Jaejoong was driving home after school alone again, as Yunho and Junsu had gone out with Yiting and Yining for dinner. As usual he didn't want to play gooseberry, so he didn't join them. Moreover it had started pouring cats and dogs when they came out from classes, he just wanted to get home soon, get a warm bath and sleep.
As it was pouring heavily, he was driving slower than usual and he had his headlights on full beam. He was driving along the route back to his house when he noticed something in the middle of the road. He slowed down his car further and stopped beside it. He squinted from inside his car to see what the thing was. His eyes widened when it dawned on him what it was...
It was a person....
Jaejoong dashed out of his car and ran towards the person on the road. He tapped the person's shoulder.
Jaejoong: Can you hear me? Are you alright?
As there was no response, he turned the person around and to his surprise it was his tutor Jaein! He shook Jaein violently, hoping to wake her up, but her eyes were kept shut. Jaejoong looked around the road for traces of blood. But there weren't any. So most likely she wasn't involved in a hit and run case. But what was she doing lying unconscious in the middle of the road in a heavy storm?!!!
Jaejoong carried Jaein into his arms and brought her back into his car, and drove back to his house. He brought her up to his room and instructed the female housekeeper to help her out of her wet clothes, while he went to get changed out of his.
Housekeeper: Young master, I think she's running a high fever... Her whole body is burning and shivering when I changed her clothes.
The housekeeper informed Jaejoong of Jaein's condition when he returned to his room. Jaein was already lying on his bed all covered up by his thick quilt blanket up to her shoulders.
Jaejoong: Why don't you get some ice packs to lower her temperature? And cook something warm for her.... And... call Dr Park to come and take a look at her...
Housekeeper: Yes young master... I'll do that right away...
The housekeeper hurried off to tend to the tasks, and left Jaejoong alone with Jaein in his room. Jaejoong walked over to his bed and sat down beside Jaein. Her face was red from the fever while her forehead was covered with beads of cold sweat, and her body was shivering.
Jaejoong's thoughts: Ms Jun... Are you a pabo?!!! You're running a fever and you still walk in the rain... Can't you take a cab back home?
The housekeeper rushed in with the ice packs, along with a towel and basin of water. She rushed beside Jaein and placed everything down, all ready to help her lower her temperature.
Jaejoong: It's okay ahjumma, let me do it... You go ahead and call Dr Park first...
Housekeeper: Alright... Change the ice pack when it's not cold anymore...
The housekeeper left to contact the doctor. Jaejoong sat beside Jaein on his bed, and took the ice pack and placed it over Jaein's forehead. Then he used the towel to dab away her cold sweat. Jaejoong looked at Jaein's face properly for the first time. Her face was oval-shaped, and she had very even lips, with a "hidden kiss" at the end, where it curved slightly even when she wasn't smiling. Her cheeks were slightly blushing and her lips red from the fever. She was sleeping soundly despite her high fever, and the cold sweat that was slowly drenching Jaejoong's t-shirt that his housekeeper had changed her into. Unconsciously Jaejoong's hand had already put down the towel and started tracing the outline of Jaein's face, all the way down to her lips...
Jaejoong's thoughts: She's blushing from the fever... And her.... her lips... look... so... red... and... kissable...
Jaejoong brushed his thoughts away by shaking his head violently before he did anything stupid. He pulled his hands away from Jaein's face and walked away from the bed, trying to stay as far away from the bed as possible. He started pacing to and fro in his room.
Once in a while he stole a glance at Jaein, who was still oblivious to what was happening around her. His pace hastened whenever he looked at Jaein. His own face was already starting to burn up in embarrassment. Finally he sat himself down in the sofa in frustration and buried his head in his hands.
Jaein (groaning uncomfortably): Ooohh...
Upon hearing Jaein's groans, Jaejoong looked up at her, and he saw her face showing signs of discomfort. He rushed over to his bed and felt her forehead. Her temperature was higher than before. Immediately he resumed his duties of trying to lower her temperature by applying a new ice pack, and dabbing her cold sweat.
Two hours later....
Jaein opened her eyes wearily. She was in a foreign room. She looked around weakly and vaguely saw someone fallen asleep sitting on the bed beside her. She looked hard at the person to figure out who it was. As her vision cleared, she realise that the person was Jaejoong.
Immediately she sat up and realised that she wasn't in her own clothes but in an oversized men's t-shirt instead, and without her underwear!!!!
Jaein: AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaejoong was awakened by Jaein's loud scream. He looked confused and blur as to why she was screaming, so he just stared at her blurly.
Jaein: PERVERT!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME???!!!!!
Jaejoong (confusedly): Huh????
Jaein bundled herself in the quilt, stood up and got as far away from Jaejoong as possible.
Jaein (angrily): Where am I???!!! Where are my clothes?!!!
Then it dawned on Jaejoong that she didn't remember anything as she had been unconscious all this time. He walked closer to her, she backed away even more till she was cornered against the wall. She still extended her free hand to stop Jaejoong from going any closer to her.
Jaejoong: You fainted in the streets in the rain. I took pity on you and brought you back. That's all...
Jaein's face started to show some sense of realisation. But then her expression turned back quickly.
Jaein (firmly): If that's all... Where are my clothes? And why am I lying there? *points at Jaejoong's bed*
Seeing how flustered she was, Jaejoong purposely leaned closer to her to agitate her further.
Jaejoong: Well... You were all wet... So I... helped... you... out... of... your... wet.... clothes...
He turned and walked off at this moment, and sat himself down on the sofa.
Jaein's thoughts: WHAT?!!! HE CHANGED MY CLOTHES FOR ME??!!!! THEN DON'T TELL ME... HE... HE... HE SAW... EVERYTHING.... How can he do this to me....???!!!! I... I... haven't even...
Jaein felt a sudden rush of anger come up her and she stormed towards Jaejoong. She grabbed him by his shirt collar angrily.
Jaein threw a slap across Jaejoong's face. Jaejoong stared at her in shock. He didn't expect her to have such a HUGE reaction to what he considered as harmless teasing.
Jaejoong (retorts back): WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?!!! IT'S NOT LIKE NO ONE'S SEEN...
Jaein interrupted Jaejoong by throwing another slap across Jaejoong's face. This time she stormed off, grabbing her bag which was on the sofa, and throwing the quilt into Jaejoong's face.
Fortunately for her, it had stopped raining, as she stormed straight out of his house. Not even bothering that she was wearing nothing underneath the oversized t-shirt. She looked around her, trying to find her bearings to see how she can get back to Yiting and Yining's house, and realised that their house was just next to Jaejoong's!!!
Jaein (grumbling under her breath as she opened the gate to enter the house): I can't believe his house is right NEXT to my cousins'!! WHAT BAD LUCK!!! I'm gonna have to find an excuse to move out as soon as possible....
She stormed straight into the house and went to get a shower and got out of the t-shirt immediately, throwing it on the floor and kicking it under her bed to forget the whole incident.
Jaejoong fumbled with the quilt trying to get it off his head, but by the time he dashed out of his room, and his house, Jaein was already gone. He tousled his hair frustratedly. She was the FIRST person who dared to behave this way around him.
Jaejoong's thoughts (frustrated and angrily): NO ONE EVER dared to touch me like this in my entire life. My parents never punish me, much less hit me. And this.... this IDIOT... comes into my life... DISRUPTS its balance... and... SLAPS me!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! IS THIS WHAT I GET FOR HELPING HER?!! She's gonna get it from me when I see her in school again... OR I'M NOT CALLED KIM JAEJOONG!!!!
专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m & Tedheads
Other fan fics we've written so far...
Destined 遐想 [Completed]
My Little Princess 나의작은공주 [Sequel to Serendipity 奇缘]
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