He decieded that he was not going to catch her from behind. He ran a little ahead from Fifi and hid himself behind a tree.
Fifi turned her head to the back to see if Xiah was still behind her as she was running. But, she did not see Xiah. She thought she had finally escaped from Xiah. She turned her head to the front, and continued running.
Fifi's head knock onto Xiah's chin and she lost her balance. She started to fall backwards, and pulled Xiah's shirt.
Fifi fell to the ground, with Xiah on top of her, and their lips met.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Destined 遐想 - Chapter 31
Chapter 31: Roy's...
All good things must come to an end...
And time passes very fast when you are having fun...
Soon the vacation month have passed, and Ning and Ting have returned to Singapore. Seeing them off at the airport was painful for me, as I knew that not much further in the future, I would be doing the same thing, and it would be even more painful, as I've spent a longer time here with everyone. And I was never good with goodbyes... I always cried at such events...
Ning: Jun... So we'll keep in touch... You're to call me everyday okay? Or MSN me...
Jun: Or go see you in Singapore...
Ning smiled.
Ning: Yeah...
They hugged each other.
Ting: Show... I'll miss you... You'll keep in contact yeah? And visit me when you can?
Show: Yes... Of cos... I'll miss you too... How I wished that I could leave with you too...
Ting planted a soft kiss on Show's cheek, and hugged him.
Ying's thoughts: I can't bear to see this anymore... I feel like I'm going to start crying...
I turned away from the two couples, and took a few steps away. I held on to the pendant that Roy had given me.
Ying's thoughts: I don't think I can bear to leave when I have to...
Then I saw Roy rushing into the airport. When I saw him I almost broke down in tears. I walked away to sit down at the benches. I didn't want the others to see me cry...
Milk: Roy!!! Over here!!!
Milk spotted Roy and waved to catch his attention. When Roy saw us, he ran over. He said his goodbyes to the girls first.
Milk: I think you better go to Ying... I think she's quite upset...
Roy glanced over at me. I was sitting at the benches some distance away, staring into space with my head down. Roy nodded to Milk before walking over to me. He squatted down in front of me.
Roy: So... What's upsetting my dear now?
Ying: It's nothing... I'm just never good with goodbyes... I always...
He got up and sat beside me, pulling me into his arms.
Roy: It's okay... I'm here now... I'll help you through this...
Ying's thoughts: You can help me through this... But you won't be there when it's time for me to go....
Tears welled up in my eyes, I blinked hard to force them back, and I pulled him closer to me.
Roy's thoughts: I know you'll be leaving soon too... I'll make sure that we make the most of the time we still have together...
Zax: Eh you two... The girls have to go in now...
We pulled ourselves apart and walked over to the rest.
Ying: Take care during the flight... Have a safe journey...
I hugged them.
Ting: We'll see you back in Singapore soon...
My heart broke when I heard what Ting said. I forced back my tears and replied a faint yes. I pulled myself away from the hug and looked down. Ting and Ning hugged the rest and Show and Jun one last time before they entered the gate. Everyone waved bye to them except me. My head was down. I was fighting a fierce internal battle to force my tears back in. And I was losing...
Wilbur: Come on, guys... Let's head on back...
They looked at me. Roy gave them a look to hint to them to leave first. So the rest walked off. Leaving me and Roy behind.
Roy took me in his arms and walked me over to the carpark, where he had parked his motorbike. He helped me onto his bike and put on the safety helmet for me, before hopping on. He grabbed my hands and pulled them around him, and started the vehicle.
As he drove quietly through the highways, my tears started falling from my eyes. They were blown into the wind as we sped through the roads. The sound of the motorbike covered my sobs and the helmet formed the perfect mask to hide my tear-streaked face.
Roy's thoughts: Cry if you need to now... I know you're sad... But only for now... I'll take you somewhere nice to cheer you up...
Roy drove for a very long time, and when he stopped the motorbike, my tears had already dried. And I was very tired and having a headache from all the crying. Roy pulled my hands away from his waist and got off the bike. He took off his helmet, and took mine off too. Then he helped me get down from his bike.
Ying: Where are we?
I looked around, we were near the sea, and there was a field of sunflowers beside where his bike was parked. A house could be seen not far away.
Roy: Somewhere where you'll forget all your sorrows... Come...
He took my hand in his and pulled me towards the beach.
Ying: Wait... my shoes... I don't wanna get them wet...
I reached down to take them off, but Roy squatted down and took them off for me thoughtfully. I smiled at him. And when he got up, he grabbed me and lifted me in his arms and started running towards the sea.
Ying: Roy!!!! Wait!!! Don't!!!!
Roy stopped when he reached the water. I gave a sigh of relief.
Ying: I thought you were going to...
He dropped me into the water. I got a shock of my life when he dropped me into the water and I struggled a bit to get myself oriented to get up.
Ying: Roy!!!! What are you trying to do??!!!! I'm drenched!!!
Roy had escaped giggling, onto land before I could get out. I was standing in the water, drenched from head to toe, and shouting at him. He turned back and looked at me. He suddenly had a stunned look on his face.
Roy's thoughts: Oh gosh... Her clothes are all....
I looked down at myself, and realised that my top was all sticking onto my body like plaster. I shielded myself with my arms, and tried to pull the top away from my body.
Ying: You're not gonna get away with this....
When I tried to come out of the water, he started running further away. Then I started chasing him around the beach once I got out of the water.
Of course he was faster than me. As a volleyball school team player, he was already fitter and faster than me before I was all drenched, and now drenched, I was no match for him at all. I gave up after a few rounds and sat down on the sand to catch my breath and to try to squeeze some of the water out of my wet clothes.
Roy came over when he saw me sit down to rest and dry my clothes. When he sat down beside me, I shifted myself away from him. Then he shifted himself nearer again. And again I shifted away. And he shifted himself again. And again I tried to shift away. But this time, he grabbed my arm.
Roy: You're not angry are you? It was meant to be a prank... To cheer you up...
I kept silent and continued squeezing water out from my clothes.
Roy: If you're angry with me... I...
Then he got up and started walking towards the water.
Ying: Roy... What are you doing?!!! Come back!!! Get out of the water!!!!
He had walked into the water and was standing in knee high waters. He turned around.
Roy smiled, and he closed his eyes and free-falled into the water. I dashed into the water when I saw him do that.
I helped him get out of the water into a standing position.
Ying: Don't you know it's dangerous to free-fall like that into unchartered waters... You never know what is under the murky water... Don't ever...
He interrupted me by pulling me into his arms.
Roy: It's so nice to have you worrying about me... I'll never get tired of hearing you nagging at me... At least I know you care a lot for me... Like I do... for you...
He pulled himself away from me to take a look at me. I looked up at him.
Roy: Promise me you'll never stop worrying about me...
Ying: I won't...
Roy: I love you...
Ying: I love you too....
Roy leaned down and pulled me nearer to him with his arm around my neck. Then he kissed me. This time it was not a peck on my forehead. He was kissing me on my lips. And it was intense. At first, I was shocked and my eyes were wide opened when he kissed me. But I felt like I was slowly melting in his arms as he kissed me. When I gave in to the kiss, and slipped my arms around him, he pulled me into a tighter embrace. After a very long kiss, his lips left mine. And he looked lovingly at me.
Roy: Sorry I got you all wet... But I do hope you're feeling better?
I smiled.
Ying: That's okay... I got my "revenge" already... You've drenched yourself too...
He grinned, and started walking out of the water, while holding onto my hand and pulling me along with him. He grabbed my shoes from the sand and walked towards the house.
Ying: Where are we going?
Roy: Somewhere special...
Ying: Oh...
I followed him to the house. Then he rummaged through his pockets and whisked out a key, which he opened the door of the house with. He went inside. I stood outside at the door, not knowing whether to go in or not.
Roy: Come on in... Don't worry... It's safe...
I walked in after him and looked around the house. It was a traditional household with minimalistic deco. But strangely the furniture were all kept quite clean, and it looked like it was still occupied.
Ying: Roy... How come you have the key to the house? It looks occupied...
Roy: Cos it's my house... I live here...
Ying: Huh???!!!! I thought you stayed in the student hostel??
Roy: Yeah... That's where I stay during weekdays... During weekends I come back here...
Ying: Your parents???
Roy: They're divorced... I stay with my mum... But she's gone back to our hometown to visit my grandparents for the month... So the house is empty...
Ying: Oh.... I see...
Ying's thoughts: No wonder he's so anti-social... An only child in a single parent household... Wait... He said the house is empty... That means...
Roy: Yeah... We have the whole house to ourselves...
He stepped nearer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders.
Roy: Come... Let's get you out of these wet clothes before you catch a cold...
He led me up to a room with an attached bathroom.
Roy: You can shower here, I'll go get dry clothes for you to change into...
And he left the room. I looked around the room. It was probably a guest room. There was nothing there except a bed and a side table. I entered the bathroom. There was a bath tub. I plugged the tub, and started running warm water from the tap and poured in some bath salts.
*Knock knock*
Ying: Come on in...
Roy: Here's a towel and some dry clothes... I'll leave you to wash up... See you in a bit...
He leaned in and gave a peck on my forehead, before leaving the room again. I walked back into the bathroom and locked the door. I took off my wet clothes and soaked them in soapy water at the sink, and submerged myself into the bath tub. The water was warm and very comfortable. I closed my eyes to enjoy the relaxing sensation.
*Knock knock*
Roy: You're not done yet?
I jerked up from the bath tub. I had dozed off in the tub and forgot about Roy waiting for me.
Ying: I'll be done in a bit... Sorry...
Roy: I'll see you downstairs at the kitchen then.... When you're done...
I unplugged the tub, and started showering. After 15 minutes, I reached for the towel to dry myself and stepped out from the tub. I took the clothes that he had prepared for me, and held it up. It was probably one of his shirts.
Ying's thoughts: Oh no... I have no ...
As I had soaked my clothes in soapy water earlier, and fallen asleep, I had no choice but to change into his shirt, without anything underneath. Fortunately for me, his shirt was black, and it was quite long, till knee-length for me, so it wasn't obvious that there was nothing underneath...
I rinsed out my clothes and wried them as dry as I could and hanged them on the shower line to dry. Then I closed the bathroom door when I went out, and left the room to look for Roy.
He was in the kitchen preparing something when I went down.
Ying: I'm done...
Roy looked up at me from what he was doing when he heard my voice. His eyes scanned down my body. I felt awkward standing there as I was afraid that he would realise that there was nothing underneath his shirt...
Roy's thoughts: Hmmmm.... Didn't know my old shirt would look so different.... On her...
Ying: erm... You're making something?
I asked, trying to change the topic from me to something else.
Roy: Yeah... I'm making some soup for us...
I walked over to the stove and took a whiff from the open pot.
Ying: Hmmm... Smells nice... Can't wait to try it...
As I walked over to the stove, I was now beside Roy. He took a whiff.
Roy: You smell nice too...
I turned and looked at him.
Ying's thoughts: I cannot let him come too near me. Otherwise he'll realise that I'm not wearing anything under...
Consciously, I stepped away from the stove and sat myself down at the counter, and propped my head with my hand.
Ying: I'll just sit here and wait for my food then... Since I see you don't need any help...
Roy smiled from the stove and turned back give the soup a couple of stirs before placing a lid over the pot. Then he walked over. My eyes followed him as he walked over, as I felt very awkward and conscious in my state. I was worried that he would come too near... Fortunately for me, he just sat himself beside me, and propped his head up with his hand, facing me.
Roy: You'll have to wait a while then... The soup needs some time...
Ying: So... are we going to sit here and look at each other? Or is there anything else we can do?
Roy: Sorry... What a bad host I am... I'll show you around the house first? How's that?
I slided myself cautiously off the chair.
Ying: That sounds good... Let's start the tour...
He got off his seat and took my hand, pulling me around the house, from the kitchen, to the living room, to the study, to his mum's room.... I was very self-conscious during the house tour, and I was escaping from him everytime he tried to put his arms anywhere near me.
Ying's thoughts: How much longer do I have before my clothes will dry? I wonder if he has a dryer or iron to speed things up...
Ying: Erm... Roy... Is there a dryer in your laundry room?
Roy looked at me curiously.
Roy: Yeah... Why?
Ying: *sigh* You should have said so earlier!!! Then I don't have to...
Roy: Huh?!!
Ying: Erm... nothing... Where's the laundry room? Can you show it to me?
Roy: Okay...
He walked blurly to the laundry room, with me nudging him from behind.
Roy: Here's the laundry room... There's the washing machine... And the dryer....
Ying: YES!!!!
Roy: Why are you so excited about my laundry room???!!!
Ying: Nothing... I just need to dry my... wet clothes...
Roy: Oh... I almost forgot...
Ying: I'll go get them now...
Roy: Wait... I'll...
Before he could finish his sentence, I had turned to dash back up into the guest room and grabbed my wet clothes from the showerline. I buried my undies within my clothes and took them down to the laundry room. Roy was still standing blurly at the laundry room when I dashed back down.
Ying: Back...
Roy: Wow... Aren't you excited about getting your clothes dry...
Ying: Yeah...
I was going to put my clothes into the dryer when I suddenly realised that Roy was still there.
Ying: Erm... why don't you go check on the soup while I dry my clothes?
I started nudging him towards the door.
Roy: Okay... okay... You don't have to push me out... I get the hint...
He left the laundry room. Hurriedly I separated my clothes and placed them into the dryer. Once the machine started, I breathed a sigh of relief. I leaned against the dryer and glazed into the dryer door and watched as the clothes spun around inside.
Ying's thoughts: Come on... Hurry up and dry... So I can at least wear something under before I get out...
Roy popped his head into the laundry room and noticed me squatting beside the dryer and staring at the door. He squatted down beside me and looked into the dryer, then at me.
Roy: What are you looking at?
Ying: ROY!!! When did you come in?!!!!
I got a shock and fell backwards onto the floor. The shirt flipped up and came up mid thigh. I tugged consciously at the shirt and tried to push myself up. Roy looked at me and tried to come nearer to help me back up. I panicked when I saw him come nearer.
Ying: Don't come any closer!!!!
He got a shock and stopped dead in his tracks.
Roy: I... I... I just wanted to help you up...
Ying: Erm... I'm fine.... Sorry... I... I...
Roy: Is there something wrong?
Ying: Can you give me some time alone here... There are some things I need to settle first....
Roy looked at me worriedly.
Ying: Don't worry... I'm fine... I just need some time here alone...
Roy: Okay... I'll be just outside if you need me...
He got up and left the room, closing the door behind him. I scrambled up from the floor once he left the room.
Ying's thoughts: That was close... He must have got a shock when I shouted at him just now... Aish~ How much longer does this thing need to dry a few pathetic piece of clothes...
*Beep beep beep beep*
Ying's thoughts: At last...
I opened the dryer door immediately and grabbed my clothes from inside. I fumbled through to find my undies. When I found them, I walked towards the door and leaned against it, to make sure that it won't open suddenly when I was changing, and hurriedly put them on underneath Roy's shirt.
Roy was leaning on the wall beside the laundry room, waiting anxiously for me to come out. He glanced worriedly at the door, but he kept his promise and left me alone inside without any disturbance. I emerged from the laundry room after a while, grabbing onto my dry clothes. He looked at me when I emerged. But I ran back up into the guest room to dump my clothes there. He was left dumbstruck as I ran past him just when he walked towards me.
Roy's thoughts: What is she doing? She's making me all worried and anxious, not telling me anything... And running here and there everytime I try to get near her...
I dashed back down the stairs again, and this time I missed a step in my haste and slipped and fell.
Ying: OUCH!!!
Roy dashed over when he heard me shout. When he saw that I had slipped and fallen on the stairs, he rushed over to me.
Roy: Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?
Ying: No... I landed on my butt... So I guess I'm fine... Nowhere seems to hurt... Serves me right for running up and down the stairs...
I pushed myself up, and Roy put his arm around me to help me down the stairs. This time I didn't shy away from him, as I knew I was safe. He looked at me when I didn't avoid his arm. I smiled at him.
Ying: Something wrong?
Roy: Nope... But I was worried you'll scream again when I put my arm around you...
I looked at him apologetically.
Ying: Sorry, Roy... I shouldn't have shouted at you just now... You were just trying to help... And you didn't know...
Roy: Huh?
Ying: Nevermind... Let's go grab some soup now yeah... I'm famished from all the running...
I rubbed my tummy in hunger. Roy smiled. He took my hand and led me back to the kitchen.
All good things must come to an end...
And time passes very fast when you are having fun...
Soon the vacation month have passed, and Ning and Ting have returned to Singapore. Seeing them off at the airport was painful for me, as I knew that not much further in the future, I would be doing the same thing, and it would be even more painful, as I've spent a longer time here with everyone. And I was never good with goodbyes... I always cried at such events...
Ning: Jun... So we'll keep in touch... You're to call me everyday okay? Or MSN me...
Jun: Or go see you in Singapore...
Ning smiled.
Ning: Yeah...
They hugged each other.
Ting: Show... I'll miss you... You'll keep in contact yeah? And visit me when you can?
Show: Yes... Of cos... I'll miss you too... How I wished that I could leave with you too...
Ting planted a soft kiss on Show's cheek, and hugged him.
Ying's thoughts: I can't bear to see this anymore... I feel like I'm going to start crying...
I turned away from the two couples, and took a few steps away. I held on to the pendant that Roy had given me.
Ying's thoughts: I don't think I can bear to leave when I have to...
Then I saw Roy rushing into the airport. When I saw him I almost broke down in tears. I walked away to sit down at the benches. I didn't want the others to see me cry...
Milk: Roy!!! Over here!!!
Milk spotted Roy and waved to catch his attention. When Roy saw us, he ran over. He said his goodbyes to the girls first.
Milk: I think you better go to Ying... I think she's quite upset...
Roy glanced over at me. I was sitting at the benches some distance away, staring into space with my head down. Roy nodded to Milk before walking over to me. He squatted down in front of me.
Roy: So... What's upsetting my dear now?
Ying: It's nothing... I'm just never good with goodbyes... I always...
He got up and sat beside me, pulling me into his arms.
Roy: It's okay... I'm here now... I'll help you through this...
Ying's thoughts: You can help me through this... But you won't be there when it's time for me to go....
Tears welled up in my eyes, I blinked hard to force them back, and I pulled him closer to me.
Roy's thoughts: I know you'll be leaving soon too... I'll make sure that we make the most of the time we still have together...
Zax: Eh you two... The girls have to go in now...
We pulled ourselves apart and walked over to the rest.
Ying: Take care during the flight... Have a safe journey...
I hugged them.
Ting: We'll see you back in Singapore soon...
My heart broke when I heard what Ting said. I forced back my tears and replied a faint yes. I pulled myself away from the hug and looked down. Ting and Ning hugged the rest and Show and Jun one last time before they entered the gate. Everyone waved bye to them except me. My head was down. I was fighting a fierce internal battle to force my tears back in. And I was losing...
Wilbur: Come on, guys... Let's head on back...
They looked at me. Roy gave them a look to hint to them to leave first. So the rest walked off. Leaving me and Roy behind.
Roy took me in his arms and walked me over to the carpark, where he had parked his motorbike. He helped me onto his bike and put on the safety helmet for me, before hopping on. He grabbed my hands and pulled them around him, and started the vehicle.
As he drove quietly through the highways, my tears started falling from my eyes. They were blown into the wind as we sped through the roads. The sound of the motorbike covered my sobs and the helmet formed the perfect mask to hide my tear-streaked face.
Roy's thoughts: Cry if you need to now... I know you're sad... But only for now... I'll take you somewhere nice to cheer you up...
Roy drove for a very long time, and when he stopped the motorbike, my tears had already dried. And I was very tired and having a headache from all the crying. Roy pulled my hands away from his waist and got off the bike. He took off his helmet, and took mine off too. Then he helped me get down from his bike.
Ying: Where are we?
I looked around, we were near the sea, and there was a field of sunflowers beside where his bike was parked. A house could be seen not far away.
Roy: Somewhere where you'll forget all your sorrows... Come...
He took my hand in his and pulled me towards the beach.
Ying: Wait... my shoes... I don't wanna get them wet...
I reached down to take them off, but Roy squatted down and took them off for me thoughtfully. I smiled at him. And when he got up, he grabbed me and lifted me in his arms and started running towards the sea.
Ying: Roy!!!! Wait!!! Don't!!!!
Roy stopped when he reached the water. I gave a sigh of relief.
Ying: I thought you were going to...
He dropped me into the water. I got a shock of my life when he dropped me into the water and I struggled a bit to get myself oriented to get up.
Ying: Roy!!!! What are you trying to do??!!!! I'm drenched!!!
Roy had escaped giggling, onto land before I could get out. I was standing in the water, drenched from head to toe, and shouting at him. He turned back and looked at me. He suddenly had a stunned look on his face.
Roy's thoughts: Oh gosh... Her clothes are all....
I looked down at myself, and realised that my top was all sticking onto my body like plaster. I shielded myself with my arms, and tried to pull the top away from my body.
Ying: You're not gonna get away with this....
When I tried to come out of the water, he started running further away. Then I started chasing him around the beach once I got out of the water.
Of course he was faster than me. As a volleyball school team player, he was already fitter and faster than me before I was all drenched, and now drenched, I was no match for him at all. I gave up after a few rounds and sat down on the sand to catch my breath and to try to squeeze some of the water out of my wet clothes.
Roy came over when he saw me sit down to rest and dry my clothes. When he sat down beside me, I shifted myself away from him. Then he shifted himself nearer again. And again I shifted away. And he shifted himself again. And again I tried to shift away. But this time, he grabbed my arm.
Roy: You're not angry are you? It was meant to be a prank... To cheer you up...
I kept silent and continued squeezing water out from my clothes.
Roy: If you're angry with me... I...
Then he got up and started walking towards the water.
Ying: Roy... What are you doing?!!! Come back!!! Get out of the water!!!!
He had walked into the water and was standing in knee high waters. He turned around.
Roy smiled, and he closed his eyes and free-falled into the water. I dashed into the water when I saw him do that.
I helped him get out of the water into a standing position.
Ying: Don't you know it's dangerous to free-fall like that into unchartered waters... You never know what is under the murky water... Don't ever...
He interrupted me by pulling me into his arms.
Roy: It's so nice to have you worrying about me... I'll never get tired of hearing you nagging at me... At least I know you care a lot for me... Like I do... for you...
He pulled himself away from me to take a look at me. I looked up at him.
Roy: Promise me you'll never stop worrying about me...
Ying: I won't...
Roy: I love you...
Ying: I love you too....
Roy leaned down and pulled me nearer to him with his arm around my neck. Then he kissed me. This time it was not a peck on my forehead. He was kissing me on my lips. And it was intense. At first, I was shocked and my eyes were wide opened when he kissed me. But I felt like I was slowly melting in his arms as he kissed me. When I gave in to the kiss, and slipped my arms around him, he pulled me into a tighter embrace. After a very long kiss, his lips left mine. And he looked lovingly at me.
Roy: Sorry I got you all wet... But I do hope you're feeling better?
I smiled.
Ying: That's okay... I got my "revenge" already... You've drenched yourself too...
He grinned, and started walking out of the water, while holding onto my hand and pulling me along with him. He grabbed my shoes from the sand and walked towards the house.
Ying: Where are we going?
Roy: Somewhere special...
Ying: Oh...
I followed him to the house. Then he rummaged through his pockets and whisked out a key, which he opened the door of the house with. He went inside. I stood outside at the door, not knowing whether to go in or not.
Roy: Come on in... Don't worry... It's safe...
I walked in after him and looked around the house. It was a traditional household with minimalistic deco. But strangely the furniture were all kept quite clean, and it looked like it was still occupied.
Ying: Roy... How come you have the key to the house? It looks occupied...
Roy: Cos it's my house... I live here...
Ying: Huh???!!!! I thought you stayed in the student hostel??
Roy: Yeah... That's where I stay during weekdays... During weekends I come back here...
Ying: Your parents???
Roy: They're divorced... I stay with my mum... But she's gone back to our hometown to visit my grandparents for the month... So the house is empty...
Ying: Oh.... I see...
Ying's thoughts: No wonder he's so anti-social... An only child in a single parent household... Wait... He said the house is empty... That means...
Roy: Yeah... We have the whole house to ourselves...
He stepped nearer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders.
Roy: Come... Let's get you out of these wet clothes before you catch a cold...
He led me up to a room with an attached bathroom.
Roy: You can shower here, I'll go get dry clothes for you to change into...
And he left the room. I looked around the room. It was probably a guest room. There was nothing there except a bed and a side table. I entered the bathroom. There was a bath tub. I plugged the tub, and started running warm water from the tap and poured in some bath salts.
*Knock knock*
Ying: Come on in...
Roy: Here's a towel and some dry clothes... I'll leave you to wash up... See you in a bit...
He leaned in and gave a peck on my forehead, before leaving the room again. I walked back into the bathroom and locked the door. I took off my wet clothes and soaked them in soapy water at the sink, and submerged myself into the bath tub. The water was warm and very comfortable. I closed my eyes to enjoy the relaxing sensation.
*Knock knock*
Roy: You're not done yet?
I jerked up from the bath tub. I had dozed off in the tub and forgot about Roy waiting for me.
Ying: I'll be done in a bit... Sorry...
Roy: I'll see you downstairs at the kitchen then.... When you're done...
I unplugged the tub, and started showering. After 15 minutes, I reached for the towel to dry myself and stepped out from the tub. I took the clothes that he had prepared for me, and held it up. It was probably one of his shirts.
Ying's thoughts: Oh no... I have no ...
As I had soaked my clothes in soapy water earlier, and fallen asleep, I had no choice but to change into his shirt, without anything underneath. Fortunately for me, his shirt was black, and it was quite long, till knee-length for me, so it wasn't obvious that there was nothing underneath...
I rinsed out my clothes and wried them as dry as I could and hanged them on the shower line to dry. Then I closed the bathroom door when I went out, and left the room to look for Roy.
He was in the kitchen preparing something when I went down.
Ying: I'm done...
Roy looked up at me from what he was doing when he heard my voice. His eyes scanned down my body. I felt awkward standing there as I was afraid that he would realise that there was nothing underneath his shirt...
Roy's thoughts: Hmmmm.... Didn't know my old shirt would look so different.... On her...
Ying: erm... You're making something?
I asked, trying to change the topic from me to something else.
Roy: Yeah... I'm making some soup for us...
I walked over to the stove and took a whiff from the open pot.
Ying: Hmmm... Smells nice... Can't wait to try it...
As I walked over to the stove, I was now beside Roy. He took a whiff.
Roy: You smell nice too...
I turned and looked at him.
Ying's thoughts: I cannot let him come too near me. Otherwise he'll realise that I'm not wearing anything under...
Consciously, I stepped away from the stove and sat myself down at the counter, and propped my head with my hand.
Ying: I'll just sit here and wait for my food then... Since I see you don't need any help...
Roy smiled from the stove and turned back give the soup a couple of stirs before placing a lid over the pot. Then he walked over. My eyes followed him as he walked over, as I felt very awkward and conscious in my state. I was worried that he would come too near... Fortunately for me, he just sat himself beside me, and propped his head up with his hand, facing me.
Roy: You'll have to wait a while then... The soup needs some time...
Ying: So... are we going to sit here and look at each other? Or is there anything else we can do?
Roy: Sorry... What a bad host I am... I'll show you around the house first? How's that?
I slided myself cautiously off the chair.
Ying: That sounds good... Let's start the tour...
He got off his seat and took my hand, pulling me around the house, from the kitchen, to the living room, to the study, to his mum's room.... I was very self-conscious during the house tour, and I was escaping from him everytime he tried to put his arms anywhere near me.
Ying's thoughts: How much longer do I have before my clothes will dry? I wonder if he has a dryer or iron to speed things up...
Ying: Erm... Roy... Is there a dryer in your laundry room?
Roy looked at me curiously.
Roy: Yeah... Why?
Ying: *sigh* You should have said so earlier!!! Then I don't have to...
Roy: Huh?!!
Ying: Erm... nothing... Where's the laundry room? Can you show it to me?
Roy: Okay...
He walked blurly to the laundry room, with me nudging him from behind.
Roy: Here's the laundry room... There's the washing machine... And the dryer....
Ying: YES!!!!
Roy: Why are you so excited about my laundry room???!!!
Ying: Nothing... I just need to dry my... wet clothes...
Roy: Oh... I almost forgot...
Ying: I'll go get them now...
Roy: Wait... I'll...
Before he could finish his sentence, I had turned to dash back up into the guest room and grabbed my wet clothes from the showerline. I buried my undies within my clothes and took them down to the laundry room. Roy was still standing blurly at the laundry room when I dashed back down.
Ying: Back...
Roy: Wow... Aren't you excited about getting your clothes dry...
Ying: Yeah...
I was going to put my clothes into the dryer when I suddenly realised that Roy was still there.
Ying: Erm... why don't you go check on the soup while I dry my clothes?
I started nudging him towards the door.
Roy: Okay... okay... You don't have to push me out... I get the hint...
He left the laundry room. Hurriedly I separated my clothes and placed them into the dryer. Once the machine started, I breathed a sigh of relief. I leaned against the dryer and glazed into the dryer door and watched as the clothes spun around inside.
Ying's thoughts: Come on... Hurry up and dry... So I can at least wear something under before I get out...
Roy popped his head into the laundry room and noticed me squatting beside the dryer and staring at the door. He squatted down beside me and looked into the dryer, then at me.
Roy: What are you looking at?
Ying: ROY!!! When did you come in?!!!!
I got a shock and fell backwards onto the floor. The shirt flipped up and came up mid thigh. I tugged consciously at the shirt and tried to push myself up. Roy looked at me and tried to come nearer to help me back up. I panicked when I saw him come nearer.
Ying: Don't come any closer!!!!
He got a shock and stopped dead in his tracks.
Roy: I... I... I just wanted to help you up...
Ying: Erm... I'm fine.... Sorry... I... I...
Roy: Is there something wrong?
Ying: Can you give me some time alone here... There are some things I need to settle first....
Roy looked at me worriedly.
Ying: Don't worry... I'm fine... I just need some time here alone...
Roy: Okay... I'll be just outside if you need me...
He got up and left the room, closing the door behind him. I scrambled up from the floor once he left the room.
Ying's thoughts: That was close... He must have got a shock when I shouted at him just now... Aish~ How much longer does this thing need to dry a few pathetic piece of clothes...
*Beep beep beep beep*
Ying's thoughts: At last...
I opened the dryer door immediately and grabbed my clothes from inside. I fumbled through to find my undies. When I found them, I walked towards the door and leaned against it, to make sure that it won't open suddenly when I was changing, and hurriedly put them on underneath Roy's shirt.
Roy was leaning on the wall beside the laundry room, waiting anxiously for me to come out. He glanced worriedly at the door, but he kept his promise and left me alone inside without any disturbance. I emerged from the laundry room after a while, grabbing onto my dry clothes. He looked at me when I emerged. But I ran back up into the guest room to dump my clothes there. He was left dumbstruck as I ran past him just when he walked towards me.
Roy's thoughts: What is she doing? She's making me all worried and anxious, not telling me anything... And running here and there everytime I try to get near her...
I dashed back down the stairs again, and this time I missed a step in my haste and slipped and fell.
Ying: OUCH!!!
Roy dashed over when he heard me shout. When he saw that I had slipped and fallen on the stairs, he rushed over to me.
Roy: Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?
Ying: No... I landed on my butt... So I guess I'm fine... Nowhere seems to hurt... Serves me right for running up and down the stairs...
I pushed myself up, and Roy put his arm around me to help me down the stairs. This time I didn't shy away from him, as I knew I was safe. He looked at me when I didn't avoid his arm. I smiled at him.
Ying: Something wrong?
Roy: Nope... But I was worried you'll scream again when I put my arm around you...
I looked at him apologetically.
Ying: Sorry, Roy... I shouldn't have shouted at you just now... You were just trying to help... And you didn't know...
Roy: Huh?
Ying: Nevermind... Let's go grab some soup now yeah... I'm famished from all the running...
I rubbed my tummy in hunger. Roy smiled. He took my hand and led me back to the kitchen.
Dong Bang Angels
Dong Bang Angels
Angel's Name: Maya
Style: Preppy yuppie - shirt with sweater vest, hat, jeans
What I want to say to her: Maya, let's hurry and meet!
Angel's Name: Julieang
Style: Funky Tai-tai - leopard print bow-neck top, red tights
What I want to say to her: Julieang, I want to see you!
Angel's Name: Jung Jiyul
Style: Girly - Lacy, frilly pink dress, grey tights underneath (prefer girls to wear pants under their dresses, more neat?), hat
What I want to say to her: Jiyul-ah, I want to meet you. Where are you?
Angel's Name: Yulim
Style: Hip-hop, sporty - Yellow hoodie sweatshirt, denim short mini skirt, sneakers
What I want to say to her: Yulim-ah, do you want to go eat Dobchang?
Angel's Name: Lee Bbunee (Bbunee = pretty)
Style: Japanese kawaii + funky - Red furry hat, Black/Red funky top, Black/Red mini skirt, Black/White striped knee-length socks
What I want to say to her: Bbunee-ah... (looking at her dumbstruck) Oh wow... (looking at her lovingly and dumbstruck, dunno wat to say) You are very pretty... (pokes his finger at her cheek)
TVXQ's Morning Calls..
Max Choikang Changmin: Did you sleep well? I hope your day is as sweet as your dreams... No... Better than that...
U-Know Yunho: Hello~ Wake up~ Let my sweet voice become the vitamin for your day...
Hero YoungWoong Jaejoong: It's me, me! I stayed up all night just to wake you up. Hurry and get up! Now that I woke you up, I'll sleep now~
Micky Yoochun: Ho~ney~ Ahoo~ What!?!! You're still sleeping?!!! You're really a sleepyhead! Pretty? Wake up, ok?
Xiah Junsu: Honey~ Hello! Hurry and wake up! If you sleep more, it'll be terrible, because you'll get more beautiful...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Serendipity 奇缘 - Chapter 37
Chapter 37: Inseparable...
Xiah and Fifi were just leaving the apartment and were taking the lift down. When Jaejoong and I finally reached the apartment, and he parked his car in the basement carpark, and took the clutches, while I opened the door to try to get out.
Jaejoong: STOP!!! Kiki, I thought I told you to stay where you are and wait for me...
Jaejoong rushed over with the clutches and helped me get out of the car.
Kiki: Mianeyo... I just wanted to get out of the car first so you don't have to rush here and there...
Jaejoong placed the clutches against his car and scooped me up in his arms. Then he passed the clutches to me.
Kiki: Jaejoong... I can walk with the clutches... You don't have to...
Jaejoong: The doctor said that you are not supposed to walk too much... So you just hold on to these... I'll do the walking for you...
Kiki: But I...
Jaejoong ignored me and started walking towards the lobby. I looked at Jaejoong as he walked into the lobby and took the lift up to my apartment. His expression was gentle, yet determined to have things done his way. Right now, I was so tired from the incident that all I wanted to do was rest and not argue anymore about how things should be done. Once we were in the lift, I leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt his head move when I did that.
Jaejoong: What's wrong?
Kiki: I think it's the painkillers... I'm feeling a bit drowsy...
Jaejoong: We're reaching soon. You can rest once we reach.
Kiki: Okay...
Slowly, my eyes closed, and I snuggled up in his arms. It felt so safe, in his arms. I could rest without a care...
Jaejoong: Kiki honey... Are you awake?
When I opened my eyes, I realised that Jaejoong had already carried me to my apartment's doorstep.
Kiki: Joongie... Sorry I dozed off... I'm awake now... Are we there already?
Jaejoong: It's okay... I need you to open the door, cos I kinda have my hands full at the moment... Hee hee...
He smiled at me, and I realised that he was carrying me, so he couldn't open the door. So I leaned the clutches against the wall, and dug for my key and he lowered me a little to let me open the door. When I opened the door, I realised that none of the guys were there...
I grabbed the clutches from the wall, and Jaejoong carried me into the apartment, and kicked the door shut with his foot. Jaejoong walked into my room, placed me into my bed and covered me up with the quilt. He placed the clutches beside the bed. He took a glance at his watch.
Jaejoong: Wow, it's almost lunch time already... Do you want me to whisk up something for you? You must be hungry from all the drama in the morning...
Kiki: Ne... I am a bit hungry... Maybe cos I didn't have a good breakfast...
Jaejoong: Ne.. I'll go make something for you and myself... You have some rest first... I'll wake you when lunch's ready...
I nodded, and closed my eyes. I felt his hand brush across my face, before planting a soft peck on my forehead. I opened my eyes when I felt him kiss my forehead. He looked down at me and smiled.
Jaejoong: I thought you were going to rest? How come you're still opening your eyes again?
Kiki's thoughts: Cos I'm wondering how come you always kiss me on my forehead...
I looked at Jaejoong and pondered for a while.
Jaejoong: You're waiting for me to leave the room first before you fall asleep, is it? Okay, don't worry, I won't look at you sleep, I'll go and make lunch now...
Jaejoong smiled and walked out of my room.
Jaejoong popped his head into my room and peeped at the bed, I was still sleeping from the medication. He walked in and sat himself next to me on the bed. I didn't even stir in my sleep.
Jaejoong: Kiki... Lunch's ready...
I turned over to face the other side of the bed, away from him. Jaejoong was amused by my move, and climbed onto the bed, kneeing next to me. As my back was facing him, he couldn't see my face, which was half covered by my hair, and half hidden under the quilt.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Argh... I can't see her face at all... Don't know if she's awake or still asleep... Gotta move to get a better view...
Jaejoong decided that he would crawl over to the other side of the bed, instead of walking over, since I was still sleeping so soundly. So he reached his leg over me, across to the other side of the bed, and reached his hand over to support himself.
Just when his hand touched the other side of the bed, I turned over in my sleep, which gave him a shock, making him lose his balance and fall flat onto me. I was startled awake by the impact of him falling onto me. And the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Jaejoong's face falling onto mine.
Jaejoong's head knocked onto mine when he fell onto me, and my forehead was painful from the knock. When he heard my shouts, Jaejoong scratched his head dorkily and gave an embarrassed smile.
Jaejoong: Mianeyo... I was trying to climb over to the other side of the bed when you woke up... And....
I looked at him in disbelief, the pain from the hard knock on my head distracted me from the fact that he was lying on top of me.
Kiki: Aish~ Can't you walk over? My ankle is already hurt... Are you trying to give me a brain concussion too?
I rubbed my head gingerly. Suddenly remembering that I was already hurt, he rubbed my head apologetically.
Jaejoong: Joesong hamnida.... Is it very painful? I'm sorry my head's so hard... Otherwise you won't be in so much pain....
I laughed when I heard his remark. He was so blur when he saw me laughing, he didn't realise that he had said something funny.
Jaejoong: Why are you laughing?
Kiki: Joongie... Everyone's head is hard... If not, then we'll all be brain damaged if we ever fall and hit our heads... Like this...
Jaejoong: Ne... You're right... Haa haaa....
He covered his mouth when he laughed, and that was when we both suddenly realised that he was lying on top of me. He hurriedly pushed himself up and rolled over to the other side of the bed, and got off.
Jaejoong: We better get you out of bed so that you can have your lunch...
I nodded my head and pushed myself up to a sitting position. I reached over for the clutches. But Jaejoong pulled my hand back.
Jaejoong: Gwenchanayo... Since I'm here I can carry you over...
And with that, he pulled the quilt away from me, and lifted me into his arms.
After lunch, we chatted as he washed up everything for me. And then he carried me over to the sofa to watch some TV together with me. But I dozed off after a while, after taking my medication, and slept in his arms. He carried me back into my room to let me rest, while he continued watching TV to occupy himself while I was resting.
*Ding dong ding dong*
Jaejoong opened the door without looking through the eyehole, thinking it was the guys bringing the girls back from the day's tour. To his surprise...
Kiki's Leader: Jaejoong-shi!!! How come you're at Kiki's apartment?!!! Where's Kiki??!!!
Jaejoong got a shock of his life when he opened the door to find Kiki's leader behind it. He was holding a pile of documents, which were probably information for Kiki to work on.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Oh no... What am I going to do? What should I say?
Jaejoong pondered for a while, and finally he made up an excuse for himself.
Jaejoong: Annyeong haseyo... Kiki-shi is resting now. I met her downstairs when she was coming back in a cab. And I saw that she was walking in clutches with her ankle bandaged, so I helped her up to her apartment and brought her some food. Since she obviously can't do it herself in that state, and she's all alone in a foreign country. I was just going to leave when you pressed the doorbell...
Kiki's leader: Oh I see... Well since she's resting, can you just help me put these on the table for her, I'll contact her later to let her know what I need her to do. I'll go off first then... Thanks for helping her out... It's very nice of you... Do help us pop by and check on her if you can... Cos we're busy with location recees these few weeks, when she's going to be resting at home... So no one is free to take care of her... Anyway, thanks....
Kiki's leader passed the things to Jaejoong, and entered the lift to go to his apartment. Once the lift started going down, Jaejoong breathed a sigh of relief and closed the door.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Gosh that was close... I hope he didn't suspect anything... I better wake Kiki to let her know...
Jaejoong put the things on the table and walked into my room. Once he saw me resting peacefully on my bed, he decided that he would not let me know about my leader coming and just leave it until I woke up and saw the documents.
* Song for this chapter: Natalie Cole - Inseparable
Xiah and Fifi were just leaving the apartment and were taking the lift down. When Jaejoong and I finally reached the apartment, and he parked his car in the basement carpark, and took the clutches, while I opened the door to try to get out.
Jaejoong: STOP!!! Kiki, I thought I told you to stay where you are and wait for me...
Jaejoong rushed over with the clutches and helped me get out of the car.
Kiki: Mianeyo... I just wanted to get out of the car first so you don't have to rush here and there...
Jaejoong placed the clutches against his car and scooped me up in his arms. Then he passed the clutches to me.
Kiki: Jaejoong... I can walk with the clutches... You don't have to...
Jaejoong: The doctor said that you are not supposed to walk too much... So you just hold on to these... I'll do the walking for you...
Kiki: But I...
Jaejoong ignored me and started walking towards the lobby. I looked at Jaejoong as he walked into the lobby and took the lift up to my apartment. His expression was gentle, yet determined to have things done his way. Right now, I was so tired from the incident that all I wanted to do was rest and not argue anymore about how things should be done. Once we were in the lift, I leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt his head move when I did that.
Jaejoong: What's wrong?
Kiki: I think it's the painkillers... I'm feeling a bit drowsy...
Jaejoong: We're reaching soon. You can rest once we reach.
Kiki: Okay...
Slowly, my eyes closed, and I snuggled up in his arms. It felt so safe, in his arms. I could rest without a care...
Jaejoong: Kiki honey... Are you awake?
When I opened my eyes, I realised that Jaejoong had already carried me to my apartment's doorstep.
Kiki: Joongie... Sorry I dozed off... I'm awake now... Are we there already?
Jaejoong: It's okay... I need you to open the door, cos I kinda have my hands full at the moment... Hee hee...
He smiled at me, and I realised that he was carrying me, so he couldn't open the door. So I leaned the clutches against the wall, and dug for my key and he lowered me a little to let me open the door. When I opened the door, I realised that none of the guys were there...
I grabbed the clutches from the wall, and Jaejoong carried me into the apartment, and kicked the door shut with his foot. Jaejoong walked into my room, placed me into my bed and covered me up with the quilt. He placed the clutches beside the bed. He took a glance at his watch.
Jaejoong: Wow, it's almost lunch time already... Do you want me to whisk up something for you? You must be hungry from all the drama in the morning...
Kiki: Ne... I am a bit hungry... Maybe cos I didn't have a good breakfast...
Jaejoong: Ne.. I'll go make something for you and myself... You have some rest first... I'll wake you when lunch's ready...
I nodded, and closed my eyes. I felt his hand brush across my face, before planting a soft peck on my forehead. I opened my eyes when I felt him kiss my forehead. He looked down at me and smiled.
Jaejoong: I thought you were going to rest? How come you're still opening your eyes again?
Kiki's thoughts: Cos I'm wondering how come you always kiss me on my forehead...
I looked at Jaejoong and pondered for a while.
Jaejoong: You're waiting for me to leave the room first before you fall asleep, is it? Okay, don't worry, I won't look at you sleep, I'll go and make lunch now...
Jaejoong smiled and walked out of my room.
Jaejoong popped his head into my room and peeped at the bed, I was still sleeping from the medication. He walked in and sat himself next to me on the bed. I didn't even stir in my sleep.
Jaejoong: Kiki... Lunch's ready...
I turned over to face the other side of the bed, away from him. Jaejoong was amused by my move, and climbed onto the bed, kneeing next to me. As my back was facing him, he couldn't see my face, which was half covered by my hair, and half hidden under the quilt.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Argh... I can't see her face at all... Don't know if she's awake or still asleep... Gotta move to get a better view...
Jaejoong decided that he would crawl over to the other side of the bed, instead of walking over, since I was still sleeping so soundly. So he reached his leg over me, across to the other side of the bed, and reached his hand over to support himself.
Just when his hand touched the other side of the bed, I turned over in my sleep, which gave him a shock, making him lose his balance and fall flat onto me. I was startled awake by the impact of him falling onto me. And the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Jaejoong's face falling onto mine.
Jaejoong's head knocked onto mine when he fell onto me, and my forehead was painful from the knock. When he heard my shouts, Jaejoong scratched his head dorkily and gave an embarrassed smile.
Jaejoong: Mianeyo... I was trying to climb over to the other side of the bed when you woke up... And....
I looked at him in disbelief, the pain from the hard knock on my head distracted me from the fact that he was lying on top of me.
Kiki: Aish~ Can't you walk over? My ankle is already hurt... Are you trying to give me a brain concussion too?
I rubbed my head gingerly. Suddenly remembering that I was already hurt, he rubbed my head apologetically.
Jaejoong: Joesong hamnida.... Is it very painful? I'm sorry my head's so hard... Otherwise you won't be in so much pain....
I laughed when I heard his remark. He was so blur when he saw me laughing, he didn't realise that he had said something funny.
Jaejoong: Why are you laughing?
Kiki: Joongie... Everyone's head is hard... If not, then we'll all be brain damaged if we ever fall and hit our heads... Like this...
Jaejoong: Ne... You're right... Haa haaa....
He covered his mouth when he laughed, and that was when we both suddenly realised that he was lying on top of me. He hurriedly pushed himself up and rolled over to the other side of the bed, and got off.
Jaejoong: We better get you out of bed so that you can have your lunch...
I nodded my head and pushed myself up to a sitting position. I reached over for the clutches. But Jaejoong pulled my hand back.
Jaejoong: Gwenchanayo... Since I'm here I can carry you over...
And with that, he pulled the quilt away from me, and lifted me into his arms.
After lunch, we chatted as he washed up everything for me. And then he carried me over to the sofa to watch some TV together with me. But I dozed off after a while, after taking my medication, and slept in his arms. He carried me back into my room to let me rest, while he continued watching TV to occupy himself while I was resting.
*Ding dong ding dong*
Jaejoong opened the door without looking through the eyehole, thinking it was the guys bringing the girls back from the day's tour. To his surprise...
Kiki's Leader: Jaejoong-shi!!! How come you're at Kiki's apartment?!!! Where's Kiki??!!!
Jaejoong got a shock of his life when he opened the door to find Kiki's leader behind it. He was holding a pile of documents, which were probably information for Kiki to work on.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Oh no... What am I going to do? What should I say?
Jaejoong pondered for a while, and finally he made up an excuse for himself.
Jaejoong: Annyeong haseyo... Kiki-shi is resting now. I met her downstairs when she was coming back in a cab. And I saw that she was walking in clutches with her ankle bandaged, so I helped her up to her apartment and brought her some food. Since she obviously can't do it herself in that state, and she's all alone in a foreign country. I was just going to leave when you pressed the doorbell...
Kiki's leader: Oh I see... Well since she's resting, can you just help me put these on the table for her, I'll contact her later to let her know what I need her to do. I'll go off first then... Thanks for helping her out... It's very nice of you... Do help us pop by and check on her if you can... Cos we're busy with location recees these few weeks, when she's going to be resting at home... So no one is free to take care of her... Anyway, thanks....
Kiki's leader passed the things to Jaejoong, and entered the lift to go to his apartment. Once the lift started going down, Jaejoong breathed a sigh of relief and closed the door.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Gosh that was close... I hope he didn't suspect anything... I better wake Kiki to let her know...
Jaejoong put the things on the table and walked into my room. Once he saw me resting peacefully on my bed, he decided that he would not let me know about my leader coming and just leave it until I woke up and saw the documents.
* Song for this chapter: Natalie Cole - Inseparable
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