Sunday, April 16, 2006

Destined 遐想 - Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Toro vs Show

“Hey guys… wait up!” Ting shouted across the basketball court, and started running towards our group.

“Hey guys, I forgot that I’ve a paper due this week, I’ve gotta go do research on it now… Enjoy yourselves.” Toro saw Ting.

His face turned painfully sad when he saw her holding hands with Show. He abruptly made an excuse for himself and left.


I attempted to make him stay upon seeing his expression, but he left before I could finish my sentence. There was nothing I could do…

Poor guy, I thought, he must be devastated…

I must try to talk to Ting about this sometime soon…

“Sorry I’m late… Show’s shift ended late, I had to wait for him…” Ting explained panting at the same time.

“Yeah… it’s my fault, if you wanna blame anyone blame me… don’t blame Ting…” Show protectively added.

The whole group was stunned by the couple’s speedy progress in their relationship. They had scarcely known each other, only less than a week, and they were already like a steady couple that had been dating for months or even years, judging by the looks of it.

“How come Toro’s leaving already? We just got here!” Ting asked, puzzled.

“He has to do research for his paper…” I murmured, “how can anyone bear staying here and see the two of you like this…”.

“OK I’m starved let’s get going!!!” Ah Di complained.

Things went on like this for several more gatherings, and soon Ting began to notice Toro’s constant absence from our gatherings and asked me about it.

“Cous… how come Toro’s never around when we meet nowadays? He seems to ALWAYS be busy with something…”

“He’s just busy with school… You know how things are… Sometimes I’m so busy that I can’t even make time for Roy…”

“… You sure it’s JUST schoolwork??… And he’s not avoiding me and Show purposely??”

“…Erm…what do you think the answer is?”

“…The latter…”

“Well then why do you still have to ask me then? YOU, yourself, already know the answer!”

“…I just wanted to confirm if my intuition’s correct… Is it because…”

“You KNOW why things are like this… so don’t ask me… I really don’t wanna be involved in this messy business of love… especially when it’s YOUR mess… You’ve to clean it up yourself… Don’t even think of dragging me into it… Toro’s been my friend longer than Show, and I think that things are going too fast between you and Show… I know Toro might seem happy-go-lucky and really easy-going… but I think that he’s a REALLY caring boyfriend whom would go to great lengths to make his girlfriend happy… It’s just that you’re not destined to be that girl I guess…*sign*”

“I know that he’s a great guy… but… I just don’t have that kind of feeling for him… that kind of chemistry… that kind of excitement that’ll make me blush at the sight and thought of him… It’s different with Show… I feel the chemistry and instant attraction…”

“Well if you feel this way… there’s nothing that I can say or do anymore… Furthermore this is YOUR own relationship… No one can tell you what to do or whom to choose… it’s all your own call…Whatever your decision is… as your cous… I’ll always support you…”

Toro was walking towards the canteen to meet the guys when he saw Ting walking from another side to the canteen.

Almost immediately he stopped dead in his tracks.

“Oh no…Ting’s going to the canteen too… I’ll have to cancel on the guys then… I can’t see her…with Show….”

He turned and started walking away from the canteen, whilst dialing Milk’s handphone number…

“Toro…Toro… Toro wait up!!!”

It was Ting . She had noticed Toro scurrying off and had decided to give chase and to get things sorted out so that they could be friends again…

“Where are you going? Aren’t you coming for our gathering? I saw you walking towards the canteen, how come you’re rushing off??”

“…I forgot that I’ve to hand up an assignment due today… I’ve gotta go hand it up now…Erm… tell the others I’m sorry for not coming for the gathering… I gotta go now…”

“You’re avoiding me, aren’t you?”


“I know you are… You don’t have to deny it… Can’t we be friends like before? Before ALL the silly competition started… back to the first time we met at the airport… remember how well we got on together… It was as if we had known each other for ages… even before we met…”

Ting turned to steal a glimpse at Toro’s reaction.


No visible reaction on his face…

But his eyes revealed a glimmer of agreement with Ting…

So she pressed further…

“Don’t you want me as a friend anymore?? You just wanna give up a friend so easily?? Or you’ve never considered me as your friend at all, that’s why you’re giving up so easily…”

“…It’s not that… I agree with you…”

“I guess… It’s time I got over it and face it like an adult…” Toro murmured under his breath.

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