Chapter 7: The PartyFor Jaejoong, revenge had to wait. For he did not expect Jaein to be so seriously ill to take a couple of days of medical leave to recuperate. But desperate as he was, and stubborn too, he loitered around the road where he found her unconscious hoping to see her. Everyday. Without fail. But Jaein was no where to be seen. She never appeared.
The third day of Jaein's absence from classes, Jaejoong was so pissed off to see the replacement tutor again instead of Jaein that he left in the middle of the class, citing that he was not feeling well, so the tutor hurriedly sent him on his way home.
With entire day's time in his hands, and nothing to do, and no where to go. Jaejoong went back home and played with his dog Vick, a Great Pyrenees with fur as white as snow, playing catch in the garden. Vick who was very excited for Jaejoong to be home at such an hour and spending so much time with him, he barked excitedly and VERY LOUDLY...

Meanwhile in the other house...Jaein was still resting in bed and she kept hearing loud barking going on. No doubt there had been barking once in a while, but today it was exceptionally loud and it did not cease at all. The neighbor's dog was getting too excited for god knows what reason.
Jaein got out of bed and pulled a thick brown Abercrombie & Fitch fleece hoodie over herself, and walked downstairs to investigate. She opened the door to locate the sound of the barking, hoping to locate where the house was. She followed the barking and realized that it was coming from the house beside hers. It was Jaejoong's house.
She walked over to the low wall and fence that divided their houses and sneaked a peek. She saw Jaejoong playing catch with the dog, and it was barking happily whenever it came back with the ball, begging Jaejoong to throw it one more time. It even licked Jaejoong's face excitedly, covering his face with drool. But one thing surprised Jaein tremendously about the scenario. It wasn't so much that Jaejoong was actually playing with his dog, and happily and smiling even. But the fact that a cleanliness freak Jaejoong such as Jaejoong HAD a dog, and he didn't seem to mind all the dog drool on his face at all.
Jaein stood there a while to observe the owner and pet at play. They didn't seem to notice her there at all.
Jaein's thoughts: Hmmm... So it's HIS dog that's barking non-stop... It's SO big... But it kinda looks like a gigantic, white version of a golden retriever.... which I absolutely ADORE... So... it is kinda cute....Just as Jaein's thought were roaming over the cute white dog and her favourite golden retrievers, Jaejoong threw the ball another time and this time it flew over the dividing wall and landed into Jaein's compound.
And the excited Vick ran out of the house and ran towards Jaein's house. She panicked a while as she heard Jaejoong calling for Vick to not run out of the house, but it was already too excited to listen to Jaejoong. It ran straight out and to Jaein's house. She saw it barking at the iron gate excited, wagging its tail excitedly at Jaein, begging her to throw the ball back to it.
Jaein's thoughts: Oh god... it looks so cute.... despite being so BIG.... SHIT!!! The ball... I'd better throw it to the dog and let it go back before Jaejoong comes out and sees me.Without a second to lose, Jaein grabbed the ball and rolled it towards the gate. Vick grabbed it happily and ran back into Jaejoong's house, just as Jaejoong opened the gate to come look for Vick. But since he saw it with the ball, he took it from him and Vick started licking Jaejoong's face excitedly again. Jaein seized the opportunity and ran back into the house undetected.
Jaejoong (talking to Vick): Wow... that was lucky... I thought we'll have to wait till the girls come back before you can get your ball back.He took a look at Yining and Yiting's house. No one was in, and the door was locked. He turned his attention back to Vick who was barking again for another round.
Jaejoong: Come on Vick... Let's go for a walk, you need some exercise... And I'm bored to death with nothing to do at home...Jaein peeped from behind the tinted front door as Jaejoong walked off with his dog. She breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that he did not suspect anything, and went to make herself some snack before going back to rest in bed.
A week later...Jaein had already recovered from her flu and fever and she was to be back at work the next Monday. Yiting and Yining arranged to have a little dinner party for her before she got back to work, as she had been eating patient food (aka bland porridge and soup) for the past week, and she could use a good meal. They invited Yunho and Junsu along to have more people at the party, but they didn't want Jaein to feel left out as there would be an odd number, so they tried to persuade the guys to ask another friend along to make up the numbers.
Yining and Yiting fussed over themselves and insisted that Jaein make extra effort to dress appropriately for the dinner party. They insisted that she wore a dress and high heels with make-up. And even made sure that she looked passable before they left the house. The chauffeur took them to the Japanese restaurant which the girls had booked for the night to celebrate her recovery. The VIP room was decorated with baby blue, baby pink and white balloons, streamers, and even roses, which were in Jaein's favourite colors.
Jaein (amazed): Wow... you girls REALLY made a huge effort for today... it looks BEAUTIFUL... *walks over and smells the roses* and you even got my fave blue roses!!!Yining (proudly): Yes of cos... Nothing can be scrimped on for a party organized by us... everything must be... PERFECT...Yiting: Yeah, especially since it's for our beloved cousin... hee hee... extra efforts went in to decorate the place to your liking...Jaein (gratefully): Thanks girls... it's really beautiful... I don't know how to thank you enough... you've done so much for me already...Yining: Well firstly you can take a seat first and relax, while we go check on the food first...The sisters left Jaein in the room and went to check on the food and guests.
Yiting: I'll go check on the guys... and see where they are... it's unusual that they are late... cos they usually are early... but they are not here yet.... I wonder why...Yining: Alright... I'll go check on the food then... tell them to hurry... cos we don't want unnie of the party to wait too long...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Earlier at the guys' house...Junsu: Hyung!!! You haven't got ready yet??!!!Junsu screamed his high-pitched dolphin shriek at Jaejoong, who was still lying with his eyes shut, on top of Vick's tummy listening to music, oblivious to the time. Jaejoong opened his eyes and looked at Junsu. He was wearing a cream white suit with pastel blue shirt and a white tie. Yunho rushed down when he heard Junsu's screaming and he too was in a white suit with pastel green shirt and white tie. Both looked at Jaejoong who was lying on Vick's tummy, looking unfazed.
Yunho: Hyung! We're gonna be late if you don't get dressed now... Ppali... go get ready...Jaejoong (reluctantly): *sigh* Why in the world do I have to go to this stupid party anyway?!!! I don't even know the person!!! Can't you guys leave me out and go yourselves???Junsu (pouting): But hyung!!! The girls asked us to invite one more friend to even out the numbers... And you know us... we don't have a lot of friends from school... so we can only think of you...Jaejoong: Since I'm just a stand-by to fill the number, why does it matter if I don't go?Yunho: Cos we've promised the girls already... And I don't go back on my word... Especially to my.... my friends...Jaejoong (smirking at Yunho teasingly): You mean your YEOJA chingu right.... ha ha ha...Yunho (embarrassed): HYUNG!!!Junsu: YAH HYUNG!!! Stop playing and go get dressed!!! I don't want to be late and get a lashing from Yining...Jaejoong (teasingly): *sigh* Another YEOJA chingu-pecked namja... ha ha ha...Junsu (embarassed): HYUNG!!!Jaejoong sniggered victoriously as he knew that he had managed to embarassed both his cousins tremendously. They were childhood mates with the girls and had always held a torch for the two sisters. When they grew older, they just continued to hang out, especially since they stayed next to each other and went to the same school.
A frustrated Yunho reached down and pulled Jaejoong up with Junsu's help. Vick got up and followed them as they dragged Jaejoong up to his room to get ready. They tugged at his clothes to get them off him, and it was extremely ticklish to Jaejoong, since he hated to be touched.
Jaejoong: YAH!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU TWO ARE DOING!!!Yunho: Helping you get dressed, cos you're being a brat and refusing to budge!!!Junsu: Yeah... If you don't get ready yourself, we're gonna have to do it for you!!!Jaejoong (surrendering with both hands in the air): Alright alright... araso araso... I'll get ready now... So... get out of my room~~~!!!! Yunho: Alright. If you're not out in 10 minutes, we're coming in to help you.Jaejoong (covering himself with his arms defensively): PERVERTS!!!!Yunho and Junsu high fived one another and walked out of Jaejoong's room. True to his promise, Jaejoong emerged out 10 minutes later, dressed and styled. He was wearing the same white suit with a pastel pink shirt and white tie. Junsu and Yunho had bought the matching suits together so that they would look smarter when they walked together into the party, and also because they had accompanied the girls to purchase their dresses for the party, and they wanted their clothes to match the girls'.
Jaejoong (tugging at his suit uneasily): *sigh* Can somebody please tell me, WHY do we HAVE TO wear matching suits anyway???!!!
Junsu (tugging him down the stairs to the car): Don't ask so many questions, just hurry up!!! We're gonna be late already!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
10 minutes after the sisters left to get the food ready...Jaein was sitting in the room alone and was getting a bit restless. There were no other guests. At all. She didn't expect there to be, as she didn't know anyone here anyway. But she couldn't help but feel a bit lonely sitting alone in the empty but beautifully decorated room. She leaned over to try to take a blue rose from the nearest decoration...
The door opened suddenly throwing Jaein off by surprise. She froze, quickly retracting her hand. She was afraid it would be the girls complaining about her destroying their efforts in the decorations. She adjusted her clothes nervously, hoping that the girls won't notice what she had been trying to do.
Jaejoong's POV:I was walking behind Yunho and Junsu. I noticed Yiting pacing anxiously at the restaurant door, since we were late. Yunho rushed forward once he saw her and she hooked her arm around his naturally. Her dress was a cream white tube mini dress with pastel green details, and it matched perfectly with Yunho's. Junsu pulled me forward to catch up with Yunho.
Yiting (eyes widening in surprise): Jaejoong oppa??? Wow... they asked you? And you came? Chongmal kamsahamnida... Our cousin will be so happy to see all of you at her party...I wondered who this cousin is or looks like... I never remembered a cousin while we played with them when we were kids. If there was I should have SOME recognition right?
I forced a smile, as I didn't want to seem rude and risk offending Yunho. Yiting then turned and led us into the restaurant, towards the VIP room. Yining was a few tables away talking to the manager. When Junsu saw her, he immediately let go of me and rushed over to her. When she saw him, she hooked her arm around his too. Her dress was a cream white tube dress with pastel blue details, and it matched perfectly with Junsu's. He told her about us, and motioned over to us. She smiled at us, and we nodded back in response. Then she turned back to finish talking to the manager, Junsu was smiling and looking at Yining lovingly as she spoke to the manager. They joined us shortly.
Yiting led all of us to the room and Yunho opened the door...
Yunho (surprised): NOR (you)????!!!! NOR.... NOR.....Junsu popped his head forward to see what was the reason for Yunho's outburst.
Junsu (surprised): MS JUN???!!!! How come you're here???!!!My eyes lit up when I heard that name. The person that was on my mind for the past week. The person I wanted to get my sweet revenge on. But I was curious if it was really her. But since I was last in the line, I was blocked by the 4 heads in front of me. I wanted to shift my head or tiptoe to catch a glimpse, but my mind told me to keep my cool and pretend not to care. I walked in after the 4 in front of me rushed in and started a rowdy interogation session with my nemesis.
I sneaked a peek at her as I walked in slowly. She was wearing a cream white empire-cut dress with pastel pink lace and beaded details and trimmings. Her face had make-up and she wore a simple diamond pendant necklace with long diamond earrings. Her usual flat bob hair was styled and blown to a puffy bob. She looked so different from her usual self. I could hardly recognise her as my nemesis. I sat myself opposite her seat and attempted to look bored and disinterested, while eavesdropping on their conversation.
Yining: You guys know Jaein unnie?Junsu: Ne, she's our class' tutor. How come she's here? You invited her too? Where's your cousin?Yiting: Erm... She... is... her... She's our cousin...Yunho and Junsu gasped in shock. Actually I too almost gasped out in shock. No one in their right mind would have associated these two sisters with her. She was way too different from them. They wore branded clothes only. She wore rags, well, what I consider as rags. They only left the house after styling and make-up. She was always in light, non-existent make-up. Moreover... They were so feminine and sweet to guys... She on the other hand, had been nothing but a menace to guys... Well, maybe she's just a menace to me...
Jaein looked down embarrassed at the awkward situation, not knowing how to answer anything, or what to say. I don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on my, cos I was stealing such brief peeks at her, I swear her cheeks were blushing red like that day in my room...
I gave an uncomfortable cough, and everyone looked at me.
Jaejoong (nonchalantly): So... are we eating soon? I thought there is supposed to be food at a party?The girls realised their mistake and hurriedly called for the food to be served. I noticed her breathing a slight sigh of relief when the rest sat down at their respective seats to get ready to eat. Unconsciously, I've actually helped her get out of the awkward situation she was in. But actually I was uncomfortable looking at her blushing cos it reminds me of that day...
When she finally looked up, it dawned on her that I was sitting opposite her across the table. I could tell that she almost screamed out loud in shock, but then she held back, in case the rest bugged her again. She looked back down, avoiding any eye contact with me. With her looking down at her food or plate most of the time, it became even easier for me to steal peeks at her. Soon I realised that her dress actually matched my outfit (since my shirt was pink, and her dress' details were pink!!! The girls probably bought hers along with theirs, and the guys bought mine to match hers!!! God what a DISASTER!!!
I buried myself in eating and refused to look at her again the whole night.
Jaein's POV:The door opened and I saw Yunho beside Yiting, with her arm hooked around his. And their outfits were matching! Yunho called out in shock, and Junsu's head popped up amongst them and his outfit also matched Yining's! Oh my, don't tell me they know each other? Or they are dating?!!!
They stormed in and bombarded me with questions. I looked down in embarrassment, as I didn't know what was happening, or why it was happening. How can the world be so small? My students are my cousins' namja chingus!!!
An awkward cough interupted their interogation, and a familiar voice complained about food. I felt the rest get back to their seats and I let out a sigh of relief. Slowly I lifted my head up to see someone seated opposite me in a similar white suit as the guys', but his shirt was pastel pink. God, his clothes match mine! How embarrassing! I looked further up and I realised that it was Kim Jaejoong!!! He was looking as nonchalant and impatient as usual. I don't even want to look at him at all. He's a natural mood spoiler. So by natural reflex, I looked back down, avoiding eye contact with him for the rest of the party.
The rest of the night, it was just Yunho and Junsu asking questions, and Yiting and Yining answering them. From their conversation, they found out that the 3 guys lived together next door to Jaein's cousins, and they had been childhood mates since young.
Jaein's thoughts (after eavesdropping): Strange that I don't remember seeing any of them before, maybe it's cos they were still so young then, and I probably just remember them as kids running around whenever I visited my cousins, since I was already in my teens when they were children running around. I'm 8 years older than Yining and 11 years older than Yiting. As for the guys, I was 6 years older.Jaejoong's thoughts (after eavesdropping): No wonder I don't remember her... She's the nuna who visits once in a blue moon... with loads of cakes and pastries... and her delicious sausage soup which I used to love... And she stays in the girls' house beside ours! No wonder she disappeared so fast that day...☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m
Other fan fics we've written so far...
Destined 遐想 [Completed]Serendipity 奇缘 [Completed]
My Little Princess 나의작은공주 [Sequel to Serendipity 奇缘]
Rainbow 彩虹 [Completed]
Love in the ice
Last thing... Comments will be greatly appreciated!!!