Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hug 拥抱 - 东方神起

只要让我做一天你温暖的睡床 Oh Baby
可以温柔的把你搂在我的怀中 哄着你入眠
梦中每个细小动作 轻声在你的耳边诉说
都会让我的把所有怪兽在你梦里 Oh

没有我你如何度过 你又是怎么消磨时间
会不会爱我好像听你说 是否有我爱你的多
悄悄藏在你抽屉里 成为你心情的日记
不能知道的你的小秘密 全都放进我的心里 好好地

我幻想有一天能变成你的猫咪 Oh Baby
它可以品尝你倒的牛奶 而且在你手心淘气
每次和它开心玩耍 抱紧它时动作的亲密
都会让我感到有一丝小小的妒嫉 Oh

无论在哪里 只想看着你

哪怕只有一天也好 我想做你的亲蜜情人
胜利的骄傲 忧伤的烦恼

In my heart in my soul 爱原来空白陌生
对我是那么难懂 Uh baby
想把世界上 所有美好都给你 即使在梦里

这些就是我的爱情 希望能一直看着你
有一些感激 在这幸福里

无论何时在你身边 我们一定可以相恋
搂你在怀中 紧紧抱着你

1 comment:

专属天使の悪戯なKiss said...

The one song that TVXQ recorded in Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, and English!!!

This is the Mandarin version's lyrics...

Korean and Japanese versions have similar translated lyrics...

As for the English one... It's kinda different... The MV is nicer than the original... But the lyrics' meaning is slightly different...

I still prefer the Korean and Mandarin versions better...

Jaejoongie likes to sing the Korean version with a funny 拉音 of the words "sepom...", which i think means "want to", and "oh baby" from his first line in the song...

very hilarious...

n he oso likes to sing it in Mandarin... the first line, which is sung by him...

"只要让我做一天你温暖的睡床 Oh Baby...可以温柔的把你搂在我的怀中哄着你入眠..."

awww.... isn't he sweet???