Tuesday, April 10, 2007


[WU] June 04: Matsujun's letter to his future wife, son, and himself

Credits: UsagiChan (translation), Gem (editing), please don't repost without permission

To my future wife, hajimemashite. I am the 20-year-old Matsumoto Jun. I don’t know how old your husband Jun is, but is he a good husband? Does he bring back enough money to feed the family well? Does he take good care of you? Too much care, perhaps? I believe we’re together because we’ve achieved balance in these areas. From now on let’s continue standing on our own two feet. I won’t try to oppose you even if you want to divorce me, because we only have one life to live. I hope we can live this life with as few regrets as possible. But whatever we do, don’t let it affect the children. So, have I given you the wedding ring yet? How does it look like? Is it beautiful? Simple? Or a ring that can’t ever be described as beautiful? If you haven’t received it yet, rest assured that one day I will give you a really wonderful ring, so please be patient. Douzo yoroshiku.

To my future son. I don’t know your name, so I’ll just call you ‘son’ for now. Son, what’s your name? Do you like your name? Your name is something that will follow you throughout your life, so you have to cherish it. Recently I watched the Yokohama’s pitcher on a TV programme. I could tell from his conversation that Sasaki-san shares a great relationship with his son. I hope we can share a good relationship too. Even though we’re father and son, I hope that we can also be friends. If we can be like that, it’ll really be sugoi ne. The future me will see your growing up years. Your happy face, sad face, touched face. Although I’m just imagining it now, it’s still making me excited. I’m really looking forward to the future. So, the both of us must take good care of ourselves.

To the future me. How are you? As usual? I don’t know how many years from now you’ll read this, or what you’re doing right now. What frame of mind have you been in during the years from my present to your present? How much % of my present self makes up your self? Do you still think deeply about both serious and silly things? Do you laugh at silly lame things? Do you still have the same hobbies? What is your goal in life? I don’t have the power to imagine these things. I’m sure I’ll be given a boost if the present me is able to meet you now. I think if I saw you just once, I’ll be able to understand my strengths and faults more clearly.

Credits: UsagiChan (translation), Gem (editing), please don't repost without permission

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