Everybody was taking their own sweet time to stroll to the field outside of the house, only Junsu was so excited. He was pulling Fifi along as he was running.
Fifi: YA!!! KIM JUNSU!!! Can't you stop pulling me along wherever you go?
Junsu: But.... If I don't pull you along, you're going to be at the back of the pack.
Fifi (grumbling): Whatever Junsu. Can't you see that the rest are still strolling? And, why me?
Junsu: Cos you're the slowest among the group. If not for me, you'll still be in the house.
Fifi (angry): ARGH!!! KIM JUNSU!!!!
Junsu continued pulling Fifi along. Seeing that Junsu was not paying any attention to her, Fifi raised her hand which was free, and getting herself all ready to hit Junsu. But, Junsu's reflexes was really quick. He saw Fifi raising her hands. He grabbed Fifi's hands.
Junsu: Do you think that I can't figure out what is under your sleeves? Unfortunately, I do.
Fifi: Argh!!! (mumbling to herself) I thought you were slow.
Junsu could hear every single word that Fifi said.
Junsu: I thought you I heard you saying that I'm slow. You're going to get it from me.
Fifi (pouting her lips): I didn't.
Junsu let go of Fifi's hands and started to tickle her.
Junsu: This is for calling me slow.
Fifi (protested): I really didn't!!!!
Fifi's POV: ARGH!!!! How did he hear that? I thought I spoke really softly.
Fifi: Stop it. It's ticklish.....
Junsu: So, did you call me slow or not?
It was so ticklish that Fifi had no other choice but to admit.
Fifi: Okay, Okay. I did say it. And, I'm the slow one, not you.
Junsu (smiling to himself): That's better.
Junsu stopped tickling Fifi and held her hands, with their finger locked together.
Junsu (looking back as he was speaking): YA!!!! Guys, ppali!!!
Fifi was so shocked that she could not even react.
Fifi's POV: What is he thinking of now? I just can't figure it out..... And, why is my heart beating so fast again. Oh no, I think my face is so red now. Argh... What am I suposed to do!!!!!
Micky: Ya, Junsu! Can you stop rushing us? (Started to raise his voice) I thought you have someone there to accompany you? Why do you still need us?
Junsu's POV: What is Park Yoochun doing again? He better not mention anything to Fifi or else I'll be so dead.......
Junsu(screamed back): Can you guys walk faster? Fifi and I are already reaching the field soon.
Max(screamed): Araso!!!!
The rest had not choice but to catch up with Junsu and Fifi.
Everyone had gathered in the field in a circle, talking among themselves.
Nobody paid attention to Junsu. Even Fifi was talking and joining in the conversation with the rest.
Junsu (scream like a dolphin): AHHH!!!!! AHHH!!!!
Everyone heard the dolphin scream, but they continued in their conversation.
Fifi's POV: AWWW!!! Junsu's dolphin scream is so cute...... How can all these people here ignore him?
Fifi: Guys, I think we better see what Junsu has to say?
Micky: Fifi, if we respond to Junsu, he would be bugging us to play his games. Do you want to play his games or go shopping? It's your choice.
Kiki (excited): Shopping??!!! Are you serious? Can we??
Jaejoong: Junsu, shashi (actually), I would rather shop with my jagi then play your games here.
Micky: Ya, Junsu. I think we can do a free and easy day today since no one is particularly interested in your games. So, guys, how about that? Sounds good?
Max: I don't mind.
Uknow: Me too. I'm sure Theo will support me right?
Theo: I'll support Uknow all the way.
Kiki: Theo, do you always have to support Uknow and not have your own stand?
Theo: Hey!!! Why can't I? He is my namja-chingu.
Uknow: Kiki, don't bully my yeoja-chingu.
Kiki: Alright, alright. I shan't disturb you two love birds anymore. Hahahahaha.....
Jaejoong: Nor.... Don't bully my jagi anymore.
Uknow: Araso. Anyway, we better overthrow Junsu's plan or else we will all suffer.
Max: Ppali!!!! Junsu-hyung is coming over now!!!
Fifi: Guys, are we really going to not play the games? I mean Junsu did spend a lot of time and effort planning it for all of us. Why don't we just play for a while? And, maybe after that we can do our free and easy activities?
Micky: Oh! Did I hear someone among us wants to play with Junsu? Cos it seems like the rest of us don't really fancy having a game here? Am I right, Fifi?
Fifi: Huh? I mean we can just play for a while. All of us here, and not just only me.
Micky: I know. Why don't we accompany Fifi for a while, since she is going to be embarrassed with Junsu alone.
Everyone started giggling.
Micky: Jinja (really)? Then I think when Junsu comes, you can play his games with him alone. Guys, I think we can do our own activity and leave the 2 of them.
Jaejoong: Ne. Kajang. Annyeongi kyesayo, Fifi.
The group started to head the opposite direction where Junsu was coming from. Leaving Fifi alone, screaming for the group to come back.
Junsu saw the group was moving away. He was wondering what was happening. He ran up to Fifi.
Junsu: Fifi, why are the guys going away?
Fifi: Erm.... They said that they wanted to have a free and easy day. And, they all left.
Junsu's POV (smiling to himself): I think it's better that they all left. Now, I can more time with Fifi. But, I can't let her know, she is going to get suspicious. She is not as dense as me.
Junsu: Then, what about you? Why aren't you joining the rest?
Fifi (dumbfolded): Erm..... Ermm.... Cos... I'm... I'm....
Fifi's POV: I can't possibly tell him the truth. This is driving me nuts. What am I supposed to say? Think of an excuse, Fifi. Quick think. Or else you're getting yourself in a embarrassing situation.
Fifi: Yeah. I'm supposed to.... erm... yeah... tell you that we are going to have a free and easy day.
Junsu (disappointed): Oh, really.
Fifi's POV: I really wanted to say that I want to spend my time with you and only you, Junsu. Miane. I know that you are disappointed. But, I just don't have that kind of courage to make my feelings known.
Fifi: Why don't we just get them back? Maybe, if there is a prize for the games, they will be excited???
Junsu: Hmmm.... That's a good idea. (started screaming to the group) GUYS!!!! COME BACK!!! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE GAMES!!! AND THERE'S A PRIZE FOR THE WINNER!!!!
Jaejoong suddenly stopped walking when he heard the word "prize". He was rather excited.
Jaejoong (moving around excitedly): Guys, why don't we just play with Junsu for a while. Since there is going to be a prize?
Kiki: Joongie-ya, are you that interested with the prize? I thought you are supposed to accompany me on my shopping spree?
Jaejoong stopped prancing around and stopped right in front of Kiki.
Jaejoong (gave Kiki a pitiful look): But, I really want the prize. So, can we just go back? If you agree, then the both of us can try to get the rest to agree. Jagiya, putakke (please I beg you)???!!!!
Seeing that pitiful look, Kiki had no choice but to give in to his request.
Kiki: Alright. Since you are so eager to get the prize. But, I can't guarantee you that the rest are going to get persuaded by me.
Jaejoong: Never mind. I know how to get the guys to join in the games. You just have to worry about how to pull Theo over.
Kiki: Theo will be a easy job. If Uknow says yes, she will definitely not go against him.
Jaejoong: Guys, do you want to play the games Junsu planned? There is a prize you know?
Max: Hyung, can you stop being so childish. It's not going to be anything great. Do you think Junsu-hyung's prize is going to be anything great? I don't think so.
Uknow: Hmmm..... Come to think about it, the prize makes the game more interesting. I'm in for the games. So now it's going to be 3 vs 3. Theo, do you want to play?
Theo: Alright. Since you are interested, and I don't really mind.
Uknow: Now, it's 4 vs 2. So, Micky and Max?
Micky: Hyung, are we really going to play Junsu's game? Don't you want Junsu to spend more time with Fifi alone?
Max: I agree. I really got other better things to do.
Uknow: But, if we let the two spend time alone, it's going to be very embarrassing. Why don't we just help them to lighten the mood?
Micky: Okay. I'm doing this for that Junsu and Fifi, and not Junsu's games.
Max: Alright.
Jaejoong (excited): YAY!!! I'm going to win the prize. Kajang!!
Jaejoong grabbed Kiki's arm and pulled her along. The rest follow suit, with Max and Micky trailing behind.
Junsu was really glad that the group was walking towards Fifi and him.
Junsu (excited): Fifi, the guys are coming back now. YAY!!! We can start with our games.
Fifi: Junsu, I wonder what things actually excite you?
Junsu: Everything, (said softly) especially you.
Fifi: Oh okay.
Fifi did not hear Junsu's last line. And, Junsu was glad that Fifi did not hear him too.
Junsu: Guys, ppali!!!! So we can start!!!!
After some time, everyone had gather in a circle around Junsu.
Junsu: Hmmm.... Now that everyone's here. We can spilt ourselves up into 2 groups.
Jaejoong: I want to be in the same group as my jagi.
Uknow: I want to be with Theo.
Fifi: Then, why not Jaejoong, Kiki, Uknow and Theo be in the same group? And, I'll join their group.
Junsu: Fifi, can't you count? If Jaejoong, Kiki, Uknow and Theo are in the group, there will be 4 in a group. And there are 8 of us here. If we are going to spilt ourselves up into 2 groups, then each group will have 4. You'll be the extra member in the group. So, you can't join.
Fifi (started counting): One, two, three..... Oh yeah. But, then if those 4 are in a group, then I'll be the only girl in the other group.
Micky: Why not the one couple in each group? So Fifi you can join one of the girls?
Fifi: But, I want to be with the both of them.
Max: How can you split the couples? Can you bear to do that?
Fifi: Alright. I'll just be with either one of the girls. I don't want to be the same group as Jaejoong and Kiki. Both of them are rather slow, and I'll don't want to end up in the losing team.
Kiki: YA!!!! FIFI!!! Jaejoong and I are NOT slow okay!!! I'm just NOT very competitive... And Jaejoong is a gracious competitor... He lets the younger ones win... So...
Theo (interupting Kiki): Yeah yeah yeah... EVERYTHING he does is ALL fantastic to you...
Kiki (embarrasedly): HEY THEO!!!! I DIDN'T SAY THAT...
Theo: You don't need to explain... We ALL know that's true...
Kiki: Eh... I...
Jaejoong (suddenly hugging Kiki from the back and slipping his hands around her waist, making Kiki turn around in surprise): Gwenchanayo jagiya... I know you love me the most... I'll do my best to win the prize for you... my baby...
Jaejoong pecked Kiki softly on her cheek, making her blush in embarrassment.
Max: AIGOO~~~ can the two of you please stop being so mushy in front of us? I can't stand the bitter cold anymore... bbbbrrrrrr~~~~~~~~~
Max pretended that he was shaking from the cold.
Kiki (face totally red with embarrassment): MAX!!!! YOU'RE GONNA GET IT FROM ME!!!!
Kiki broke away from Jaejoong's hug and started chasing after Max, while trying to hit him on his arm repeatedly.
Other fan fics we've written so far...
Destined 遐想 [Completed]
My Little Princess 나의작은공주 [Sequel to Serendipity 奇缘]
Last thing... Comments will be greatly appreciated!!!
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