Theo: U-know, where are you going? Aren't we supposed to go back to the house?
U-know: I want to bring you to somewhere else.
Theo: But.... We're supposed to go back. If we just went off by ourselves, it's not very nice. At least, we have to tell the rest
U-know: Nah, I will just SMS them and let them know.
Theo: Oh, okay.
Theo allowed U-know to lead her.
The rest of them were walking in front of U-know and Theo. They did not even notice that U-know and Theo were missing. Nobody wanted to call Jaejoong and Kiki out for supper, as they knew the lovebirds wanted to enjoy each other's company more than theirs.
The guys went to the kitchen to put away the food that they were not planning to have for supper, while Fifi went to cook some kimchi ramen.
Fifi: The ramen is ready.
Everyone gathered at the table hungrily, while Fifi put the big pot of kimchi ramen in the middle of the table.
Xiah (amazed): I didn't know that you could cook.
Fifi: Hey, instant kimchi ramen does not pose a problem to me okay... I can cook. It's just a choice of whether or not I want to...
Micky (raises eyebrow questioningly): Oh really. Why not you cook something else for us the next time? Then, we will know if you can really cook or not.
Fifi: Erm... No thanks. With Jaejoong and Kiki around, there's no room for me in the kitchen. And I don't want to make my own life difficult by taking on cooking duties for so many people... It's not easy... So I'll leave THAT to the two more experienced cooks...
Xiah, Micky and Max nodded in agreement. Max started eating, and so did Micky. So Xiah took a mouthful of ramen into his mouth, leaving a trail of kimchi soup on the table as he brought it to his mouth.
Xiah's thoughts: I feel so lucky to be able to eat food that Fifi cooked all by herself... No wonder Jaejoong-hyung told Changmin that he wants to savour the food that Kiki cooks for him, even if he had to share the moment with the rest of us... It's really special when the one you love cooks for you...
Micky: Junsu-ya, you're leaving your "beautiful footsteps" behind again
Xiah: WHAT?
Micky: Your kimichi soup's dripping all over the table... Dok dok dok dok dok...
Micky mimicked how Xiah was eating and how he dripped the soup all over the table.
Xiah: Oh... *giggles and scratches head embarrassedly*
Fifi looked up from her bowl of kimchi ramen and looks at Xiah. Indeed he was making a fine mess dripping soup all over the table.
Micky: The bowl's soooo near you and you can still eat until so messy... *sigh* You need to go back to kindergarten man... And learn how to eat properly...
Xiah: YAH!!! PARK YOOCHUN!!! It's just a few drops of soup, I'll clean it up later... Quit nagging and eat your food!!!
Fifi: No wonder Jaejoong and you said he leaves footsteps behind when he eats... It's really true... Now that I've seen it myself... Ha ha ha...
Xiah looked up as he sucked in a few strands of ramen, leaving red kimchi soup all over his mouth.
Fifi: Ha ha ha... look at you... you're eating like a small kid...
Fifi stretched for a tissue and stretched her hand over to clean Xiah's mouth for him. Xiah was a bit shocked by her action. But nevertheless, he was happy to be receiving attention from Fifi, especially when it was such loving attention...
Xiah looked at Fifi as she cleaned his mouth, and she didn't even realise that he was staring at her the whole time, cos she was looking at his mouth. When she was done, she looked up and found him staring at her. When their eyes met, both felt their hearts skipped a beat.
Fifi's thoughts: Why is he looking at me like that? It's like he's trying to tell me he likes me just by looking at me... I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate and faint anytime now... Can he stop looking at me?!!!!
Xiah's thoughts: Fifi... I... I think... I think I'm in love with you... Will you be my girlfriend?
Xiah's eyes were looking at Fifi so lovingly and trying to convey his love declaration message, that both of them were oblivious to the world. Junsu then grabbed Fifi's hand. Max who had his attention on his own bowl of kimchi ramen, didn't even notice that the two had stopped eating and were looking at one another. Micky on the other hand, had noticed that there was suddenly silence from the two and glanced up from his bowl. Once he saw the two of their eyes locked together, he looked back down and continued eating.
Micky's thoughts: Finally... This dolphin is making SOME progress... I wonder where U-Know-hyung is... MIA and slipping away again with Theo...
Fifi's thought: Oh no! This is getting really awkward...... AHHHHH!!!!! My heart's beating so fast. I think everyone on the table can hear it..... I better get myself off this situation. What is he thinking again? Does he really have an IQ of an dolphin? Argh.... I can't let him grab my hand for the whole time. And, there's like others around the table.
Xiah's thought: What am I supposed to do next? And where did I find such courage to do such a thing. Think Kim Junsu, think. Quick.
Before Xiah could think of his next movement, Fifi had already pulled her hands out of Xiah's grip. Then, she continued with her food, hoping that nobody had saw what just happened.
After walking for some distance, U-know stopped.
U-Know: Theo, can you do me a favour?
Theo was rather confused by U-Know's request.
Theo: Huh?
Theo's thoughts: What is U-know trying to do? I can't figure it out at all. First, he didn't intend to bring me back to the house. And, then he wanted a favour from me.
U-know: Just a teeny weeny favour. It's not going to be hard. Miduhyo.
Theo: Erm.... Okay.
U-know: Will you close your eyes now?
Theo: Huh? Erm.... Okay.
Theo closed her eyes.
U-know stand at the back of Theo and he used his hands to cover Theo's eyes to prevent her from peeping.
U-know: Theo, can a step forward and continue to walk in a straight line until I ask you to stop. And, you better not peep, or else you would get it from me...
Theo: Can you tell me how am I supposed to peep when your hands are over my eyes?
U-know: Oh yeah. Silly me. Hahahah...
After walking for a while, U-know asked Theo to stop. But, his hands were still covering her eyes.
U-know had brought Theo to a grass field.
U-know took his hands away from Theo's face.
U-know: You can open your eyes now.
The first thing that comes to Theo's eyes was the candles that were placed on the ground. The place was dark, and the only light that was lighting the way was the candles.
The candles were placed strategically on the ground, with a special meaning.
Theo: Huh? What's that? Why is there candles on the ground? Did you place them there?
Theo was completely clueless about the formation.
U-know: Are you sure that you don't know what that's supposed to mean?
Theo: Nope. Care to explain it?
U-know brought Theo nearer to the candles, hoping that she could figure out what the meaning that the candles were supposed to convey.
This time, Theo had to rack her brains to figure it out. Usually, Theo did not need to take such a long time to figure things out. She was rather quick in figuring out hidden meanings. But, this time, it was really challenging.
Theo stared hard at the candles. Still confused.
U-know's thought: What's happening here? I thought Theo would be so touched and surprised. But, never did I expect that she could not get my meaning. Am I supposed to explain the meaning to her. If I did, it's going to be so embarrassing. And, the mood is going to be spoilt. I really hope she understands it.
After thinking for quite a while, Theo finally realised what was the meaning of the candles.
The candles were formed in a way, that it spelt out the words: " Yun loves Theo".
Theo looked at U-know and gave him a sweet smile.
Theo: Thank you. I really appreciate it.
U-know: Really? I was so afraid that you can't get my meaning.
Theo: How can I not know it? You're so sweet.......
U-know: So, what are you going to do to reward me for being so sweet?
Theo: Erm.... Nothing. This is something that I deserved.
U-know was not going to let Theo off that easily. He wanted a reward, and a reward is something that he must get by hook or by crook.
U-know: Are you sure?
Theo: Yeah.
U-know: No regrets?
Theo: Yes. No regrets.
U-know: Then, you better not blame me for what I'm going to do later.
Theo: Don't you dare.
Theo walked away from U-know and in the direction where the candles was.
But, U-know was not going to let Theo slip away. He went forward, and grabbed Theo's arm. Then, he pulled Theo into his arms and gave a kiss on her cheek.
Theo: Huh? What are you doing?
U-know: Told ya that you will regret it.
Theo: Why would I?
Theo moved her face closer and closer towards U-know. Both of their faces were so closed to each other that they could feel each other's breath.
U-know's thought: Oh no! Why is she moving so close to me? Doesn't she know that I would get nervous? And why is my heart beating so fast? I'm the leader of TVXQ and a namja. I shouldn't be feeling nervous at all. Never. But......
Theo: I think I heard something really strange.
Theo's thought: Hahahaha... I've got him this time. Who ask him to kiss me all of a sudden. Let me see if you're going to blush, or you're heart is going to beat until it's going to stop any moment.
U-know: Huh? What's that? I.... don't think... I heard.. anything.. stra... strange......
Theo: But, I heard something going "thump thump thump thump". It sounds like someone's heart beat. Could it be yours?
Theo's thoughts: Heeeheeeheee.... I've got him this time. YAY!!!!
U-know: Ermm.... I think you've heard wrongly. How can it be?
Theo: I think... it's your heart beat that I'm hearing.........
U-know's thoughts: Don't tell me that my heart is really beating that loud that Theo can actually hear it. This is really embarrassing!!!
U-know: How can you hear a person's heart beat? You're not even a doctor.
Theo: Why can't I? Can't you see that I'm so near you? Heeheeeheee.....
Theo was rather amazed by U-know's anxious expression.
U-know sensed that something was not really right.
U-know's thought: What was I saying just now? A doctor hearing other's heart beat. Doctor. Heart beat. Yeah. Now, I know what's going on. Theo was teasing me all along. I'm going to get back at her.
U-know: Yeah. Theo, you know what?
Theo: What?
U-know: Since you can hear my heart beat, do you know what that means?
Theo: Erm.... Nope.
U-know: That means.....
All of sudden, U-know gave Theo a kiss. The kiss was not the same as the one before. This time, U-know gave Theo a peck on her lips.
Theo was shocked. It was something that she did not anticipate. She moved away from U-know.
U-know's thoughts: Huh? What's the supposed to mean? Why did she react in this manner? I don't understand. She's really making me all confused. Don't tell me she didn't like it.
U-know: Theo, are you alright? I'm really sorry. I.......
Theo: Erm.... No... You don't have to be sorry...... It's just........ just.... I..... didn't really expect it... That's all.......
U-know: Theo, I'm really sorry......
Theo: No, you don't have to be.... Actually.... I'm rather happy that you did that......
U-know: Really???!!!!!
Theo (replied shyly): Yeah.
U-know: Yay!!!!! I've finally kissed Theo!!!!!
U-know grabbed Theo's hands and they started to go round in circles, just like the Bollywood movies.
Theo: You can calm down now, U-know. You're making me dizzy by going around in circles.
U-know: Oh, I'm sorry.
U-know stopped.
U-know: It's such a beautiful and starry night. Why don't we enjoy the stars before going back?
Theo: That sounds romantic.
U-know took a hanky out from his pocket. And, he carefully spread it on the ground.
U-know: Here, you can sit on the hanky. I don't want you to dirty your shorts.
Theo: Thank you.
Theo sat on the hanky. After Theo had sat on the ground, U-know too sat beside her. Then, he wrapped his arms around her.
Back at the house......
Xiah, Micky, Max and Fifi, were having fun playing the pirate game. Even though, Fifi thought it would be a childish game, she did enjoy herself. Micky was always the one who lost and ended up being punished by the rest. He was hit on his arm by the rest.
After playing the game for quite some time, they heard the door opening. U-know and Theo had come back from their star gazing trip. When U-know and Theo entered the room, they were holding hands.
Xiah: Hyung! Where have you guys gone? Do you know how late is it?
U-know: Erm... We..........
Micky: Wait a minute. What am I seeing here? Are you 2 together?
Fifi: What? Theo! You and U-know..... Hmmmm.... Not a bad couple I would say. You 2 do look compatible. Hahahahahah.... When did this happen? How come I didn't know about it?
Max: Yeah. Hyung, you really keep your secret well. I've been in your group for discussion for the whole time, but I didn't even detect anything.
Micky: How can you ever detect anything, Max. You don't even have a girlfriend before.
Max: But, at least I know what's it is like to like a girl.
Micky: When was it? When you were 2?
Max: Nope.
U-know: Guys, can you stop bickering and bombarding us with questions? And, shouldn't you guys be happy for us?
Max: We're happy. But, you should tell us exactly what happened.
U-know: Okay. Okay. We're together and it's not too long ago. So, you guys didn't really miss anything.
Xiah: Really??? Oh, this trip is going to be so fruitful. Jaejoong-hyung and Kiki are getting engaged. And, you and Theo. Oh my...
Micky: Yeah. Love is really in the air man.
Even before everyone could start questioning U-know and Theo again, U-know quickly brought Theo back to the room, leaving everyone in the living room.
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