Jaejoong crept into my room and onto my bed. I was still blissfully sleeping away and didn't move at all when he got onto the bed. He laid himself next to me and snuggled nearer to me to look at me.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Ah~ She looks so deep in sleep, must be exhausted... can't bear to wake her up... Look... her hair's all covering her face...
Jaejoong brushed my fallen hair away from my face. I stirred in my sleep and flipped over. Jaejoong propped himself up to try to get a better view, but to no avail.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Aish~ Why does she always turn over when I'm trying to look at her... I guess I'd better wake her up... It's almost time for her medication already...
Jaejoong leaned nearer to me and tapped on my shoulder.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah... Yeo~bo... It's me, me! I stayed up all night just to wake you up. Hurry and get up!
I turned myself over and rubbed my eyes sleepily at Jaejoong.
Kiki: Is it morning already?
Jaejoong smiled and pretended to yawn sleepily.
Jaejoong: Now that I woke you up, I can go to sleep now~
He laid back onto the bed and pulled the quilt up to cover his head.
Kiki: Huh~~ If you sleep now, I'll go back to sleep too then...
I pulled the quilt back up too and turned over, closing my eyes. I could feel tugging of the quilt from Jaejoong's side, I pulled it more over to my side, exposing Jaejoong out in the cold.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah~~~ Come on...
Kiki: No.... You go back and sleep on your own bed...
Jaejoong's thoughts: Drastic time calls for drastic measures...
Jaejoong pulled the quilt off with one strong tug. I turned back over to face him.
Kiki: Hey!!!! I was trying to sleep here...
Jaejoong: No you're not!!!
There was a very naughty expression on Jaejoong's face that made me want to get off the bed as soon as possible. I pushed myself up.
Too late...
He started tickling me and I was laughing and screaming at the same time, trying to push his hands away from me, while inching away from him.
Kiki: AAHHHHH~~~~
I fell off the side of the bed, and was sitting on the floor. Fortunately for me, I landed on my butt, and so my ankle was safe.
Jaejoong popped his head from the bed and looked at me.
Jaejoong: Gwenchanayo?
I took one look at him and started laughing. His hair was messed up and his clothes looked like he just got back from a fight, all tugged and pulled at.
Jaejoong's thoughts: How come she's suddenly laughing...
Kiki's thoughts: He looks so kawaii with the messed up hair and clothes... I could just...
Kiki: Joongie-ah...
Jaejoong: Eh?
I flicked my index finger to ask him to lean nearer. He popped his head further out from the bed. I reached my hands to tousle his hair.
Kiki: Your hair's all messed up...
Jaejoong looked up at his hair.
Jaejoong: You're right...
He reached his hands up to tidy his hair. When his hands reached for his hair, I slipped mine behind his neck.
Kiki: But you look so... cute... and... kissable... now...
I leaned in planted a kiss on his lips. He got a shock as he was still tidying his hair when I did that.
Then I pulled myself away from him and reached for my clutches to get myself up. I had already got up and was limping my way out of the room, when Jaejoong got out from his dazed state, and rushed over to me.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah, I thought I said when I'm around you are not supposed to be walking...
Kiki: But you were still... hee hee... dreaming...
Jaejoong scratched his head embarrassedly. Then he remembered about the documents that my leader had passed to him. He blocked my way abruptly by jumping in front of me, with his hands out wide to block me.
Jaejoong: WAIT~~~
Kiki: What?
Jaejoong: You know erm... we did this programme recently... And we were supposed to dress up Barbie dolls?
Kiki: Uh-huh...
I started walking again. He jumped in front of me again.
Jaejoong: Did you watch it?
Kiki: Anio...
Jaejoong grabbed my shoulders to stop me from trying to walk away from him.
Jaejoong: Come on, I gotta show it to you...
He scooped me into his arms and dashed into my work room, he sat himself down on my swivel chair and placed me on his lap as there were no other chairs around. And he reached to switch on the computer and broadband modem.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, can't this wait? I wanna grab some food before taking my medicine...
Jaejoong: Anio... I need to show it to you first...
Kiki: But it's not very comfortable sitting like this right? Why don't you go and grab a chair from the dining table? I...
Jaejoong looked at me and realised that I was sitting on his lap, with my arms around his neck to prevent myself from falling off.
Jaejoong: Anio... gwenchanayo... I'm... very... comfortable...
Kiki: Really?
Jaejoong nodded repeatedly.
Kiki: Oh.. okay... I just thought you'll be more comfortable with me off you...
Jaejoong stared seriously at the computer and had finally found the clip on youtube.
Jaejoong: Yeogi!!! Yeogiyo!!! Look!!!
I turned my head from looking at him to the screen.
While watching the clip, I laughed when I saw how engrossed and serious they all were at dressing up their dolls. Xiah's doll kept falling off the stand, and the way he was so amazed by how Micky rotated the doll on its stand.
Finally it was Jaejoong's turn to show his doll, and Jaejoong was observing my reaction while I watched the clip.
Jaejoong's thoughts: I wonder what will she say when she sees mine...
Finally the clip was finished.
Jaejoong: Eotteoke? What do you think?
Kiki: You guys were really serious when you dressed the dolls, and Micky stripped the doll naked... ha ha... Max and his love for Anne Hathaway... U-Know and his long speech on girls in pants and hats... And Xiah was so funny the way he raved at how everyone managed to make their dolls stand, but he couldn't... And he called the doll Julieang so lovingly... Ha ha ha...
Jaejoong: What about me?
Jaejoong looked at me in anticipation. I looked back at the screen and used my right hand to move the mouse around... Trying to click on some other random video...
Jaejoong slipped his arms around my waist.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah... What about me?
Kiki: Well... Your doll... The colors are nice... I like the socks and the hat...
Jaejoong: And...
Kiki: And... nothing...
Jaejoong: The name?
Kiki: Well... I can't remember the names...
Jaejoong: My angel's name is...
Kiki: Wait let me see.... Max's is Maya... U-Know's is Jung Jiyul... Xiah's is Julieang... Micky's is Yulim... Yours is Lee... I can't pronounce it...
Jaejoong: Bbunee...
Kiki's thoughts: Aish~ His doll's name is sooo... Mushy....
Kiki: Uh-huh...
Kiki's thoughts: Now I know what your ideal girls dresses like... So I am no way near....
I clicked on a random clip and watched it. It was a Gospeller MTV.
Jaejoong looked at me.
Jaejoong: It's just a show... We were made to dress up the dolls with whatever is available... So...
Kiki: I know... I like your color combination... Now I know what kind of girls you guys like...
Jaejoong: I...
Kiki: Frankly speaking... I think Max's doll is closest to what I'd normally wear... Though I don't have one fixed style... I dress according to my mood... Micky's is what Theo would wear... And... Fifi's style's not even inside at all... So...
Jaejoong: So...
Kiki: Well... I guess we are not your ideal girls... In terms of style of dressing...
Jaejoong: But... But... you are my ideal girl in terms of.... well... everything else!!!
Jaejoong tightened his hug around my waist. I turned to face him.
Kiki: It's okay Joongie... You don't have to say such things... I know it's just a show...
Jaejoong: Anio... you don't understand... you always have been my Lee Bbunee... I dressed the doll according to your personality... Daring, young-at-heart, warm, kind, and helpful... That's why I chose those colors pink, red, black and white... You know black and white are my favourite colors... And you love pink... Red is like... Red is like... My love... For you...
Kiki: Sweetie... I didn't analyze it so deeply... But well... I didn't know I looked like THAT to you... Hee hee...
Jaejoong: Well... I only had limited resources... *grin*
I shook my head and laughed.
Kiki: By the way, what does Bbunee mean anyway?
Jaejoong: Pretty... Breathtakingly beautiful...
Kiki: So is that why you looked so breath taken when you looked at the doll and spoke to her?
We broke into laughter together. Seeing me laugh, Jaejoong leaned closer to me and whispered into my ear.
Jaejoong: Bbunee-ah... Oh wow.... You're so beautiful you take my breath away...
Jaejoong looked at me lovingly, and poked my cheek with his finger. It was like what he did to his Dong Bang Angel in the programme.
I covered my face with my hand in embarrassment, as what he had just said and did was so mushy that I couldn't look at him and listen to him at the same time. It was like he was saying 美女 when he said Bbunee... And all these... were too mushy... even for me to take...
Jaejoong: Yeobo~ Why are you covering your beautiful face?
Jaejoong pulled my hand away from my face with his. I pretended to look back at the screen at the playing music video.
Jaejoong's thoughts: She's shy... Gwiyeowoyo (cute)....
Suddenly Jaejoong rolled my swivel chair away from the computer. I tried to grab onto the table to pull us back, but I almost fell off his lap, so I grabbed back onto him instead to prevent myself from falling.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, what are you doing!!??? I'm still watching the mtv...
Jaejoong: Anio anio anio anio anio... you can't look at other guys when I'm around... you can only look at... ME...
His face was dead serious when he said that. I pouted.
Kiki: Aish~ I didn't know you were so...
Jaejoong: In love with you? Ne... Dangsinege banhaetsseumnida... I'm crazy about you...
Jaejoong looked lovingly at me when he said that. I turned my head away and tried to hide my smile.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Okay... Now that I've made her happy... I hope she won't scream when she sees the documents...
Jaejoong: Yeobo~
I turned back and looked at him. I didn't know what that word meant.
Kiki: Yeo~bo~???
Jaejoong looked at me in bliss when he heard me mouth the word. Even when I said it so uncertainly.
Jaejoong: Kiki-ah, you... you are calling me... YEOBO???!!!!
I scratched my head blurly as he started spinning rounds on my swivel chair happily.
Kiki: Actually... I don't know what that means...
As sudden as he had started spinning, he stopped, letting the chair slow down to a stop by itself.
Jaejoong: Oh....
Kiki: So it means???
Jaejoong: Honey...
Kiki: Huh?
Jaejoong: Yeobo means honey...
Kiki: OH..... So you were calling me honey, when you said yeobo just now...
Jaejoong nodded disappointedly.
Kiki: I see....
I smiled. I knew just what to do to make him smile again.
Kiki: Yeo~bo~, can I have my dinner now? I'm hungry.... And I have to take my medication soon...
Jaejoong's eyes lit up when he heard my words, and he lifted me up in his arms, and carried me towards the dining table.
Jaejoong: Mianeyo... But before you eat, there's something I need to show you... But please promise me that you won't be angry no matter what it is...
Kiki: Ne...
He put me down on one of the chairs in front of the dining table. I followed his eyes to the centre of the table. There beside the dishes he had prepared, was a pile of documents. I reached over and pulled them towards me. When I flipped through them, I realised that they were information from the locations that my team was going to recee today.
Kiki: Joongie-ah, where did you get these?
Jaejoong: From your leader...
Kiki: WHO!!!!!????
I looked up at him in shock.
Kiki: You mean he was here earlier?!!! Why didn't you wake me? You opened the door?!!! And he saw you?!!! Oh my gosh!!!! Why is this happening?!!!!
Jaejoong squatted down in front of me and grabbed my hands to calm me down.
Jaejoong: It's okay... He doesn't know anything. I told him I saw you downstairs when you came back from the doctor's and I helped you up since you were alone and injured.
Kiki: And he believed you? He didn't suspect anything?
Jaejoong: I think so... Cos he didn't ask anything further, and he asked me to come over to check on you if possible, since they weren't able to cos they would be out on location recee while you are recuperating....
Kiki: He really said that?
Jaejoong: Yeah... Don't worry... I think we're safe...
I breathed a sigh of relief. My leader was a very sharp person. He would have seen through us immediately when he saw Jaejoong. But from what Jaejoong said, I think we were safe... For the moment... I hope....
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