Both Fifi and Theo were in their room, lying on their beds.
Fifi: Ah! I finally thought of something interesting for the engagement party. Theo, do you want to hear about it?
Theo was pretty tired after a long day of touring round the island. She was not interested in what was Fifi saying. All she wanted to do was have a good night's rest, and that was it.
Theo: Erm... NO!
Fifi: Pretty please. I think every one's asleep by now. So, it's only you that I can tell that to. I think we could have the same concept as the show, "It Started With a Kiss". So, Theo, what do you think of this idea? Good?
No reply.
Fifi: Theo? Are you asleep yet?
Still no reply.
Fifi got up from her bed, and headed towards Theo's bed. She leaned over and check whether if Theo's asleep. In fact, Theo was already fast asleep. But, Fifi really wanted to hear some comments about her plans. Thus, she did not care if Theo was going to scold her if she woke Theo up from her sleep.
Fifi tapped Theo's shoulders.
Fifi: Theo??!! Are you really asleep? Can you not sleep first?
Theo was woken up. Now, she was really very angry and pissed.
Theo (irritated): FIFI!!!! What are you trying to do? Can't you see that I'm sleeping?
Fifi: But..... I thought you were pretending to be asleep. So... I ...
Theo (sounded serious): So, can I sleep now? And, don't you dare wake me up again until the next morning.
Before Theo went back to sleep, she glared at Fifi, making sure that Fifi understood Theo's meaning.
Fifi's thought: Sigh.... Now that every one's asleep, who's going to hear if my idea was going to be good? Ah, I know. I shall go to Xiah and Micky's room. I think they might be still awake. Maybe Micky is still working on his music.
Fifi went over to the guys' room and knocked on their door.
*Knock Knock*
Micky: Who's that?
Fifi: Me. Can I come in?
Xiah: Fifi??!!!! Yeah, sure.
Fifi entered the room.
Xiah was lying on his bed, listening to his Ipod. While Micky was on the desk, working on his labtop.
Once Fifi entered, Xiah immediately sat up, and started to adjust his hair, making sure that his hair was not in a mess. Micky turned around.
Xiah: Fifi, why are you still up at such a late hour? What's the matter?
Fifi: Nothing. I just thought of something for the party. And, I think it's going fun. Theo is sleeping, and doesn't want to hear my ideas at all. So, I thought you guys might be still awake. Since, you guys are the ones planning the party with me, I should share my idea with you.
Xiah's thoughts: YAY! Fifi's not leaving me out of the party planning. I'm so happy.
Micky: So, what's your idea?
Xiah: Micky ya. How can you let a girl stand at the door while we are all comfortably seated down?
Micky: Oh, I forgot. Fifi, why don't you sit on the bed?
Fifi seated herself comfortably on Micky's bed.
Fifi: Oh yeah. As I was saying, I thought of a new concept for the engagement. We can have something that is so not traditional, something that is out of the box. It would be like a cross-dressed party. Kiki could be dressed smartly in a tux while Jaejoong could be in a long, flowy gown. How does that sounds? Interesting?
Xiah and Micky had doubts about it.
Xiah: Erm.... Does that mean that all the guys will have to dress up as girls?
Micky: I don't want to be wearing a skirt.
Fifi: No... No... No... It's only Jaejoong and Kiki who are going to dressed up differently. The rest of us can just wear our normal clothes.
Micky: That sounds interesting. I think we should definitely do this.
Xiah: But, we can't tell Jaejoong-hyung and Kiki about this. I think that they are going to protest. So, we can only reveal it on the actual day.
Micky: Oh yeah. Why don't we bring it forward? Like have it tomorrow night?
Fifi: Why?
Micky: If we had games first, then it would be too tiring.
Xiah: Huh? So, you are cutting down on my games? Then what about all the planning that I've done?
Micky: No, I mean bring the party forward, and not cut down on your games. You get what I mean?
Xiah: Oh. Okay.
Fifi: Why not we get the rest of them up and ask them for their suggestion?
Micky: Okay. You go get Theo while Junsu and I get U-know and Max. We will meet back in my room here. Okay?
Fifi: Alright.
The trio went on with their mission.
After some time, everyone had gathered in Xiah and Micky's room, with the exception of Kiki and Jaejoong.
Theo(grumbled): Why are we all gathering here? It's so late and I want to sleep.
U-know: Yeah. What's so important that you guys can't tell us in the morning?
Micky: Guys, it's really something very important. I promised that this is going to be quick.
Max: Okay. Hyung, you better make it quick.
Micky: Okay. Fifi was thinking of having Kiki and Jaejoong do a switch in their clothes during the party, but they will not be aware of it. And, they would think that the party is going to be on the last day here on the island. But, we are going to have it tomorrow night.
Before Micky even finished his sentence, Theo had already fallen asleep. She was sleeping on U-know's lap and U-know could not bear to wake her up.
U-know: Hmmm.... Okay. This sounds exciting. I have no objections. But before we continue, can I carry Theo back to her room first?
Max: Hyung, there's no time for you to do that. You can just let her sleep here, while we discuss. We all want to sleep.
U-know: Oh. Okay.
Fifi: But, what are we going to do in the day?
Max: That's easy. U-know-hyung can say that there are still places that we haven't visit yet. So, we can continue touring.
Xiah: Huh? I thought we were going to have games?
Micky: Ya, Junsu. Why are always thinking about your games?
Xiah: I'm really proud to plan the games by myself.
Max: Hyung, we have to be on track. We can't stray.
U-know: Why don't we have a shopping trip in the morning? We can say that this is for us to shop for clothes for the party or even casual shopping. Then, we will have games after lunch. How does that sounds?
Fifi: SHOPPING??? I'd love to.
Xiah, Micky, Max: We're fine with that.
U-know: Then after that, Theo will be in charge of getting Kiki ready for the wedding. While, Max and I will get Jaejoong ready. And, Junsu, Micky and Fifi can get the venue and other stuffs needed for the party. Everyone fine with the arrangements?
All: Yeah.
All of them then discuss the detailed plan for the wedding.
Everyone was sitting at the dinning table, having their breakfast.
Jaejoong: So, what's our plan for today? Are we going to have a free-and-easy day, so I can spent some private time with my Kiki?
U-know: Sort of. We're going to be shopping on the morning. And, after lunch, we would be having games.
Jaejoong (grumbling): Games? Are you serious? That means I can't spend time with Kiki.
Xiah: Hyung, I took a lot of effort to come up with the games. And, don't you worry, you're going to enjoy your time today. I'm sure of that.
Jaejoong: You better make the day unforgettable or else I won't let you off. Hahahaha.....
Micky: If you don't trust Junsu, at least trust Fifi and I. We did give some comments on his games. So, it definitely won't be solely on soccer. Anyway, there aren't many shops.
Kiki: But, can we cut down on the games and just go shopping for the whole day? I'm really quite a shopaholic. One morning isn't going to be enough for me.
Max: Nuna, don't worry. The time is definitely enough. Trust me.
Theo: Anyway, I think shopping is quite meaningless at times.
Fifi: Sigh... You and your shopping theory. I wonder what interests you. Is it only U-know and food?
Theo: Whatever.....
After the guys finished their breakfast, they set off to the downtown area at around 10 in the morning.
U-know: So, we do our own free and easy shopping, then we'll meet back here at around one and we'll go for lunch. And, guys, remember what you are supposed to do....
All: Okay.
Jaejoong and Kiki were confused.
Kiki: Chotto (Wait)... What are we supposed to do, U-know?
Jaejoong: Are we supposed to buy something special? Are you guys are supposed to shop for our engagement gift?
U-know: Erm... Erm... Yeah... Sort of....
Kiki and Jaejoong, U-know and Theo, left by themselves , leaving the rest standing there.
Fifi: Girls, wait for me. Aren't you girls supposed to be shopping with me? Why are you going off with your namja chingus? And leaving your yeoja chingu here?
Kiki stopped and turned around.
Kiki: Sorry Fifi, I want to spend more time with Jaejoong. And, you have 3 guys to accompany you.
Kiki then left with Jaejoong, with Kiki holding on to Jaejoong's arms.
Next, it was Theo who turned back.
Theo: Sorry, girl. My namja chingu is more important. Bye. Have fun.
Theo, too, went off with U-know, holding his hands.
Fifi (grumbling angrily): Argh... You girls are so mean.... Leaving your chingu alone for your guys... ARGH!!!! I can't believe this.
Xiah: You don't have to be so upset. There's still me here to accompany you...
Micky: What? Did I hear that you want to accompany Fifi and leave Max and I alone?
Xiah: Erm..... Erm... What I mean was the 3 of us.
Max: Really? I thought I heard something like....
Before Max could spout out any more nonsense, Xiah went up to him. And, Xiah quickly covered Max's mouth.
Xiah: Come on, let's shop for a while before we start preparing for the party.
Xiah tried to change the topic to save himself out of the embarrassing situation.
Fifi: Sigh... How am I supposed to enjoy my shopping spree with 3 guys here who don't know anything about the art of shopping.
Micky: Hey, don't belittle us. We have a good sense for fashion. Maybe, except for Junsu.
Xiah: YA!! PARK YOOCHUN!!!! I do have a good sense of fashion alright.
Max: Whatever. Fifi, let's ignore these 2 guys and start shopping.
Jaejoong and Kiki were going from one shop to another, each of them carrying almost 5 shopping bags in each hand. Both of them really had a fruitful shopping trip.
As they were walking down the streets, a pair of boots on display caught Kiki's attention. She stopped and pulled Jaejoong to look at the boots.
Kiki: Joongie, quick. Come and see this pair of boots in the shop front which is on display! Don't you think that this look fabulous? I've already been searching for this kind of boots for very long.
Then, Kiki pulled Jaejoong into the shop before he could even reply. She went up to the sales girl and ask for assistance to try on the pair of boots. Then, she placed herself comfortably on the sofa. And, Jaejoong sat beside her.
After a while, the sales girl came back with the pair of boots and Kiki tried it on. Then, she stood up and walked towards the mirror.
Kiki: Joongie, how does this look?
Jaejoong went towards Kiki and stood behind her. He, then, placed his face so close to hers.
Jaejoong (whispering into her ears): You'll look beautiful in anything...
Kiki: Kombawayo, Joongie. You think I should get this?
Jaejoong: Yeah. And, I want a pair of boots to match yours. Why don't we each get a pair of lover's boots?
Kiki: But, the one I'm wearing is a pair of lady boots. How can they have your size?
Jaejoong: Don't you know that girls these days have big feet? Maybe, I can wear the biggest size in the store. Or, I can find something similar.
Jaejoong turned to ask the sales girls to ask her for the biggest size.
Sales girl: Sir, this is a pair of unisex boots. So, I think the biggest size could fit you.
Jaejoong: Oh, then I'll take size 10.5 please.
Jaejoong tried the pair of shoes, and it fit perfectly. Jaejoong and Kiki wore the pair of newly bought boots out of the store and continued with their shopping trip.
U-know and Theo were at the clothing store.
Theo was browsing through the rack where the dresses were. She was hoping that she could find a pair of short dress for the party tonight. U-know was standing beside her, monitoring the type of dresses that she had chosen. Every pair of dress that Theo had set her eyes on was rejected by U-know. He would either say that the dress was too short or it was too revealing. Theo was rather frustrated. She was someone who was very fond of wearing skirts or dresses that are above her knee. But, U-know insisted that she find a pair of dress that was covering her knees.
At last, Theo found a pair of dress that she really liked. She did not care if U-know was going to reject his offer.
Theo: U-know, I don't care if you are going to reject this or not. But, I'm going to try it.
Theo headed off to the fitting room, without letting U-know have a single look at the dress.
U-know: Wait. I haven't even see the dress yet.
After a while, Theo came out from the fitting room. The dress was a simple purple tube dress with black trimmings. It was mid-thigh length. However, U-know was definitely not going to let her wear that dress. It was too short according to U-know's standards.
U-know: Theo, this dress is really too short. I don't think you should wear it.
Theo: But, I really like it. And, it's flattering.
U-know: If you really like it, you can buy it. But, on one condition.
Theo: What?
U-know: You must wear either a pair of long pants or leggings underneath the dress. I think you would look better. And, I like girls to wear a pair of long pants underneath. It makes them look refined.
Theo: But, this style is just not me. Please, U-know. Can I buy it? Please..... I promised that after that, I would not buy any skirts or dress that is above knee length.
U-know: Hmmm...... Alright.
Theo: Thank you. You're the best namja chingu.
At Xiah, Micky, Max and Fifi's side...
Fifi had bought quite a number of stuffs, and Xiah had voluntarily agreed to help her carry her stuff.
As the group were walking down the streets, they walked pass a girl. But, the girl called Xiah's name out of the blue.
Girl: Kim Junsu?
Xiah turned back, and the girl was someone that he knew.
He started to walk toward the girl, leaving the rest behind.
Xiah: Julieang?!!! I haven't seen you for such a long time. How have you been?
Fifi was feeling jealous all of a sudden. It seems that Xiah was rather friendly with the girl. Xiah continued to talk to the girl while the rest waited for him some distance away.
Fifi's thoughts: Who's this girl? And why is Junsu so friendly towards her... Argh... I don't really like this. Wait. Why am I getting all jealous now. I shouldn't be.
Fifi (whispering to Micky and Max): Do you guys know that girl? Junsu seems to be on very good terms with her.
Max: Nope. I think it might be his high school classmates or friend.
Micky: Fifi, do I smell something sourish? Are you jealous?
Fifi (tried to sound nonchalant): Jealous? Me? How can it be? Why would I be jealous?
Micky: Really?
Fifi: Yeah. Guys, why don't you wait for Junsu while I continue with my shopping? I don't think you guys will be interested in going with me. Bye.
Fifi continued with her shopping, leaving the guys to wait for Xiah.
Micky: I think Fifi is jealous.
Max: But, why? Junsu is just talking to his friend.
Micky: Oh my. Max, don't you get it? Fifi likes Junsu.
Max: Really? I didn't know that.
Micky: I think I better tell Junsu that Fifi had left.
Micky went up to Xiah and told him that Fifi had long gone.
Xiah: Sorry, Julieang. I'll talk to you another day. I've got to go. Bye.
Girl: Bye. Remember to keep in contact.
The guys went after Fifi. Xiah was the fastest one of them all. He caught up with Fifi within a short period of time.
Xiah: Fifi, why did you leave without telling me? I'm supposed to carry your shopping bags for today. Don't you remember it?
Fifi (pretended not to see Xiah): Erm.. I do remember.
After she finished her sentence, she continued walking, ignoring Xiah.
Xiah: Fifi, wait for me!!!!
Xiah walked as fast as he could, trailing behind Fifi.
Fifi stopped walking, and turned around. She walked pass Xiah and towards Micky and Max.
Xiah's thought: What is Fifi thinking? Why is she ignoring me? Sigh... I can't figure this out.
Xiah followed Fifi as he tried to figure out what was happening.
Everyone had gathered back at the restaurant, enjoying their lunch. After finishing their dessert, their plan was put into action.
Micky: Guys, Junsu, Fifi and I need to do some preparations for the games. You guys can stay here for a while before coming back.
Xiah, Micky and Fifi then left the restaurant. At this moment, Jaejoong and Kiki were unaware that the party was going to take place in the evening.
U-know gave a signal to Max and Theo, making sure that they know what they are supposed to do.
U-know: Jaejoong, I need you to come somewhere with me before we start on the games. So, can we leave now?
Jaejoong: But... How about Kiki?
Kiki: It's alright, Jaejoong. I'll be fine. I still have Theo to accompany me.
Jaejoong: Are you sure that you don't need me to accompany you?
Kiki: Yeah. You can go ahead.
U-know: Oh yeah. Max, I need your help too. Let's go.
U-know led Jaejoong and Max out of the restaurant. They were heading towards the direction of the bridal shop.
After the guys left, Theo waited for a while before suggesting to leave the restaurant.
Theo: Kiki, I need you to help me see a dress. I don't know if it's nice.
Kiki: Sure. Why not?
The girls left the restaurant too. But, they were heading back to the house, where the make up artist was waiting for them to arrive.
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