Chapter 58: Ohaiyo!!!
It was 5am in the morning. And Kiki stretched herself lazily as she opened her eyes slowly. She noticed that something was around her waist, she looked down into the quilt and realised that it was Jaejoong's arms around her. She turned herself around to face him. Kiki rolled over, placing her chin on his chest and looked at him, still asleep.
Kiki's thoughts: He was such a sweet guy. Very cute and adorable. Always capable of making me laugh. And those LONG eyelashes... sultry, smoky, electrifying eyes... How can a girl resist those! I can't help congratulating myself on getting such a great hubby. He was all I wanted in a nutshell. Talented, and all...I just love him to bits!
Jaejoong: Jagiya... What are you smiling about so early in the morning?
Jaejoong's voice broke through Kiki's thoughts. He reached out and pinched her nose.
Kiki: Nothing… Morning sleepy head.
Kiki snuggled up into Jaejoong's arms.
Kiki: What do you wanna do now?
Jaejoong: Well.. I dunno, have breakfast in bed, then a walk on the beach, some sight-seeing. And shopping with you, catch a movie too. Then coming back here, and hugging you to sleep! How's that?!
A cheeky smile flashed across Jaejoong's face as he said that.
Kiki: I meant now as in do we need to get up and make breakfast? Cos they didn't say anything about the itinerary today...
Jaejoong: Do we HAVE to follow what the rest plan?
Kiki: I think we'd better... They spent so much time planning it, it won't be nice if we skipped... This is after all more for us than for them...
Jaejoong: I know... But like you said it's for US... How come there's no alone time for US?
Kiki shrugged her shoulders.
Kiki: Time is short... So I guess not...
Jaejoong pouted and made an unsatisfied face. Kiki got up from the bed and sat up.
Kiki: Ha ha... Alright... We get up now and see if the rest are awake... If they are still sleeping then we can go out for a stroll at the beach and watch sunrise first before coming back with breakfast for the rest...
Jaejoong: *sigh* Hontoni????!!!! (REALLY????!!!)
Jaejoong shot up from the bed and grabbed Kiki by her shoulders and looked excitedly into her eyes. Kiki nodded her head.
Jaejoong: YEAH!!!! I'll go check now!!!!
Jaejoong jumped out of the bed and dashed out of the room.
Kiki (shaking her head): Aish~ Joongie... You dork...
Kiki could hear Jaejoong knocking on all the room doors hurriedly, then Jaejoong ran back in less than 5 minutes' time and dashed towards the bed, landing just in front of Kiki and propping his head on her lap.
Jaejoong: No one's awake yet. Kajang!!! (Let's go!!)
Kiki: Matte (Wait)... At least let me get changed and wash up first... My hair's a mess...
Jaejoong: You look fine...
Kiki got up and walked towards the mirror in the room and took a look at the mirror. Her hair looked like a bomb just hit her, flying up like mad. Jaejoong got up from the bed and followed her to the mirror.
Kiki: You call THIS fine? (pointing at her own crazy bedhair)
Jaejoong: Ne... You look cute like this...
Jaejoong hugs her from behind and looks at her in the mirror.
Kiki: No I don't... Let go and let me go wash up first...
Jaejoong: We don't have time...
Kiki: I'll be very fast... Just let me go now...
Jaejoong swiped Kiki off her feet into his arms immediately.
Kiki: What are you doing?!!!!
Jaejoong: This is faster... I'll go with you...
Kiki: YAH!!!!! Joongie!!!!
Jaejoong: Shhhh... Don't scream, don't want to wake the rest...
Jaejoong ran towards the bathroom with Kiki in his arms. And placed her down once they were inside. Kiki brushed her teeth and rinsed her face. Then she tried to wet her hair slightly to calm it down. But it wasn't working. After 5 minutes, Jaejoong was already impatient from waiting.
Jaejoong: Jagiya, are you done yet?
Kiki: My hair's not flattening... It's still very puffy... I think I need to shampoo it...
Jaejoong: WHAT???!!!!
Kiki: Shampoo my hair...
Jaejoong: ANDWAE!!!! You're coming with me now...
He swiped her into his arms again, and ran back into their room. He put Kiki down and rummaged his bag and pulled out a beanie. He ran over to Kiki and pulled his beanie over her head.
Jaejoong: Yeogi! You look fine already... Let's just change into some more presentable clothes and we can leave...
Kiki looked uncertainly at the beanie over her hair.
Kiki: You sure about this?
Jaejoong nodded his head repeatedly while grabbing clothes out from the cupboard for himself and Kiki.
Jaejoong: Here! Change into this... (pushing a set of clothes into Kiki's hands)
Then he took off his t-shirt. Kiki shut her eyes immediately.
Kiki: Wait... Let me go out first... I'm going to change in the bathroom...
Jaejoong leaned over and whispered into Kiki's ears.
Jaejoong: No time... Change here... I won't peep...
Kiki shook her head reluctantly.
Jaejoong: Or you want me to help you...
He placed his hand on Kiki's shoulder. Immediately she opened her eyes and took several steps away.
Kiki: You stand there and face the wall when you change...
Jaejoong smiled and walked over to face the wall as he changed. Once Kiki was sure he wasn't looking, she took off her t-shirt and shorts and changed into the clothes Jaejoong picked out.
Jaejoong: Let me know when you're done...
Kiki got a shock when she heard Jaejoong speak. She thought he has turned again. So she turned around to see if he was peeping. He wasn't.
Kiki's thoughts: Thank god you keep your promises...
Kiki hurriedly got dressed.
Kiki: I'm done...
Jaejoong: Okay... Kajang...
And he grabbed Kiki's hand and pulled her out of the house towards the beach. They reached the beach where the sand was so fine and white as snow, and the sea water was so clear that the bottom could be seen. The sun had just started rising from the horizon, and it made the water a mixture of orange and purple, while the surface glistened in the light. The sight took Kiki's breath away.
Kiki: Wow... It's so beautiful...
Kiki slipped out of her slippers and stepped on the fine white sand. The sensation was incredible. She walked towards the water, Jaejoong let her let go of his hand as she walked towards the water. He looked at her as she walked to the water. The sea breeze blew lightly at her face. Her hair was safely tucked inside his beanie. She looked so cute wearing shorts and walking barefoot on the beach with a beanie over her head, early in the morning at sunrise.
He walked over to Kiki and embraced her into his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder.
Kiki: Isn't this the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
Jaejoong turned slightly to look at Kiki. Her eyes looked blissful and the corner of her lips curved ever so slightly, forming a "hidden kiss" at the corner of her mouth. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the corner of her mouth.
Jaejoong: Ne...
He turned her face over to face him.
Jaejoong: You are...
Then he leaned in and engulfed her lips with his. Slowly Kiki gave in to the kiss, and she turned herself so that he had better access to her lips. He embraced her back into his arms and slowly parted her lips with his tongue, turning the kiss into a passionate French kiss. Kiki placed her hands around Jaejoong's neck and grabbed his hair softly.
By the time they parted from their kiss, the sun had already risen up and they could feel the warm rays of the morning sun on their skin. Jaejoong rested his forehead on Kiki's and looked into her eyes and smiled.
Jaejoong: Hungry?
Kiki nodded her head. Jaejoong gave another peck on Kiki's cheeks that were already blushing red from the kissing and the sun, and took her hand in his and led her back towards the resort to get some breakfast.
They strolled hand in hand to the restaurant.
Waiter: Table for two sir?
Jaejoong: Ne...
Waiter: This way please...
Jaejoong: Kamsahamnida...
The waiter led them to a table with a sea view, and left after getting their orders for beverages.
Jaejoong: What would you like to eat? I'll get it for you...
Kiki: No need... I'll get it myself...
Jaejoong: You don't want me to serve you?
Kiki: No need... I have hands and feet... I can do it myself...
Jaejoong: I thought I was your humble servant?
Kiki: Ha ha ha... Yeah... But you're just a dishwasher... You don't have to wait on me... Don't make me sound like a tyrant mistress...
Jaejoong: But I'd love to wait on you...
Jaejoong reaches his hand over and grasped Kiki's hand tightly, while looking at her lovingly.
Kiki: I'm going to get my food now...
Kiki gets up and walks away towards the buffet spread.
Jaejoong: Hey, wait up...
Jaejoong dashed out of his seat after Kiki, and grabs her hand. And Jaejoong refused to let go of her hand when she wanted to grab a plate for her food.
Jaejoong: I'll hold the plate for you, you take whatever you want...
So they went around taking the food like Siamese twins, with Jaejoong holding the plate for Kiki, and Kiki picking the food. When the plate was full, they walked back to the table. Kiki sat down.
Kiki: Aren't you gonna get some for yourself?
Jaejoong: I'll eat from your plate... Then we can go and get more together when we're done...
And he took his fork and stole a sausage from Kiki's plate. Kiki smiled as she looked at him enjoy the food from her plate.
Kiki's thoughts: Babo...
Jaejoong: Stop thinking of me, and eat... I'm just sitting in front of you... You can just look at me... No need to think so hard...
Kiki: Who said I was thinking of you?
Jaejoong: Then who are you thinking of? If it's not me?
Kiki (straight-faced): Well... In fact... I WAS thinking of someone else...
Jaejoong looked at her in surprise.
Jaejoong: Really? You're thinking of another guy and not me? Who is it?!!! Tell me!!! I'm gonna murder that guy!!!
Kiki (matter-of-factly): No need to be so violent... It's someone you know too...
Jaejoong: WHAT? Don't tell me it's... Don't tell me you're thinking of one of TVXQ's members...
Kiki: Yeah....
Jaejoong: I knew it!!! It must be that dandy boy Park Yoochun!!! He's got so many girlfriends, and still wants to steal mine.... That traitor!!!
Kiki: Calm down... People are looking at you...
Kiki looked around to see if there were anyone around. It was so early no guests were around except the two of them.
Jaejoong: How dare he steal his hyung's girlfriend!!!!
Kiki burst out laughing.
Kiki: Calm down Joongie... I'm just playing with you... I was thinking of the rest, if they were awake yet, and if they were hungry... That's all...
Jaejoong: So you're not thinking of Yoochun?
Kiki: Well strictly speaking, in a way I was... Since he IS one of THE REST... But it's not like what you were blabbering about... No one is going to steal me away from you...
Jaejoong: Promise?
Kiki: Yeah... Promise...
Jaejoong heaved a sigh of relief.
Kiki: Unless I want them to...
Jaejoong: Kiki!!!!
Kiki giggled again.
Kiki: Just kidding... *giggle*
Jaejoong: Don't joke about such things... You gave me a heart attack just now...
Kiki: Calm down... You're such a babo (fool) when you're in love you know... Don't you already know how I feel about you? I promise you... I'll stay with you... yongwonhi (forever) ... Yakusoku (promise)... Sarangheyo (I love you)...
Kiki leans in and gives Jaejoong a kiss on his lips.
Kiki: Now can we eat?
Jaejoong: Ahhhhh....
Jaejoong nodded his head happily and opened his mouth, pointing at his mouth, and waiting for Kiki to place some food into his mouth to feed him.
While Kiki and Jaejoong were having their breakfast, Kiki ordered some breakfast to be brought to the house for the rest to eat.
Waiter: Do you want us to serve it over to them now? Or later when you are finished?
Kiki: Hang on... Let me just give them a call to see if they are awake already or not...
Kiki dialled Max's mobile number. No answer. So she dialled Micky's instead. Still no answer.
Jaejoong: No answer?
Kiki: Yeah... I think they're all still sleeping... Probably had a late night brainstorming. How? What should we do?
Jaejoong: Erm... I think we should just order and when we're on our way walking back then they serve it to them.
Kiki: Not a bad idea... (turns to waiter) so can you serve it to them when we leave?
Waiter: Yes.
Kiki: Okay... You think the food's enough for them?
Jaejoong nodded.
Kiki: Okay. So that's all then. Kamsa hamnida.
After they finished their breakfast, they took a nice slow stroll back to their house. By the time they were back, the rest were already awake and eating their breakfast.
Max: Hyung, nuna, where did you guys go so early in the morning? Don't tell me you two stayed out on the beach all night? I thought I remembered that you guys were in when we left?
Jaejoong: Anio... We woke up early and went to see the sunrise at the beach before having our breakfast... Together...
Jaejoong turned and smiled at Kiki lovingly.
Micky: Wow... So romantic...
U-Know: Alright... Ppali ppali... After we have our breakfast, we have to get ready to go to see the sights immediately. It's already 6.30am. We'll need to leave at 7am sharp. Please be ready by then.
All: SO EARLY?!!!
U-Know (turns to Max and Theo): You guys forgot we planned to start the day early so we can see more?
Max and Theo: Oh yeah...
Micky: So what's on today's itinerary?
U-Know: We're going to the Seongeup Folk Village and the Jeju Folk Village Musuems first. That will take about 2 hours each. Then we'll break for lunch at the Musuem before we head to the "All In" house. I'll let you girls have a bit more time there... You have 1 hour to take pictures there. After that we'll move on to the Teddy Bear Museum, and tour for another 2 hours. Then we'll head to a nearby flea market for shopping and souvenirs, etc. You have till 7pm for that. Then we'll have our dinner first. And Junsu's games can come in if we're not too tired.
Everyone stared at U-Know who blabbered on the itinerary in one breath. Seriously, I think NO ONE managed to catch everything. Some were left scratching their heads in confusion. Particularly Xiah and Jaejoong.
Xiah: Hyung, that's a lot of places... (tries to count with his fingers, but keeps failing, cos he forgot how many places were listed) You sure we can finish all of them? And still be able to play my games?
U-Know: Well if you guys hurry we can...
Jaejoong: Don't expect me to remember anything... Cos I've only caught like half of what you said... Just be the tour guide and bring us along... You're driving right?
U-Know: Erm... (looks around at Theo and Max, who both can't drive) I think so... My group members can't drive...
Jaejoong: Good... Then I can relax and hang with my jagi...
Kiki hits Jaejoong on his arm.
Jaejoong: OUCH! What was that for?!!!
Kiki: Stop calling me that in front of them!!! You know how mushy it is?!!! I still have a name you know? And it's not JA-GI-YA!!!
Kiki ran back up into her room.
Jaejoong (in shock): But I...
The rest started laughing.
Max: Hyung, I think nuna's helping me get revenge...
Micky: Thank God SOMEONE knows it's so cold here we need to wear winter wear when it's summer...
Fifi: Jaejoong, just to let you know... So you don't "die" without knowing the reason... Kiki doesn't really like to people to give her nicknames or pet names... So...
Theo: Yeah... It's already good that she lets you call her that when you're alone... But now you keep calling her that in front of others, it's probably getting on her nerves...
U-Know: And she already asked you not to call her that in front of us last night... And you're still...
Jaejoong: Okay okay... Araso... I have to go appease her now... Hurry up otherwise we won't be able to get out at 7am...
All: Oh yeah...
Everyone rushed through their breakfast and hurriedly got ready for their day's sightseeing. Jaejoong managed to appease Kiki by promising that he won't do it again, in front of the rest. And she could give him a pet name, and call him that in front of the rest if she wished to. Of course Kiki didn't give him one. Cos that would be making her do the mushy talk instead of him.
The entire group set off on time at 7am and went about sightseeing the entire day, taking loads of pictures and videos. Kiki was taking videos with her HD digital camera while Max and Jaejoong took pics like mad. Max was using an antique manual camera that a fan gave to him and Jaejoong was using a semi-auto digital camera.
Throughout the entire tour, you could see that Xiah kept wanting to take pictures with Fifi alone. While U-Know just wanted to take pictures with Theo. Poor Micky was left out a lot of times since he wasn't holding a camera, while the two "couples" were taking photos. Strangely, as Jaejoong and Kiki were both taking pictures, they didn't really take a lot of photos. So since it was Jaejoong and Kiki's engagement party tour (or pre-honeymoon, as U-Know called it), Max (being the nice dongsaeng he was) made sure that they took pictures together at each location they went to. As a memento for them to remember the special moment.
By the end of the day, everyone was totally exhausted. And they had already taken over 1000 pictures of themselves. Seems that Jaejoong was not the only cam whore in the group... The rest were pretty cam whorish themselves too.
They settled down after dinner and washing up to play a game of "Pop-up Pirate". And poor U-Know ended up as the big loser, and being hit by everyone with two fingers till his forearm was red with streaks of where the rest had hit him. Theo was the most lenient on him, and hardly made a sound when she hit him. They went to rest in their respective rooms after the game and catching a movie on TV.
专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m

It was 5am in the morning. And Kiki stretched herself lazily as she opened her eyes slowly. She noticed that something was around her waist, she looked down into the quilt and realised that it was Jaejoong's arms around her. She turned herself around to face him. Kiki rolled over, placing her chin on his chest and looked at him, still asleep.
Kiki's thoughts: He was such a sweet guy. Very cute and adorable. Always capable of making me laugh. And those LONG eyelashes... sultry, smoky, electrifying eyes... How can a girl resist those! I can't help congratulating myself on getting such a great hubby. He was all I wanted in a nutshell. Talented, and all...I just love him to bits!
Jaejoong: Jagiya... What are you smiling about so early in the morning?
Jaejoong's voice broke through Kiki's thoughts. He reached out and pinched her nose.
Kiki: Nothing… Morning sleepy head.
Kiki snuggled up into Jaejoong's arms.
Kiki: What do you wanna do now?
Jaejoong: Well.. I dunno, have breakfast in bed, then a walk on the beach, some sight-seeing. And shopping with you, catch a movie too. Then coming back here, and hugging you to sleep! How's that?!
A cheeky smile flashed across Jaejoong's face as he said that.
Kiki: I meant now as in do we need to get up and make breakfast? Cos they didn't say anything about the itinerary today...
Jaejoong: Do we HAVE to follow what the rest plan?
Kiki: I think we'd better... They spent so much time planning it, it won't be nice if we skipped... This is after all more for us than for them...
Jaejoong: I know... But like you said it's for US... How come there's no alone time for US?
Kiki shrugged her shoulders.
Kiki: Time is short... So I guess not...
Jaejoong pouted and made an unsatisfied face. Kiki got up from the bed and sat up.
Kiki: Ha ha... Alright... We get up now and see if the rest are awake... If they are still sleeping then we can go out for a stroll at the beach and watch sunrise first before coming back with breakfast for the rest...
Jaejoong: *sigh* Hontoni????!!!! (REALLY????!!!)
Jaejoong shot up from the bed and grabbed Kiki by her shoulders and looked excitedly into her eyes. Kiki nodded her head.
Jaejoong: YEAH!!!! I'll go check now!!!!
Jaejoong jumped out of the bed and dashed out of the room.
Kiki (shaking her head): Aish~ Joongie... You dork...
Kiki could hear Jaejoong knocking on all the room doors hurriedly, then Jaejoong ran back in less than 5 minutes' time and dashed towards the bed, landing just in front of Kiki and propping his head on her lap.
Jaejoong: No one's awake yet. Kajang!!! (Let's go!!)
Kiki: Matte (Wait)... At least let me get changed and wash up first... My hair's a mess...
Jaejoong: You look fine...
Kiki got up and walked towards the mirror in the room and took a look at the mirror. Her hair looked like a bomb just hit her, flying up like mad. Jaejoong got up from the bed and followed her to the mirror.
Kiki: You call THIS fine? (pointing at her own crazy bedhair)
Jaejoong: Ne... You look cute like this...
Jaejoong hugs her from behind and looks at her in the mirror.
Kiki: No I don't... Let go and let me go wash up first...
Jaejoong: We don't have time...
Kiki: I'll be very fast... Just let me go now...
Jaejoong swiped Kiki off her feet into his arms immediately.
Kiki: What are you doing?!!!!
Jaejoong: This is faster... I'll go with you...
Kiki: YAH!!!!! Joongie!!!!
Jaejoong: Shhhh... Don't scream, don't want to wake the rest...
Jaejoong ran towards the bathroom with Kiki in his arms. And placed her down once they were inside. Kiki brushed her teeth and rinsed her face. Then she tried to wet her hair slightly to calm it down. But it wasn't working. After 5 minutes, Jaejoong was already impatient from waiting.
Jaejoong: Jagiya, are you done yet?
Kiki: My hair's not flattening... It's still very puffy... I think I need to shampoo it...
Jaejoong: WHAT???!!!!
Kiki: Shampoo my hair...
Jaejoong: ANDWAE!!!! You're coming with me now...
He swiped her into his arms again, and ran back into their room. He put Kiki down and rummaged his bag and pulled out a beanie. He ran over to Kiki and pulled his beanie over her head.
Jaejoong: Yeogi! You look fine already... Let's just change into some more presentable clothes and we can leave...
Kiki looked uncertainly at the beanie over her hair.
Kiki: You sure about this?
Jaejoong nodded his head repeatedly while grabbing clothes out from the cupboard for himself and Kiki.
Jaejoong: Here! Change into this... (pushing a set of clothes into Kiki's hands)
Then he took off his t-shirt. Kiki shut her eyes immediately.
Kiki: Wait... Let me go out first... I'm going to change in the bathroom...
Jaejoong leaned over and whispered into Kiki's ears.
Jaejoong: No time... Change here... I won't peep...
Kiki shook her head reluctantly.
Jaejoong: Or you want me to help you...
He placed his hand on Kiki's shoulder. Immediately she opened her eyes and took several steps away.
Kiki: You stand there and face the wall when you change...
Jaejoong smiled and walked over to face the wall as he changed. Once Kiki was sure he wasn't looking, she took off her t-shirt and shorts and changed into the clothes Jaejoong picked out.
Jaejoong: Let me know when you're done...
Kiki got a shock when she heard Jaejoong speak. She thought he has turned again. So she turned around to see if he was peeping. He wasn't.
Kiki's thoughts: Thank god you keep your promises...
Kiki hurriedly got dressed.
Kiki: I'm done...
Jaejoong: Okay... Kajang...
And he grabbed Kiki's hand and pulled her out of the house towards the beach. They reached the beach where the sand was so fine and white as snow, and the sea water was so clear that the bottom could be seen. The sun had just started rising from the horizon, and it made the water a mixture of orange and purple, while the surface glistened in the light. The sight took Kiki's breath away.
Kiki: Wow... It's so beautiful...
Kiki slipped out of her slippers and stepped on the fine white sand. The sensation was incredible. She walked towards the water, Jaejoong let her let go of his hand as she walked towards the water. He looked at her as she walked to the water. The sea breeze blew lightly at her face. Her hair was safely tucked inside his beanie. She looked so cute wearing shorts and walking barefoot on the beach with a beanie over her head, early in the morning at sunrise.
He walked over to Kiki and embraced her into his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder.
Kiki: Isn't this the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
Jaejoong turned slightly to look at Kiki. Her eyes looked blissful and the corner of her lips curved ever so slightly, forming a "hidden kiss" at the corner of her mouth. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the corner of her mouth.
Jaejoong: Ne...
He turned her face over to face him.
Jaejoong: You are...
Then he leaned in and engulfed her lips with his. Slowly Kiki gave in to the kiss, and she turned herself so that he had better access to her lips. He embraced her back into his arms and slowly parted her lips with his tongue, turning the kiss into a passionate French kiss. Kiki placed her hands around Jaejoong's neck and grabbed his hair softly.
By the time they parted from their kiss, the sun had already risen up and they could feel the warm rays of the morning sun on their skin. Jaejoong rested his forehead on Kiki's and looked into her eyes and smiled.
Jaejoong: Hungry?
Kiki nodded her head. Jaejoong gave another peck on Kiki's cheeks that were already blushing red from the kissing and the sun, and took her hand in his and led her back towards the resort to get some breakfast.
They strolled hand in hand to the restaurant.
Waiter: Table for two sir?
Jaejoong: Ne...
Waiter: This way please...
Jaejoong: Kamsahamnida...
The waiter led them to a table with a sea view, and left after getting their orders for beverages.
Jaejoong: What would you like to eat? I'll get it for you...
Kiki: No need... I'll get it myself...
Jaejoong: You don't want me to serve you?
Kiki: No need... I have hands and feet... I can do it myself...
Jaejoong: I thought I was your humble servant?
Kiki: Ha ha ha... Yeah... But you're just a dishwasher... You don't have to wait on me... Don't make me sound like a tyrant mistress...
Jaejoong: But I'd love to wait on you...
Jaejoong reaches his hand over and grasped Kiki's hand tightly, while looking at her lovingly.
Kiki: I'm going to get my food now...
Kiki gets up and walks away towards the buffet spread.
Jaejoong: Hey, wait up...
Jaejoong dashed out of his seat after Kiki, and grabs her hand. And Jaejoong refused to let go of her hand when she wanted to grab a plate for her food.
Jaejoong: I'll hold the plate for you, you take whatever you want...
So they went around taking the food like Siamese twins, with Jaejoong holding the plate for Kiki, and Kiki picking the food. When the plate was full, they walked back to the table. Kiki sat down.
Kiki: Aren't you gonna get some for yourself?
Jaejoong: I'll eat from your plate... Then we can go and get more together when we're done...
And he took his fork and stole a sausage from Kiki's plate. Kiki smiled as she looked at him enjoy the food from her plate.
Kiki's thoughts: Babo...
Jaejoong: Stop thinking of me, and eat... I'm just sitting in front of you... You can just look at me... No need to think so hard...
Kiki: Who said I was thinking of you?
Jaejoong: Then who are you thinking of? If it's not me?
Kiki (straight-faced): Well... In fact... I WAS thinking of someone else...
Jaejoong looked at her in surprise.
Jaejoong: Really? You're thinking of another guy and not me? Who is it?!!! Tell me!!! I'm gonna murder that guy!!!
Kiki (matter-of-factly): No need to be so violent... It's someone you know too...
Jaejoong: WHAT? Don't tell me it's... Don't tell me you're thinking of one of TVXQ's members...
Kiki: Yeah....
Jaejoong: I knew it!!! It must be that dandy boy Park Yoochun!!! He's got so many girlfriends, and still wants to steal mine.... That traitor!!!
Kiki: Calm down... People are looking at you...
Kiki looked around to see if there were anyone around. It was so early no guests were around except the two of them.
Jaejoong: How dare he steal his hyung's girlfriend!!!!
Kiki burst out laughing.
Kiki: Calm down Joongie... I'm just playing with you... I was thinking of the rest, if they were awake yet, and if they were hungry... That's all...
Jaejoong: So you're not thinking of Yoochun?
Kiki: Well strictly speaking, in a way I was... Since he IS one of THE REST... But it's not like what you were blabbering about... No one is going to steal me away from you...
Jaejoong: Promise?
Kiki: Yeah... Promise...
Jaejoong heaved a sigh of relief.
Kiki: Unless I want them to...
Jaejoong: Kiki!!!!
Kiki giggled again.
Kiki: Just kidding... *giggle*
Jaejoong: Don't joke about such things... You gave me a heart attack just now...
Kiki: Calm down... You're such a babo (fool) when you're in love you know... Don't you already know how I feel about you? I promise you... I'll stay with you... yongwonhi (forever) ... Yakusoku (promise)... Sarangheyo (I love you)...
Kiki leans in and gives Jaejoong a kiss on his lips.
Kiki: Now can we eat?
Jaejoong: Ahhhhh....
Jaejoong nodded his head happily and opened his mouth, pointing at his mouth, and waiting for Kiki to place some food into his mouth to feed him.
While Kiki and Jaejoong were having their breakfast, Kiki ordered some breakfast to be brought to the house for the rest to eat.
Waiter: Do you want us to serve it over to them now? Or later when you are finished?
Kiki: Hang on... Let me just give them a call to see if they are awake already or not...
Kiki dialled Max's mobile number. No answer. So she dialled Micky's instead. Still no answer.
Jaejoong: No answer?
Kiki: Yeah... I think they're all still sleeping... Probably had a late night brainstorming. How? What should we do?
Jaejoong: Erm... I think we should just order and when we're on our way walking back then they serve it to them.
Kiki: Not a bad idea... (turns to waiter) so can you serve it to them when we leave?
Waiter: Yes.
Kiki: Okay... You think the food's enough for them?
Jaejoong nodded.
Kiki: Okay. So that's all then. Kamsa hamnida.
After they finished their breakfast, they took a nice slow stroll back to their house. By the time they were back, the rest were already awake and eating their breakfast.
Max: Hyung, nuna, where did you guys go so early in the morning? Don't tell me you two stayed out on the beach all night? I thought I remembered that you guys were in when we left?
Jaejoong: Anio... We woke up early and went to see the sunrise at the beach before having our breakfast... Together...
Jaejoong turned and smiled at Kiki lovingly.
Micky: Wow... So romantic...
U-Know: Alright... Ppali ppali... After we have our breakfast, we have to get ready to go to see the sights immediately. It's already 6.30am. We'll need to leave at 7am sharp. Please be ready by then.
All: SO EARLY?!!!
U-Know (turns to Max and Theo): You guys forgot we planned to start the day early so we can see more?
Max and Theo: Oh yeah...
Micky: So what's on today's itinerary?
U-Know: We're going to the Seongeup Folk Village and the Jeju Folk Village Musuems first. That will take about 2 hours each. Then we'll break for lunch at the Musuem before we head to the "All In" house. I'll let you girls have a bit more time there... You have 1 hour to take pictures there. After that we'll move on to the Teddy Bear Museum, and tour for another 2 hours. Then we'll head to a nearby flea market for shopping and souvenirs, etc. You have till 7pm for that. Then we'll have our dinner first. And Junsu's games can come in if we're not too tired.
Everyone stared at U-Know who blabbered on the itinerary in one breath. Seriously, I think NO ONE managed to catch everything. Some were left scratching their heads in confusion. Particularly Xiah and Jaejoong.
Xiah: Hyung, that's a lot of places... (tries to count with his fingers, but keeps failing, cos he forgot how many places were listed) You sure we can finish all of them? And still be able to play my games?
U-Know: Well if you guys hurry we can...
Jaejoong: Don't expect me to remember anything... Cos I've only caught like half of what you said... Just be the tour guide and bring us along... You're driving right?
U-Know: Erm... (looks around at Theo and Max, who both can't drive) I think so... My group members can't drive...
Jaejoong: Good... Then I can relax and hang with my jagi...
Kiki hits Jaejoong on his arm.
Jaejoong: OUCH! What was that for?!!!
Kiki: Stop calling me that in front of them!!! You know how mushy it is?!!! I still have a name you know? And it's not JA-GI-YA!!!
Kiki ran back up into her room.
Jaejoong (in shock): But I...
The rest started laughing.
Max: Hyung, I think nuna's helping me get revenge...
Micky: Thank God SOMEONE knows it's so cold here we need to wear winter wear when it's summer...
Fifi: Jaejoong, just to let you know... So you don't "die" without knowing the reason... Kiki doesn't really like to people to give her nicknames or pet names... So...
Theo: Yeah... It's already good that she lets you call her that when you're alone... But now you keep calling her that in front of others, it's probably getting on her nerves...
U-Know: And she already asked you not to call her that in front of us last night... And you're still...
Jaejoong: Okay okay... Araso... I have to go appease her now... Hurry up otherwise we won't be able to get out at 7am...
All: Oh yeah...
Everyone rushed through their breakfast and hurriedly got ready for their day's sightseeing. Jaejoong managed to appease Kiki by promising that he won't do it again, in front of the rest. And she could give him a pet name, and call him that in front of the rest if she wished to. Of course Kiki didn't give him one. Cos that would be making her do the mushy talk instead of him.
The entire group set off on time at 7am and went about sightseeing the entire day, taking loads of pictures and videos. Kiki was taking videos with her HD digital camera while Max and Jaejoong took pics like mad. Max was using an antique manual camera that a fan gave to him and Jaejoong was using a semi-auto digital camera.
Throughout the entire tour, you could see that Xiah kept wanting to take pictures with Fifi alone. While U-Know just wanted to take pictures with Theo. Poor Micky was left out a lot of times since he wasn't holding a camera, while the two "couples" were taking photos. Strangely, as Jaejoong and Kiki were both taking pictures, they didn't really take a lot of photos. So since it was Jaejoong and Kiki's engagement party tour (or pre-honeymoon, as U-Know called it), Max (being the nice dongsaeng he was) made sure that they took pictures together at each location they went to. As a memento for them to remember the special moment.
By the end of the day, everyone was totally exhausted. And they had already taken over 1000 pictures of themselves. Seems that Jaejoong was not the only cam whore in the group... The rest were pretty cam whorish themselves too.
They settled down after dinner and washing up to play a game of "Pop-up Pirate". And poor U-Know ended up as the big loser, and being hit by everyone with two fingers till his forearm was red with streaks of where the rest had hit him. Theo was the most lenient on him, and hardly made a sound when she hit him. They went to rest in their respective rooms after the game and catching a movie on TV.
专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m
SilentYakuzaVampireGirlLover -- 24 January 2008 at 8:15 p.m.
AHHH! I like it!
Jaelo -- 24 January 2008 at 10:35 p.m.
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